My Longevity Simulation

Chapter 108: A Single Rib

Chapter 108: A Single Rib

Beyond the small door, there were many exhibits.

Master Yin Yin enthusiastically introduced them to Li Fan, “This is a bone from the Vedic Fish. This species went extinct three thousand five hundred years ago. It took quite an effort to collect this bone. It is said that the Vedic Fish was exceptionally intelligent and could mimic human speech. Eating its flesh allowed people to understand the language of fish. Who knows if that’s true.”

They continued to a gigantic serpent that was lifelike, winding and stretching for over a kilometer.

Master Yin Yin excitedly said, “This is a Cong Yun Sea Serpent. Normally, they hide in the deep sea, burying themselves in the soil. I had to run across a large part of the Cong Yun Sea to catch one this long! Preparing it as a specimen was no small feat.”

Then, Master Yin Yin spoke mysteriously, “Based on my research, these sea serpents are not the true body. They harbor a mysterious parasitic creature inside them, a minuscule parasite that is extremely hard to detect, even by Foundation Establishment stage mental power. However, it’s this tiny parasite that controls the gigantic sea serpent! It’s truly unimaginable!”


As they moved forward, the wide array of exhibits widened Li Fan’s horizons.

Both of them stopped in front of two human skeletons placed side by side.

Master Yin Yin pointed to the two skeletons and asked with a hint of pride, “Fellow Daoist, do you notice anything different about these two human skeletons?”

“Different?” Li Fan swept his mental power over them and, at first glance, they seemed like ordinary human remains.

Both skeletons were of men, only varying in size.

But to ask if there was any essential difference...

Li Fan gazed at them for a while, then shook his head, saying, “I apologize, but I cannot see any differences.”

Master Yin Yin chuckled, “Don’t worry, I bet no other could perceive the differences between these two skeletons within the Cong Yun Sea except for me.”

Pointing at the two skeletons, Master Yin Yin moved closer to Li Fan, speaking in an extremely hushed tone, “These two individuals are not of the same kind of people.”

“Not of the same kind?” Li Fan was taken aback. “What do you mean?”

Master Yin Yin gestured with his hands for a while, brooding, as if he couldn’t find suitable words to describe the situation.

After a long while of contemplation, Master Yin Yin suddenly clenched his fist, his face filled with confusion, “It’s just a feeling, you know? Clearly, they’re both humans, but these two humans lived in different eras and regions. Perhaps they look almost identical, and both were dug out from the depths of the Cong Yun Sea by me, but there’s a profoundly unique boundary that distinguishes these two sets of remains...”

Master Yin Yin’s words were cryptic, and he couldn’t explain further.

Nor did he dwell on it, continuing forward.

They stopped in front of an empty display stand.

Master Yin Yin pointed to the vacant stand, his face pale, and his fingers trembling uncontrollably.

He tried to say something, but his lips moved without uttering a word.

“My... my treasure !” Master Yin Yin exclaimed in a panic.

The small dog following behind him whimpered, ears drooping.

It secretly glanced upward and quickly crouched at Master Yin Yin’s feet, trembling.

Seeing this, Li Fan realized something.

Therefore, he asked tentatively, “Fellow Daoist Master Yin Yin, when you mention your ‘treasure,’ you’re not referring to a bone, are you?”

Master Yin Yin was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly, “Yes, have you seen it?”

Li Fan looked peculiar, then led Master Yin Yin back to the entrance of the rectangular building.

Upon their arrival, the little human-dog rammed into Li Fan.

The object it had in its mouth fell to the ground. At that time, Li Fan glanced at it, thinking it was just a toy for the human-dog, so he didn’t bother to pick it up.

However, he didn’t expect that this bone was actually Master Yin Yin’s treasure.

Master Yin Yin carefully picked up the bone, wiping away the saliva on it, and looked at it with affection and tenderness, as if he were gazing at a lover in a dream.

The way he behaved gave Li Fan goosebumps.

Li Fan cleared his throat, trying to awaken Master Yin Yin from his trance.

He couldn’t help but ask, “Fellow Daoist Master Yin Yin, may I inquire about the origin of this bone that you hold in such high regard?”

Master Yin Yin gripped the bone in his hand, as if he were afraid of losing it again. He gazed at the bone and replied somewhat absentmindedly, “Oh, this, this is an extraordinary treasure. I’m willing to part with all my other collections, but this, it’s even more valuable than my life.”

Li Fan felt a chill as he listened. He became curious and gazed at Master Yin Yin inquiringly.

“I’m sure you’ve heard of the Immortal-Mortal Miasma, fellow Daoist,” Master Yin Yin began.

“At first, the Immortal-Mortal Miasma only spread among ordinary humans and had no impact on us cultivators.”

“Later, an immortal cultivator, for no apparent reason, got infected, and it began spreading among us cultivators.”

Li Fan looked at the bone in Master Yin Yin’s hand, “Are you saying...”

“Yes, this rib bone belonged to the unfortunate first cultivator who got infected by the Immortal-Mortal Miasma.”

Master Yin Yin smiled foolishly and fondly caressed the rib bone.

However, he saw that Li Fan remained unexcited. He couldn’t help but feel surprised.

“How are you so unfazed by such a treasure? Don’t you understand its importance?”

Li Fan shook his head repeatedly.

“It’s a pity fellow Daoist cannot see its value.”

“The spread of Immortal-Mortal Miasma was one of the greatest events in history. Its effects on our world are only second to the Great Calamity itself.”

“How could a mere plague from common people infect immortal cultivators?”

“If we could understand the source of this anomaly, maybe we could eliminate the Immortal-Mortal Miasma at its root!”

“By then, I would be a prominent figure who will be remembered throughout the entire world of immortal cultivation!”

Master Yin Yin was momentarily lost in his own fantasies.

After a while, seeing Li Fan’s continued indifference, he sighed deeply, as if lamenting Li Fan’s ignorance.

“You might not know that each bone of this Su... Su something. What was his name? Either way, each of his bones is invaluable, with countless cultivators competing to obtain them.”

“I’m extremely lucky to have been able to seize this rib bone.”

“Of course, the most treasure one is his complete skull, stored in the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.”

Master Yin Yin indulged in his fantasies, and his mouth nearly watered.

Li Fan couldn’t understand this strange fascination and could only shake his head repeatedly.

At this moment, Master Yin Yin suddenly reacted, “Wait. I still don’t know the purpose of your sudden visit. What brings you here?”

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