Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 119: Moon Hotel

Chapter 119: Moon Hotel

Su'en leaped onto the roof of the warehouse, and his eight spider arms displayed superior displacement abilities that ignored the terrain obstacles.

Crawling horizontally, moving vertically, jumping...

The black-clothed men were more well-trained than expected. As soon as he reached the rooftop, the guards outside noticed him and started shooting wildly.

Su'en manipulated his spider legs to swiftly dash on the warehouse roof, not daring to touch the ground. Instead, he climbed along the pipeline connecting the warehouse to another building.

Fortunately, with the eight legs able to grip the pipeline and the steel wire traction in his mechanical gloves, he leaped into the opposite building floor. He rushed in and finally shook off the black-clothed men on the ground.

Then Su'en continued to run without stopping.

Fortunately, the buildings in the inner city were very crowded. With his ability to climb walls using spider legs, he quickly reached two blocks away.

Then, he found a secluded alley and stopped.


Su'en put away his disguise and quickly used hemostatic powder to treat the wounds on his legs.

Although he had tried his best to avoid it, he was shot in the leg when he was stuck to the iron pillar while climbing in the warehouse.

He quickly took off his blood-stained clothes, bandaged the wound, and changed into a set of high-end suits similar to those worn by residents in the inner city. He washed off the smoky makeup on his face, put on a wig and a hat, and pressed the brim of the hat down low. He also sprayed himself with deodorant.

After doing all this, Su'en quickly stored the changed clothes in his storage ring.

Then, he looked at the thick book named "Precious New Pearl" in his hand, with a slightly complicated expression.

When he escaped just now, he casually put the book into his pocket with the spider spear.

The book cover was naturally a disguise. Even without reading the content, he knew that it was definitely Isaac's alchemy manuscript.

In the black market, a page of the manuscript could be auctioned for three million Lisuo, and this book had at least five hundred pages.

However, it was not because he coveted the value of this manuscript.

It was because whether he took it or not, his situation couldn't get any worse.

The other party came with the intention of killing him.

Moreover, as an outer city gangster who managed to escape from a second-tier professional, if he were the previous ice mage, he would definitely not let himself go.

More importantly... by killing those black-clothed men during the breakout, he had already sealed his fate!

After all, those black-clothed men were not the ordinary thugs Su'en had expected, but members of the "Umbrella Organization"!


When the war started earlier, Su'en was very puzzled.

Although there were many inner city professionals, it was not necessary to send a second-tier professional and a reorganized professional team to intercept an outer city gang.

After harvesting the memories of the two corpses killed by the spider spear, Su'en finally knew the true identity of these bandits.

At that moment, Su'en had no illusions.

The Umbrella Organization was the most formidable force in Old Lingdun. He had heard about it when he was in the gang. Others could be killed, but not the people from this organization.

Kill one, and they would relentlessly pursue until the end.

Now that he had killed so many, they would definitely chase him to the end.

Moreover, others didn't know the identity of the original owner, but the "Umbrella Organization," the largest intelligence agency in Old Lingdun, definitely knew.

Once caught, there was only death.

Oh, and they would also extract all the secrets before killing.


Su'en knew that this escort was not a coincidence. To some extent, he was "involved" because of Kay.

The cadre who arranged for them to be in charge of this escort was most likely the Smoker.

That guy wanted to send Kay into the inner city...

So, did the Smoker want to send Kay to the Umbrella Organization?

This puzzled Su'en as well.

Since the Smoker was a mole, the intelligence about this escort was most likely leaked by him.

But how could the Smoker be an undercover agent for the Umbrella Organization?

Su'en felt that there was a problem with this chain of relationships.

He had previously speculated that the mole in the Cross Society should be someone from an opposing faction of a hostile conglomerate in the inner city, similar to Lady Philov's "level." It shouldn't be someone from an official department.

Now, there were more and more doubts.

For example, such an important notebook, Chuck, an outer city gangster, definitely couldn't keep it safe. How did it get leaked?

Since the Smoker was a member of the Umbrella Organization, why didn't the authorities directly intervene at the beginning?

Could the Smoker be a double agent?

Or, within the Cross Society, were there factors that even the Umbrella Organization feared?

Too many things didn't make sense.

Perhaps the content of the notebook could provide some answers, but it was obviously not suitable to read it now.


The notebook couldn't be stored in the storage ring either, but fortunately, it was not big. Su'en could stuff it into the inner pocket of his coat.

After changing his clothes, he didn't stay in the alley and walked straight out.

"I definitely can't leave through the city gate. I need to think of another way..."

As Su'en walked, he pondered on the countermeasures in his mind.

His steps were light, showing no signs of impatience. Just like an ordinary resident in the inner city, he leisurely walked on the street, not at all like a fugitive.

Now, what he needed to do was to escape from the inner city as soon as possible.The Cross Society used to have some channels to smuggle out of the city, but since they found out that the enemy is the Umbrella Organization and that Yan Gui is a mole, those channels are no longer trustworthy.

After excluding several plans to leave the city, he came up with a feasible plan.

"The 'Number 7 Research Institute' where Danny used to stay is on Queen Street in District 4. The sewer there is connected to the ancient sewer system. This is currently the only safe plan to leave the city..."

Su'en had asked Danny for detailed escape routes and knew the exact location that leads to the outer city sewer.

But once the plan was established, another problem arose.

To go from District 5 to District 4, he had to cross a large district, which was very risky.

Su'en thought of Danny's highly sensitive sense of smell.

He was certain that even if the Umbrella Organization's intelligence agency didn't have someone with the same ability, they would definitely have similar tracking methods.

Now that he had temporarily shaken off the pursuers, the most likely possibility was that they would track him by scent.

After all, he had been shot and bleeding, and his scent was left on the truck. There was no room for luck.

While thinking about this, Su'en walked towards a nearby bus stop.

When he reached the bus stop, he stopped in front of the bus route map for a moment and took note of the general road layout in District 5.

Then he hailed a taxi and got in.

He had to escape as soon as possible before the enemy closed in.


Just a few minutes after Su'en got on the car, several men in trench coats hurriedly arrived at the bus stop.

They were holding a deformed ugly dog.

The ugly dog sniffed around the bus route map where Su'en had been standing before, then barked towards the east street.

Seeing this, the man holding the dog picked up a communicator and reported, "Attention all units, the target has boarded a transportation vehicle. From the West Gate Station of Mailin Road, heading west towards District 6."

Shortly after the report, a car arrived, and the men got in with the dog.

On the other hand, Su'en, who was riding in the taxi, took the opportunity when the driver wasn't paying attention to stuff the blood-stained clothes he had changed out of into the gap between the back seats.

Then, after only two stops, he got off and went to the opposite street.

He changed to another taxi and headed towards District 4 in the opposite direction.

He didn't think that such a small trick could deceive the enemy completely, but he hoped it would buy him some time.

However, it was clear that this anti-tracking technique could mislead the pursuers but couldn't stop another inescapable method of the Umbrella Organization - roadblocks!


Su'en was riding in this taxi, about to leave District 5, when he saw a roadblock checkpoint at an intersection.

The guys from the Umbrella Organization had obviously already considered this and wanted to trap him in District 5.

This was a one-way street, and now even if Su'en held a gun to the driver's head and told him to turn around, it would be meaningless.

He saw the checkpoint, and the people in the checkpoint naturally saw him too.

Turning around would only expose him faster.

Seeing the inspection, the taxi driver complained, "Oh, why did they suddenly close the road during the day? It's too early to check for drunk driving... And it's not the guys from the Public Security Bureau, it seems to be the people from the special department of the municipal government. Could it be to catch fugitives..."

The driver muttered to himself, suddenly thinking of something. Then he glanced at the passenger in the back seat from the corner of his eye. Seeing that he was calm as usual, he didn't pay much attention.

Su'en naturally noticed the driver's gaze on him, but he didn't say anything or jump out of the car. He calmly sat in the back seat.

The vehicle drove over and was indeed stopped.

Several guys in trench coats knocked on the driver's window, "Sir, please show your identification card."

The driver took out his identification card and held it in his hand. The card emitted a green light.

The inspector looked at it, compared it, and handed it back, "Thank you for your cooperation."

The anti-counterfeiting technology of the inner city identification card was extremely difficult to forge.

It was useless to use someone else's card because it was bound to the biological information of the cardholder. It would only emit light when held by the cardholder.

Su'en naturally couldn't produce such a thing, and he didn't have the intention to do so.

His actions naturally caught the attention of the inspector, and several people surrounded him.

This situation was about to be exposed.

But even so, Su'en didn't draw his gun. Instead, he calmly rolled down the car window and coldly asked the person next to the door, "Who is in charge here?"

When he spoke, he showed no signs of fear as a fugitive. His expression was resolute and calm. He even deliberately released a bit of the killing intent that he had honed in actual combat.

This question caught the trench coat man off guard, and his mind was momentarily stunned by the imposing aura. He instinctively responded, "It's... Captain Mogos."

Su'en didn't give him a chance to ask back. He said in a calm but unquestionable tone, "Call him over."

The man was stunned for a moment, then turned his body and said a few words to the man with a square face who was inspecting another car at the checkpoint.

Before long, the square-faced man walked over and asked, "Sir, did you call for me?"As he spoke, he was also sizing up Su'en, clearly taken aback by his imposing aura. Instinctively, he felt that this was a high-ranking professional with authority, strength, and a significant position.

Without giving him much time to think, Su'en uttered a baffling phrase: "The eternally slumbering are not the deceased, even death itself will dissipate in the mysterious eons."

The driver was utterly confused by these words. However, the square-faced man by the door turned pale upon hearing them, suddenly showing respect and saluting on the spot: "Comrade Colonel!"


Su'en waved his hand, not saying anything unnecessary, and ordered the driver: "Drive!"

Seeing the man outside the car saluting, the driver was stunned for a moment, realizing that there was a big shot in the car.

Upon hearing the command to "drive", he unconsciously started the vehicle.

Although the man in the trench coat felt something was off, before he could react, the car had already left the checkpoint.


Su'en sat expressionlessly in the back seat, glancing through the rearview mirror at the people in the checkpoint who didn't chase after them. Only then did he relax his hand that was touching the gun.

If his previous trick hadn't worked, he would have had to draw his gun and start a firefight by now.

This secret phrase was something he had heard when he encountered the 'Blind Detective' Bill in the cursed space of the basement at 88 Ginkgo Street.

He hadn't been able to use it at the time, but now it came in handy.

"So this is the exclusive secret phrase of the Umbrella Organization's colonels?"

Su'en had a moment of realization. The square-faced man had immediately mentioned a position upon hearing it, which was obviously the correct way to use the "secret phrase".

But it couldn't be that simple, there must be some follow-up phrases.

Su'en didn't know the rest, so he intentionally didn't give those guys time to react and urged the driver to start the car.

The deliberately revealed murderous aura was also to make that man instinctively think that he was a high-ranking official within the organization.

But this method had too many flaws. It might have worked on a normal day, but it was bound to cause trouble today.

Seeing the taxi leaving the sight of the checkpoint, Su'en got out of the car.

He couldn't take public transportation anymore.


Meanwhile, at the Umbrella Organization's District Five Command Center.

"Command Center, we have intercepted a suspect in a taxi and found a set of blood-stained clothes. The information was incorrect, the suspect has switched to the opposite direction towards District Four."

"All units be advised, check every vehicle passing through the related routes, especially public transportation. The suspect is heading towards District Four, urgently call for the secret files of smuggling channels..."

"We just received urgent intelligence, the suspect is impersonating an internal cadre of the organization and has used a Class A secret phrase. Everyone, switch to Class B codes and change communication to the emergency channel."


Messages from agents all over the city converged at the command center, and the massive machinery of the Umbrella Organization began to operate, gradually closing in an invisible net.


Su'en knew that it was no longer safe to take a car, but thinking that he had already entered District Four, he decided to go on foot.

But walking on the street, he quickly encountered the patrol security team and the city guards in "Frost Giant Armor". Being alone, he was once again asked for his identification.

Su'en thought about using the same trick again, to deceive them.

But this time, as soon as he began to utter the "secret phrase", the other party raised their guns.

After a fierce battle, he barely escaped.

But his whereabouts were also exposed.

Su'en knew that the Umbrella Organization had completely grasped his movements. Being unfamiliar with the place, it was impossible to go to the vicinity of "Research Institute No.7" like this.

For anyone, this would almost be a dead end. It was already impressive to have held out this long against the entire city defense system.

But Su'en still didn't give up.

He thought of the last escape method that required a gamble on luck: the Moon Hotel!

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