Chapter 106 The Truth

'I never thought I would see a Devourer beast outside the Elf continent.' Alex thought, looking at the status window of the wolf.


[Lava Wolf] [Mutated] ???

Title: [Rare Species][Rage Beast]

LVL: 366

Rank: Third Rank (Peak)

HP: 1100000/1100000

MP: ?????/?????

Condition: [Enraged] [Hungry]

Skills: [??????] [??????] [??????] +???

Description: A Beast gifted in the lava element with high immunity to fire.


[Important note: The Lava Wolf has been affected by the Devourer Curse, a disease that consumes the sanity of a beast and, in return, gives him unending rage turning him into a mindless monster hungry for destruction.]

[Player level needs to be higher to see any more information.]


The wolf was not any different from any ordinary lava wolf who was in a state of rage, but the difference was that a normal creature's rage would eventually end, but a beast consumed by the Devourer curse would stay in a state of never-ending rage until the moment he dies.


'This unending mindless rage and thirst for destruction with no feeling of pain were the traits that made these Devourer Beasts feared by everyone.' Alex thought, seeing the wolf struggling with all his might.

The wolf had a crazed look in its eyes, and even though the chains were digging deeper into his flesh, making him bleed, the wolf didn't show any signs of stopping his efforts to reach Varon.

"Domain Ruler, This wolf is at the peak of the Devourer Curse's first stage," Varon said after Alex reached next to him.

'What does he mean this wolf is at the first stage? but more importantly, the Devourer Curse has stages to it?' Alex thought, trying to figure out what Varon was talking about.

After thinking for a moment, Alex came to a sound conclusion by evaluating all the information he had on the Devourer Curse.

'The Devourer Curse, I know about, only affected pure beasts but not any humanoid Races, so there should be an evolved version of the curse that could even affect the humanoid intelligent Races.' Alex thought, coming up with the most logical conclusion.

"The Devourer Curse has three stages, [The Stage of Endless Rage] [The Stage of Endless Hunger] [The Stage of Evolution]," Varon said calmly.

"All creatures infected with the Devourer Curse will reach the other two stages, or are they for just very few selected ones?" Alex asked in a low voice.

"All creatures infected with Devourer Curse will reach the Endless Hunger stage in a certain period, and after consuming enough organic matter, they will reach the final stage and evolve to become a Devourer beast," Varon said calmly.

"This wolf is not a Devourer beast?" Alex questioned as all his information on the Devourer Curse that he believed to be true crumbled after a single sentence from Varon.

Alex had fought and killed hundreds of beasts infected with the Devourer Curse, and he had never seen or heard of a beast that looked any different from the wolf in front of him.

There were some Devourer creatures who were much stronger than average devourer beasts, but they were just powerful variants of normal beasts affected by the devourer curse.

"Oberon was affected with mindless Rage, so why do you think he called his disease Devourer Curse and not the Rage Curse?" Varon questioned

understanding Alex's surprise.

'I always thought that the curse was called Devourer Curse because it consumed the sanity of a creature, but it looks like that is not the complete truth.' Alex thought, understanding that his knowledge of the Devourer Curse was only at the surface level.

"Domain Ruler, If you don't have questions, I will start the explanation of the Devourer Curse," Varon said, seeing Alex standing silently.

"The Devourer Curse could infect any living creature, including every Intelligent Race, even though the intelligent races could resist the curse for much longer than pure beasts."

"After an individual (Pure Beast or intelligent Humanoid) is infected with the Devourer Curse, it will slowly start to consume his sanity, and rage will slowly become dominant with each passing day."

"In a period of one to ten years, with time being different depending on each individual's mental state, the consciousness of the affected will get completely consumed by unending Rage, turning him into a mindless monster hungry for destruction."

"The beast who has their consciousness completely consumed by rage will go on a rampage, and the worst thing about them is that their Rage will never end, and they never get tired or have a decline in strength to the moment they take their last breath."

"Albeit the Rage beast needs to consume a lot of mana-rich organic matter to stay alive because if they can't consume enough organic matter, then the endless rage will consume their lifeforce, tuning them into dried husks in a short time."

'The organic matter will be a problem if these beasts were left in an empty desert, but in a continent brimming with life, there is zero chance of these monsters dying because of hunger.' Alex thought.

"Domain Ruler, After we are done here, I will take you to a place to show you some Rage beasts in action, so Now if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them before we go to the second room," Varon said with a smile as he didn't just explain about a world ending terror.

'He forgot to tell that the Rage beasts could quickly regenerate from even deadly wounds, don't feel any pain, and could somehow gather together and create a massive horde of destruction.' Alex thought, remembering the real terror of the beast infected with the Devourer Curse.

"I want to know about the minimum, and maximum time it will take before a Pure beast and Intelligent humanoid species has their consciousness completely consumed with endless Rage."

"I also want to know if there is a way to detect if a person is infected with the Devourer Curse," Alex asked to fill the gaps in his previous life knowledge.

"A pure beast consciousness will get consumed by rage in One to Six years, while for the intelligent humanoid Race, it will take between five to Ten year time with there being few exceptions but very few."

"There is no way to detect if the curse has infected an individual or not until he starts showing symptoms which will take at least half the total time before his consciousness is consumed with endless Rage," Varon replied.

'This doesn't make any sense because if the time for even the pure beasts is so different, how could millions of beasts turn into rage monsters in just a single night?' Alex questioned.

Alex was confused because he had personally witnessed a completely fine beast turning into a raging beast in just a few short seconds.

"The symptoms shown by the infected creatures are not too apparent, and an individual could stay fine until the last second before his brain go blank and his clear consciousness is consumed with endless rage," Varon said, seeing Alex deep in thoughts.

'I know he is still hiding information on the truth of the Devourer Curse, but it doesn't matter because I will eventually find it.' Alex thought as he looked toward the raging wolf whose mouth was forcefully closed by Varon using telekinesis.

Alex believed that Varon was hiding the complete truth just because of the unusual event that introduced the Devourer Curse, later named the Night of Terror.

The Night of Terror was when hundreds of millions of normal beasts turned into raging monsters and attacked the elven cities amid the elven continent night cycle that only stayed for seven hours, and the night cycle only came after sixty days.

All the game minor to major events had logical reasons and causes behind them, and there were always curious players searching to find the truth behind each event, hoping to get some exceptional benefits, so there were always many speculations about the cause of each event.

It was speculated that the Devourer Curse was controlled by something from the shadows just because of the unusual timing and the high number of beasts that turned into raging monsters in short few hours because it was too perfect to be just a coincidence.

'The only way that the Night of Terror makes sense is that the rage beasts were actually controlled by something.' Alex thought, confirming a terrifying truth.

"Domain Ruler, This portal will take you to a room with two chained beasts at the Endless Hunger stage of the Devourer Curse, and they both don't look very nice, so prepare your mind before entering," Varon said as he opened a new space portal.

'This will be my first time seeing a second-stage Devourer beast and how different they look from a normal rage beast.' Alex thought as he walked toward the dark revolving portal.



The moment Alex stepped to the other side of the portal, he heard two thundering roars that sent shivers down his spine, and after seeing the source of these roars only thought in his mind was to run to save his life.

'What the hell are these abominations?' Alex thought, looking at two monsters chained like the wolf, but the room was much larger and cleaner.

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