My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 284 284: Fiery Cold Desert

Fiery Cold Desert

Wearing a mage robe that covered his entire body including his head, Rezen stepped into one of the peculiar places in the Savage Beast Realm

The Fiery Cold Desert is known for its peculiar characteristic. In the morning, the desert would be hot just like the usual desert. The scorching sun could burn you if you stay inside for a long period of time without any form of protection

This place in the morning to afternoon has a terribly high temperature and no one would enter it without any good reason. However, when nighttime arrives, it would undergo a huge change

It would turn from a dry desert into a snowy desert. Every night without fail, snow storm would cover the desert causing its temperature to drop drastically

This kind of terrain should not be possible but thanks to the presence of mana and magic, the desert could be hot and dry for half a day but would then suddenly be covered with snow at night and this cycle goes on and on without fail

"It really is hot even with this mage robe that could regulate temperature" Rezen muttered to himself

The robe he is currently wearing is provided by the city's management to foragers like himself that enter the desert. The city after all relies on the foragers to collect the resources inside the desert to be distributed to those that needed it. They offered some support to the foragers hence the reason for temporarily lending these kinds of magic robes

However, since there are quite a number of foragers and high-quality robes needed high-quality materials, Rezen could still feel the extreme heat despite his robe's protection

The robe does not fully block the heat but it was better than nothing. If with the robe's protection, Rezen could still feel the heat what more if he is not wearing it?

Since there is a time limit that Rezen has to adhere to, he didn't waste any time and his feet started running

His feet would sink a little bit on the sand but before it could fully sink, he already moved his feet again

As a mage with his Body Mage path at the 2nd cycle, he has a much better physique compared to normal humans and it was easier for him to travel in this kind of rough terrain than them

"Ivy, activate the assist mode" Rezen ordered. Whenever he would enter a resource point, he would have Ivy assist him to search for valuable resources

Too bad that with his current strength, he can't enter places with really high-ranking resources as the danger is also equally high

"Understood, Master" Ivy replied loyally and Rezen silently traversed the desert despite its scorching temperature

"Hmm?" Rezen suddenly notices something. He glanced below him before he swiftly jump which was the right decision

Sand flew around as a creature broke through from the ground in an attempt to swallow Rezen

This creature has sharp teeth that are strong enough to crush steel. Even Rezen's body would be chewed alive if he let this creature bite him

The creature has a large yellowish-white body. It was as thick as a large tree trunk and its full length unknown but from what Rezen could see, this creature is far from being short

"Desert Worm" Rezen muttered the name of the magic beast and while still in the air, mana gathered at his feet

Borrowing the help of gravity, Rezen slammed his foot on the Desert Worm's body


Bits of flesh and blood flew around. Even Rezen's clothes were soiled but he doesn't care about that

The Desert Worm was heavily wounded by him just from a single attack but it still wasn't dead. It tried to burrow into the sand and hide its large body but Rezen didn't let it do as it pleases

Rezen once again utilizes his mana. Some came from his physical body and some came from his elixir field

It took little time for Rezen's fist to glow with a blue color and using his fist, he punched the Desert Worm


A large chunk of the worm's head exploded into tiny bits of flesh and blood with some blood landing on Rezen's cheeks but it was as if he didn't notice that

After the first punch, he threw the second, third, and so on punches until he almost pulverizes the worm's entire head

This Desert Worm has great regeneration ability. As long as its head was not fully destroyed, it could regenerate if given enough time

Since the worm is killed by him, the spoil is naturally for Rezen to take. With its large body, it was unwise to bring back the worm's entire body

As such, most mages would only take the beast core and teeth of the Desert Worm which are the most valuable parts of its body

However, Rezen does not need to take only those. He touched the worm's body with his hand and some sort of mystical power distorted the carcass as it entered Rezen's stomach, specifically his elixir field

The worm was many times bigger than Rezen even with its head gone but it still easily entered him or more precisely his farm

While mages could only take the core and teeth to maximize the storage space that they have, Rezen could simply have the farm absorb everything

While the farm could improve on its own, its growth would still be faster if Rezen were to offer 'sacrifices' to it

With the Desert Worm settled, Rezen continued on his way


Hours later Rezen could finally see an oasis from a distance and he immediately approached it

For hours with the help of Ivy, he collected a variety of resources. Many of which are not something that he could find on his own

"I was planning to give a mediocre quantity for people to think that I just have a bit better luck than most people but I didn't expect that my harvest today would really be mediocre" Rezen thought with a bitter smile

Most of the resources he gathered from the resource points were stored and hidden inside his farm but even then, the resources he submitted were enough for him to gain a little bit of fame

To minimize the attention he would receive, he planned on giving out lesser amount of resources to the city but he didn't expect that his harvest would actually be much lower than before

Rezen shook his head and after minutes of running he was finally only around twenty meters away from the oasis and he slowed down

The oasis is important to the magic beasts living in this desert. While the magic beasts are regularly wiped out for the safety of the foragers not all magic beasts are killed

With a terrain such as a desert where the magic beasts could hide in the sand, it was even harder to kill all of them

As such, this desert has a higher danger level than the other resource points. But the temperature and danger also make the resources that could be found inside to be more valuable than the resources that are easier to obtain

Rezen has to make sure that no magic beast that was too strong would be here if he wishes to continue living. Caution is necessary

As expected, there were some magic beasts around the oasis drinking their fill

There were the most common desert worms, scorpions, tarantulas, snakes, and other types of magic beasts

Prior to entering the desert, Rezen prepared water for himself. As such, there is no need for him to take water from the oasis but he is not here for a mere drink

The oasis has more resources than most parts of the desert and the magic beasts it contains in itself are also a form of resources

Rezen hid behind a tree. Trees in the desert even around an oasis normally don't have a thick trunk as such, this tree could not fully hide Rezen's body. That is more of a reason for him to immediately start his plan

Even if he advances another cycle, Rezen still doesn't have enough power to kill all of the magic beasts present but why should he use brute force?

Aside from being a mage, he is also an alchemist and an alchemist could use alchemy things to achieve their goal

Rezen retrieved a glass bottle from his farm and instead of containing liquid potions, the bottle actually contains what looks like mists

Potions for cultivation generally have a higher concoction difficulty but this potion is not something that is used for a mage's cultivation

With an evil grin, Rezen uncapped the bottle's lid and the mist inside immediately started to come out. Using a little bit of wind magic, Rezen diffuses the mist on the areas where the magic beasts are located and it didn't take that long before the potion showed the kind of effect that it has

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