My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 130: A Letter In The Dark

Chapter 130: A Letter In The Dark

"Just where in hell have you been!" A familiar and angry sounding woman's voice entered Kace's ears.

Kace turned around slowly to be greeted with the sight of Sophia standing and tapping her foot angrily on the stone beneath it. Kace was slightly taken aback by how breathtakingly beautiful she looked just now. She was currently wearing what seemed to be a snow-white silk dress that was obviously supposed to be nightwear. It stuck to her figure showing off her seductive curves while being low cut at her chest.

'Snap out of it, man! Did you forget how shitty her personality is?' Kace took a moment to scold himself. He had to remind himself it was a good thing to keep on her good side so that she would provide her support in the future. But a relationship? Forget it. With the way her mood seemed to swing in roundabouts, there would be no telling when that could go wrong. 'Besides, if her mother is anything to judge her by... Yeah, let's not even consider that.'

"What do you mean? I just needed some air?" Kace attempted to play ignorant of the matter. Hoping that she had no idea that he had actually left the city.

"Don't try to play dumb with me! I know what you've been up to!" Sophia's voice almost sounded shrill by this point as she marched up to him and waved a finger in front of his nose. "Now tell me! Don't dare to deny it! Who was the girl you were with?"

Kace almost jumped out of his skin at this accusation. 'Girl? What, girl?' He rapidly wracked his brain for a response. While feeling like an innocent husband being wrongfully accused due to a misunderstanding. Then his brain caught the memory of Logret in his dress. 'Oh, god. How do I get out of this?'

'I can't tell her it was a goblin in disguise. She must have seen us from a window or something, so I can't entirely deny it either. I can only play the misunderstanding card with her then.' Kace took a deep breath as he prepared his blatant lie. Well, mixed with mostly truth to make it sound more believable.

"Oh, her? I have no idea." Kace answered as calmly as he could while shrugging his shoulders. "Didn't catch her name. She seemed to have trouble walking and had to get home to her parents. So I just helped her out." 

Sophia's eyes scrutinised his facial features. She felt that it sounded mostly true, but it was almost as though he were hiding something. 'Maybe it's just her name he's omitting? Worried I might do something if I find out who she is? Maybe it really was a young girl. The figure did look kind of small.' Sophia bit her lip as she began to wonder if she had been overly paranoid.

Seeing that her mood was starting to defuse, Kace was delighted. 'Looks like I've dodged a bullet this time. I can't have her looking into this just now.' Kace began to consider how he could move the conversation away from this topic.

"So, did you come out here and find me just to ask me that?" Kace asked curiously. The result of this innocent question was a deep flush of colour to Sophia's cheeks as she became embarrassed.

'Oh, no! He'll think I'm a stalker now! Why am I acting like this!' Sophia found herself in a bit of a dilemma. She had acted purely on her emotions without thinking things through properly. She gave the impression of being a jealous girlfriend right now rather than a curious friend. 'I should have left it till tomorrow!'

"Oh, umm. No. To be honest, I just wanted to get some air, but when I saw you earlier, I just had to ask." Sophia cringed when she said these words. Unfortunately, it was the best excuse she could come up with on the spot. She deflected her eyes from meeting Kace's as her heart began to beat faster.

"Oh. Well if that's all then. I should probably get back to bed. Who knows what your mother will put me through tomorrow, right?" Kace replied with a chuckle in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, that woman is a demon!" Sophia laughed back, heartily. This was the first time she could properly connect with someone regarding how her mother treated them. It felt kind of nice.

As the two walked side by side back to the castle, two pairs of eyes with different motives were fixed on the interaction between them. Both of them have received the wrong impression of their shared laughter.

From one window, Queen Sonja was secretly gloating. 'Who knew he was such a playboy? This is far better than what I had planned. If they come together on their own accord that would be for the best.' She nodded her head in satisfaction as she watched them walk away together. 'I didn't think he had it in him to invite my daughter out for a moonlit meeting while staying in my house. Congrats kid. You've just earned a good beating tomorrow. I'll have to let Dao know.'

From a completely different window, Marquis Perez, who was currently residing in the castle to help with the preparations for the royal wedding, looked on with disgust. 'Now, we can't have you two become so close now, can we?' He tutted as he turned away towards the desk in the corner of the room.

'We have to make sure the wedding goes exactly as planned. Well, to my plans anyway. Otherwise, how will my dreams ever come true?' He laughed as he picked up a letter that he had recently written that lay on the desk. 'The ink should be dry enough by now. Hopefully, this letter is well received.'

He held the letter towards the candle that burning low to double-check its contents. He began to read the letter aloud to make sure it sounded good and worthy of immediate attention.

'Dear Lauren. As the guild master of the nearest Heroes Guild branch, I have an emergency matter to bring to your attention...'

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