My Last Hunt

Chapter 328: Level Battles 2

Chapter 328: Level Battles 2

Level Battles 2

Qiao was sleeping on the hill. Qiao felt that perhaps he was sleeping on the most comfortable bedding in the world though it was the rocky uneven hill. It was due to his exhaustion. The amity of the rest brought some relaxation. He was sleeping but woke up. The night was disturbed with the sudden howling of the monsters. Initially the groans were at some distance. Qiao stood up and surveyed the surrounding. The expanded forest did not provide enough of the view however it was clear that some monsters were at logger heads on some matter. Randomly few hunters were exploring this part of the forest sent by the Hunter Association. 

They seemed stupids of end level. None of the hunter in his serenity would disturb monsters for no reason. They were enjoying the fact that they were level seven and could see in the dark night. Such a level of dumbness increased their enthusiasm and they started bothering the monsters those were wandering in the night. It angered the ego of the monsters. One should be clear that the monsters of higher levels bear strong ego and some intellect. They could understand many of the human traits especially the mocking type of behavior. 

After they triggered the ego of the monsters; they scattered laughing. However the monsters ran in various directions chasing behind the hunters. It was such a mess created by the fools. When they all scattered; the howling decreased because it was chasing going on now. Qiao sat thinking that perhaps the quarrel settled. All those present in the same forest took safety measures in case the monsters create ruckus. They were capable enough to save their lives; this was the reason that they were given permission for longer stay in the forest. Any level six team and level seven solo hunter could explore the world alone. 

The night ended. Qiao was going to resume his journey. The distance was there; a monster which was chasing behind a fool stopped when Qiao came in vision. Qiao was looking at the opposite side where his next journey was going to take forward. The monster was so much careful; from the back view Qiao seemed the same scalawag who triggered the ego of the monster. Monster did not create any howling or sound; it aimed for direct attack. Lu Da and his team were also in the same location. 

His level six team was hunting in his forest. They were unwilling to keep the giant meat mountain with them because his giant stature easily grabs the attention of the monsters. They first warned and then chase him away. Lu Da was walking in the same direction. The hunters were hooting behind his back. His team was following behind knowing that it was opening of the day and no monster would disturb them. Lu Da happened to see the lone hunter at some distance. His big stature helped him see the monster hiding and ready for attack. Lu Da might have let it go however when the lone hunter turned his face; Lu Da recognized. 

He got worried and forgot the hateful team members. Qiao felt that some instinct was casted on him. It was due to the fact that monster was ready attack in the silence. When the hunter turned his face; it was too late for the monster to revert back the attack. Lu Da ran at the fastest pace possible and came between. Qiao also noticed the giant buddy and the attack. The monster ran after the attack failed. It was familiar that attacking random hunter would not go well. 

The bright light of the attack pierced the giant body. Qiao ran in a fit of urgency. Lu Da directly took the attack on his body for saving brother Qiao. Many pieces of his body cut down and scattered he fell on the ground. Last few breaths were still running. Qiao reached him; he cannot tell what his thoughts were at this moment. "Lu Da, why did you use your body for saving me?" tears were flowing without Qiao notice them. Smile appeared on the face of the dying hunter, "Brother Qiao; I want you to become the strongest Hunter King and make me and the town people proud of you" Lu Da lost the last breaths. 

Qiao looked around and see some of the hunters coming the same direction. Their center of attention was the dead body of his buddy. "I never saw such fool to give his life for saving a random hunter. However it is good that we got rid this useless team member." One of them chuckled. Qiao looked up; his face wet with the tears. Stone save near the wrist immediately floated above and he roared, "How dare you to call my brother useless." 

His roar and the angry tone make them step back. The stone shone with the brightest light bringing sense of danger for them. Qiao could tell that these hunters must have teased and hooted his brother since they call him team member. The consecutive attacks injured them greatly. "Don't leave us like that; kill us already." They saw him leaving and begged. Qiao shook his head and let them face the worst. The injured hunters were the favorite meal of the monsters. Qiao wanted them feel the pain which he was going through after knowing that they hooted his brother Lu Da. They deserved this punishment in his eyes. 

Qiao rushed toward where the monster ran. He was going to kill the monster. His present appearance resembled with the scalawags and one could expect such level of brutality from scalawag. The monster was running for life. It was level seven. Qiao did not deactivate his stone and rushed like wind eventually standing in front of the monster in few moments. He brought out the second stone and attacked with the two active stones. Qiao did not care that it would take his force. He was madly attacking the monster. Lu Da sacrificed his life for saving him. He cannot imagine his life if his dear buddy has not stopped the attack. 

He was going to kill anyone brutally whoever forced Lu Da in bad circumstances. 

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