Legend of the Asura

Chapter 134: Dustless Sword

Chapter 134: Dustless Sword

Young miss of the Tang Sect, shes still the same even after being married for several years.  Still cunning and unreasonable.  Feng Xiao helplessly shook his head.  The chance to change Jobs had been cut off by her.

Jing Tians house should be in the north of YuzhouCan I secretly enter it?  Feng Xiao thought about it before deciding to give it a try.  After all, the enticement of the Hidden Job was too much.

Feng Xiao quickly stood up and walked towards the door, but he suddenly felt a chill from the right for some reason.  He doubtfully turned and saw that there was a bookcase there.  It was a bit worn out because of age and under the leg of the bookshelf, there was a sword that wasnt long that was placed there.  There was a thick layer of dust on it and it seemed like no one had moved it in years.

Feng Xiao quickly used his Heavenly Eyes to search for the source of the aura.  When his eyes fell onto the completely abandoned sword, he was shocked before his heart almost jumped out.

Dustless Sword: Divine Weapon

Requirements: 1000 Strength, level 80 close range combat Job

Attack speed: Quite quick

Ancient divine sword with incomparable might.  Has the ability to cut through the skies and cut open the earth.

Stats: Attack +3000, Attack +30%, Crit +30%, Accuracy +50%, has a 30% chance of causing rend damage on attacks.


Dustless True Dragon Strike: Turns sword energy into a dragon and attacks enemies in a line.  Has a range of 100 meters.  Has a cooldown of 10 minutes.

Earth Shattering Slash: Uses the Dustless Swords sword energy to cut the heavens and earth.  Attacks all enemies in a 50 meter range.  Has a cooldown of 1 hour.

Ultimate Skill:

God Killing Crush: With the profound ultimate power of the Dustless Sword, condenses all the divine power of the Dustless Sword to release a strike that can even kill break gods.  Can be used once per day.

Feng Xiaos tears and saliva dripped down together.

My god, its a Divine Weapon, its actually a Divine Weapon!  Its the legendary Divine Weapon that even the heavens wanted to destroy because they feared it!

But although he had found it, it wasnt his.

Moreover, why could only those that were level 80 use it?

Xiao Tian, if there was a Divine Sword in front of you, would you choose to be a gentleman or a thief?  Feng Xiao asked Xiao Tian through the communication device.

EhBoss, are you sleepwalking??


......Wait, boss, are you telling the truth?  Damn!  Boss, I kneel down to you!  You have to be a thief for your brother!  Your brother would walk through fire and ice and would never forget boss grace  Xiao Tian wildly shouted out.  Chen Bing who was fighting a mob with him was surprised by this and quickly moved ten meters away for safety.

Forget it, for Xiao Tian, he would be a thief this one time.

This kind of Divine Weapon was thrown here like trash, this Jing Tian was either crazy or he didnt care at all.

Anyway, that fellow Jing Tian had thrown it away, so it would be a waste not to pick it up.  Feng Xiao didnt hesitate any longer and picked up the Dustless Sword to put in his inventory.  It was at this time that Li San Si came in.

Senior Feng, I'm really sorry.  Master wifes temper isnt good, so seniors matter will be delayed for a bit.  Li San Si said with a bit of guilt.

Feng Xiao kept saying it was fine before suddenly thinking of something and taking out a yellow blueprint from his inventory, Brother Li, this blueprint seems to be something that you lost, so I can give it back to you now.

Seeing this blueprint, Li San Si was stunned before revealing a bitter smile, Senior Feng, I accidentally found this blueprint when I was searching around the mountain behind masters home, so I never knew how to use it.  Its no use to keep it here, so I might as well hand it to senior and see if you can use it.

Feng Xiao didnt waste words and put it back in his back.  He took out a glittering herb from his inventory that he gave Li San Si.

Ice Spirit Herb!

Li San Si excitedly took it and looked at Feng Xiao with even more reverence.

Senior really was senior, he could even pick this Ice Spirit Grass even when facing an Immortal Beast.  It seemed like Fenger would be happy.

San Si thanks senior.  I ask senior to stay in Yuzhou for a few more days, San Si will definitely solve this matter for senior.  Li San Si quickly left after thanking him as he couldnt wait to find his iron fisted Fei Feng.

Xiao Tian, your Divine Weapon is in hand.  Without waiting for Xiao Tian to say anything, Feng Xiao hung up.

Tang Xue Jian!  This young master is coming!  Feng Xiao waved his hand and walked out of the building, heading towards the north of Yuzhou.

Feng Xiao had been quite angered by Tang Xue Jian because he had been completely ignoredSomeone who had never been ignored before naturally couldnt tolerate being ignored.

Although the river of Yuzhou wasnt wide and he could see the other shore, it was still fifty meters away.  The wooden boats by the shore didnt seem reliable and Feng Xiao couldnt fly over with a sword like Jing Tian, so he called out Xiao Bai and walked on the water to the shock of countless people.

The north of Yuzhou was even more lively than the south, but Feng Xiao wasnt in the mood to appreciate it.  After walking around for half an hour, he finally arrived at his destination.

How should I go in?  Feng Xiao saw the high fence and revealed a depressed look.

He naturally couldnt go in through the front door since the master here was Tang Xue Jian, so she would definitely charge out.

Feng Xiao hesitated for a while before finally choosing the humiliation of going through the back door.

Yuzhou City was very big and the alleys were very long.  Feng Xiao took close to half an hour to reach the back of the mountain and took more than ten minutes to find the back door.

Jing Tians house had a thick forest behind it and there were several hills that were several dozen meters tall.  There were worn out houses by them which made them feel quite dark.

Because there was the chance of being suspected of being a thief, Feng Xiao was very careful with his approach.  In order to make it easier to escape, he memorized the position of the hills. Very soon, he was surprised to find that he was already there.

Could it be because I saw it in the game?  But the game shouldnt have had this scene.

Feng Xiao sat on the ground to seriously think for a bit.  His personality made it so that he wouldnt let off a single strange detail.

AFter thinking for a long time, Feng Xiao suddenly had an inspiration and took out the yellow blueprint.

There were countless lines on the blueprint, along with black dots and large dots and a large white mark in the center.  Feng Xiao quickly understood why he was familiar with this place.  It was because the dots on the blueprint were the same as the distribution of the hills.

Feng Xiao suddenly had an idea.  He stopped moving forward and slowly headed towards the white spot marked on the blueprint.

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