Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 138: Mr. Johnny is very strong

Chapter 138: Mr. Johnny is very strong

"The Hunter's Guild" is the liveliest place in the Dawn Camp.

And, it is located in the dilapidated villa of the Storm Manor.

Su'en, the controller, hated the undead and walked up the hill, arriving at the garden of the manor in no time.

The surroundings were familiar, and he remembered that it was under the crooked-necked tree where he killed Bald Ivan. Now, it was an anti-aircraft gun and machine gun position.

The villa hall had turned into a hunting hall, crowded with all kinds of hunters carrying guns and swords.

In the center of the hall, there was a huge bright screen, displaying various mission information densely.

Recruitment, intelligence purchase, and the sale of various advanced materials and cursed items.

The hunters stopped in front of the big screen, searching for the information they needed.

"Recruitment: 'Iron Boots Hunter Group' is recruiting 30 members for the hunting group, doctors preferred, led by second-tier professionals, exploring the A-level cursed space in the west city tomorrow..."

"Recruitment: Exploration mission of C~A-level cursed space outside the east city, led by high-ranking professionals from the Oliver family, unlimited number of people, daily salary of 20,000 lisuo, additional combat allowance..."

"Intelligence purchase: In need of second-tier Thunder Elemental Warlock related advanced materials/information, payment of 300,000 to 5 million lisuo depending on the value of the information, go to the Notary Office."

"Item consignment: Advanced materials for second-tier assassin [Dark Magic Dagger], appraisal can awaken stealth ability, price negotiable..."


Su'en had good eyesight and didn't squeeze into the crowd. He glanced at the words on the screen and saw someone else seeking second-tier materials.

That was also his purpose for coming here.

The Dawn Ruins were vast, and he couldn't possibly find the information he wanted on his own.

Without delay, he went directly to the guild, paid the money, and posted a looping message.

"Intelligence purchase: Shocking, 5 million!!! In need of second-tier awakened 'Spatial Ability' related materials/information, payment of 2 to 5 million lisuo depending on the value of the information, go to the Notary Office. Can also join the group for exploration, a first-tier veteran, a skilled firearms master, won't hold back..."

This eye-catching method was something he learned from various disreputable self-media in his previous life, known as "clickbait."

No matter what the situation, start with something shocking.

With this offer of 5 million, he instantly stood out from the dense information.

As for the secret mental power technique, he didn't post it.

Mr. Black said it was classified as "forbidden knowledge" by the Black Tower. Su'en felt that if he made a big fuss about it, it might attract some ill-intentioned people.


After posting the intelligence purchase information, Su'en stood at the entrance of the hall for a moment, wanting to see if there was any information that interested him.

Just at this moment, a probing voice suddenly called out from behind.

"Mr. Johnny, is that you?"

Su'en turned his head and saw a young face staring at him with wide eyes.

Who else could it be if not Tommy?

However, what surprised Su'en even more was that he was actually recognized?

Just now, in order to shake off the person who was following him, he even changed his appearance. How did Tommy recognize him?

Su'en smiled and didn't deny it, curious, he asked, "How did you recognize me?"

Tommy looked at Su'en and immediately smiled with joy on his young face, saying excitedly, "I didn't recognize you. But I had a feeling that it should be Mr. Johnny."

"A feeling?"

Su'en was even more surprised to hear this.

He vaguely felt that Tommy seemed to have some special talent, so he asked, "Is it some kind of special ability that you awakened?"

Tommy nodded, then shook his head, sounding uncertain, "I don't know either..."

He frowned and thought for a moment, saying, "When I was almost bitten to death by the distorted monster during the escort, my head was buzzing with fear... Fortunately, Mr. Johnny saved me. And then, I found that I seemed to have some special abilities. Just now, I felt that your figure was very familiar, so I called out your name..."

"I see..."

Listening to his description, Su'en could basically confirm that Tommy had awakened some kind of special talent.

However, when he thought back, he couldn't find any corresponding talent.

This kind of inexplicable "feeling" ability seemed a bit rare, like some kind of visual talent?

But because talents couldn't be seen, they could only be inferred through some manifestations.

And, before fully awakening, it was even uncertain what it was.

For example, even if your talent is [B-002-Red Demon], when you first awaken your talent, it may only manifest as increased strength, easily confused with [D-082-Strongman].

Without developing and controlling that strength, there would be no chance to transform into the "Red Demon," and it was possible that such a rare talent would be buried for a lifetime.

For ordinary people who didn't plan to become advanced professionals, this situation was normal.

When Su'en saw Qian Tiao revealing her two-stage awakened talent [Rakshasa Woman], he had also curiously asked about some knowledge about talents.

He was now certain that talents had growth potential and could be broken through for a second time.Although it is uncertain what factors affect "growth", according to the experience summarized from thousands of cases, talent awakening is almost always related to combat.

Only by experiencing the despair between life and death can one have a great realization.

This is also exactly what Tommy described.


Su'en frowned and thought for a while, but couldn't figure out what Tommy's talent should be, so he asked, "What about your dad? Does he know that you have awakened your talent?"

"I told him."

Tommy said, pouting and saying with a grievance, "He said I was just daydreaming."

"My dad also said..."

Pausing for a moment, he imitated Benson's tone, with a rough voice, "The talents I awakened are all about strength. You must have awakened strength too. Being strong enough to lift and resist is the most practical ability! Don't daydream..."


Su'en listened and couldn't help but laugh. This statement really matched Benson's careless personality.

For ordinary people, great strength is indeed one of the most tangible abilities.

Those fancy and rare abilities are like winning the lottery, they belong to others.

He asked again, "What about your dad?"

Tommy pointed to the crowded hall and said, "He met an acquaintance and went to take a mission."


Just as the two were talking, Benson appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing his son talking to a stranger, a cautious expression appeared on his bearded face.

But Tommy greeted him excitedly, "Dad, I met Mr. Johnny."

Benson glanced at Su'en and felt surprised, "Johnny, brother?"

He was puzzled. They hadn't seen each other for long, why did he change clothes?

Su'en nodded, "Yes, Captain Benson."

"Why are you still wearing a gas mask in the city? I almost didn't recognize you..."

Benson muttered, but didn't think much of it. There were quite a few hunters dressed like this.

Recognizing Su'en, he seemed to remember something and suddenly became excited, "Brother, are you interested in a hunting mission? It's a hunting mission in the Red Brick Tower District of East City. I have an old acquaintance who leads a team there. He is a second-tier and very powerful. The reward is good and the danger level is low..."

There are often joint exploration situations in hunting, especially when encountering large dangerous relics.

Usually, it would be teams of familiar acquaintances.

"East City?"

Su'en became interested when he heard this.

The reward and everything else were secondary. He recognized the name "Red Brick Tower District" and it sounded familiar.

Just thinking about it, isn't that the place where the vendor mentioned finding the "Cursed Hair of the Weeping Witch"?

Seeing Su'en's interest, Benson asked again, "Brother, I guess you haven't found a team yet, right? How about joining our 'Drunkard Team'? We can take care of each other."

Su'en knew that this uncle probably thought he still owed him a favor from the previous escort, so he planned to continue "taking care" of him.

He was planning to go to that area anyway, and having a team would provide more security, so he agreed, "Okay."

Benson smiled when Su'en agreed and said, "Let's go, I'll register for you. I'll also introduce you to my friend."

At this moment, he also noticed the cloak giant standing quietly not far away from Su'en and curiously asked, "Who is that...?"

Su'en casually said, "That's a partner I used to know. I just happened to meet him at the camp. If it's convenient, let's register together."

Seeing the size of the abhorrent undead, Benson naturally guessed that it had formidable strength and thought it made sense to have a sniper as a partner.

He laughed, "Haha, of course it's convenient! All the major teams are recruiting people to explore relics. They are afraid of not having enough people, not too many."


After speaking, Su'en followed Benson and left the hall, turning into a room next to the banquet hall.

Su'en looked at the brightly lit corridor, his gaze gradually deepening.

Back then, he had encountered a bloody banquet here...

While walking, Benson continued to introduce, "Let me tell you, the reward for this mission is very good. Even if there is no gain, you can earn 5,000 lis per day. The key is that the people are reliable. My friend is an experienced veteran hunter who has cooperated many times. He definitely won't have any problems... And, we have a cooperative contract, we are independent of each other, and we don't have to obey their orders. We have the right to choose when faced with danger."

5,000 lis even without any gains?

Su'en found it familiar as he listened. Just as he was about to figure it out, he saw Benson leading him into a room with a sign that read "Oliver Family Hunting Team".

He muttered to himself, "Can't be that coincidental..."

The Oliver family, wasn't that the family of the young man who wanted to forcefully buy his hair when he was selling the hair?

And there was also a "Magician" named Lloyd Rodney...

As soon as he thought of the destination, Su'en instantly understood.

It seemed that they had also bought the information from that vendor and planned to send a hunting team to investigate.Thinking back to the previous tracking, Su'en's eyes narrowed slightly, "What a coincidence."

Upon entering the room, Benson began to boast, "This is my brother Johnny, a very skilled sniper, an experienced veteran wasteland hunter. That's his friend, a very formidable hand-to-hand combat expert, a sniper observer..."

Then he introduced Su'en to the registrar, who seemed to be a professional, "This is my old friend Rolly, the famous captain of the 'Battle Blade Squad'..."

Rolly looked at Su'en and the hateful living corpse, saying, "Hmm, take out your ID for registration."

Su'en took out Johnny's wasteland hunting certificate, and the living corpse made up an excuse about losing a document to get by.

The other party was obviously in a hurry to recruit people, and since it was a recommendation from an acquaintance, they didn't make a fuss.

Before long, the contract was signed. Su'en was now under the "Drunken Ghost Squad", and would join the large team organized by the Oliver family to the ruins tomorrow morning.


After completing the hiring procedures, Su'en didn't stay long at the Wasteland Hunting Guild.

After bidding farewell to Benson and his son, he led the living corpse to the camp to find a place to stay.

Watching Su'en leave, Benson also breathed a sigh of relief.

He hooked Tommy's shoulder, saying, "Let's go, son!"

As he walked, he continued to boast about his ability to get things done, "Phew... I managed to find a reliable hiring mission for Brother Johnny. After all, a lone ranger, especially a gunman, it's not easy to find a team, and it's easy to run into black teams..."

Tommy, watching Su'en's retreating figure, seemed to think of something and muttered, "I think, Mr. Johnny is very capable... Even without your introduction, dad, he would definitely be able to find a good team."

Benson didn't understand the meaning of Tommy's words, raising an eyebrow, "Hmm, Brother Johnny's marksmanship is indeed not bad..."

But it was just not bad.

He had seen it during the previous escort mission, that marksmanship... compared to his team's gunman Paul, it was a fifty-fifty chance.

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