My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 648: Candle Dragon

Qin Feng wanted to turn around and look, but a strong pressure prevented him from moving.

His body was no longer under control, and even his heart seemed to be tightly held by some terrifying existence. 

“Primal Qi…” A grating sound, like a piece of metal scraping against a tablet, rang out.

There was tension in that sound, along with brutality and unprecedented murderous intent!

What is it?

What exactly is it?!

Qin Feng shouted inwardly.



With all of his nerves tensed, Qin Feng strained to turn his head.

A huge eye, as dazzling as the sun, flashed in front of his eyes before disappearing…

The sunlight streamed into the room through the window, and Qin Feng suddenly sat up, gasping for breath, his back drenched in cold sweat.

When he turned his head, the sunlight was blinding, much like the giant pupil in his dream.

Although only one night had passed, it felt like an eternity.

“Young master, what’s wrong? Did Qing’er wake you?” Qing’er was tidying up the room, and when she saw the scene, she asked quietly.

Qin Feng let out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s not your fault. I just had a nightmare.”

But he clearly knew that it wasn’t a nightmare, but rather a dream projection from the Literature Saint Dao Lineage.

It was a method of predicting the future, a technique of the sixth class divination realm to avoid disaster and seek fortune.

“The creature in the dream… What kind of existence is it?”

Qin Feng recalled the images from the dream, and his body involuntarily trembled.

The owner of the giant eye was far superior to any demons and ghosts he had encountered before, even the awakened Mao Yin from the Western Regions couldn’t compare.

Considering everything, it could only mean one thing: this existence had reached the legendary state of transcendence, similar to a deity in Heaven and Earth!

In the lobby, the family was enjoying themselves happily. The two wives were sipping the porridge, and there were people beside them who kept reminding them not to burn themselves.

The mother-in-law chatted endlessly and imparted her experience in raising babies.

“When the child is in the womb, attention must be paid to nutrition, rest, and routines. Nothing can be neglected.”

“People think that Jianli, this girl, is exceptionally talented because of the Liu family legacy. But how would they know how much hardship I endured when I was pregnant with Jianli!”

“Yes, yes, what my dear mother-in-law said is true,” Second Mother said with a smile.

Qin Feng ate his breakfast and looked at the warm scene in front of him, his face beaming with a smile. However, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Father Qin, who was sitting across from him, silently noted this in his heart.

After breakfast, Qin Feng greeted his family and then went to the courtyard alone to continue his practice.

However, due to his unsettled mind, the Destiny Star Fusion that he had mastered in the past was now failing again and again.

As he withdrew his divine consciousness from the Divine Sea, Qin Feng furrowed his brows.

At this moment, a voice sounded: “Looking at your expression, is there something wrong with your practice?” 

Looking at the sound, Qin Feng was surprised. “Father, why are you here?”

Father Qin raised an eyebrow and comforted him, “Although I don’t know why you’re so worried, rushing into cultivation will not get you anywhere. Gradual progress is the right way. You’ve only been in the Literature Saint Lineage for about two years, and what you’ve achieved is already unprecedented. Compared to your old man back then, I’m only slightly inferior. There’s no need to be so eager.”

“Father, it’s just the two of us here, no need to brag,” Qin Feng’s mouth twitched.

Father Qin coughed, “You brat, watch your language. I’m only saying this because I can see that you’re not in a good mood. So spit it out, what’s bothering you? Maybe I can help you ease your burden.”

‘Nothing compares to a father’s understanding of his child,’ After hearing Father Qin’s words, Qin Feng actually found that his attention had shifted slightly, and the fear in his eyes had eased.

Originally, he had planned to tell the Heavenly Tower National Teacher about the events in his dream after he finished his cultivation. But for now, it wouldn’t hurt to discuss it with his old man.

After all, since his father was known as the Northern Ghost Head, he naturally had rich life experiences and extensive knowledge. He might know the identity of the terrifying being in his dreams.

With this in mind, Qin Feng began to narrate…

“Being able to switch between cold and heat in a single breath, demons and ghosts with such abilities are certainly not ordinary beings. And those supernatural powers that can change day and night in the blink of an eye are just as terrifying. Father, do you know what kind of demons and ghosts in this world possess such unfathomable power?”

As the words fell, there was no response.

Curiously, Qin Feng looked up, only to see that his father’s expression was quite complex.

“Father… Father?”

After calling out several times in a row, Father Qin finally came to his senses and looked at Qin Feng with a hesitant expression, as if he wanted to speak but hesitated.

“Father, what’s wrong? Do you know what kind of entity is that?”

After a moment of hesitation, Father Qin sighed and said, “Do you remember what I told you… about the cause of your mother’s death?”

Qin Feng was confused for a moment. “Of course, father. Didn’t you say that once upon a time, there was a powerful entity, almost akin to gods and demons, that invaded the Imperial City, causing countless deaths and injuries, and that mother tragically perished in that disaster?”

“Yes, and that Demon is called Drum, with the head of a human and the body of a dragon. It was the most powerful one among the Demons and Ghosts on the Night of Divine Feast. He devoured the spines of gods and demons, gained extraordinary abilities and stepped into the realm of transcendence.”

“When it exhales, it’s like a raging fire that burns the earth, and when it inhales, it’s like a fierce wind that can freeze miles away.”

Father Qin spoke with a deep voice.

Qin Feng’s brow furrowed at his words. “So, Father, you mean the presence I felt in my dreams is this Drum?”

Father Qin shook his head. “Even though the Drum is powerful, it cannot achieve the alternation of day and night in an instant.”

“But on the night of the Divine Feast, the gods and demons that the multitude of demons and ghosts feasted upon possessed such terrifying powers – it was the Candle Dragon.”

“Its eyes are open during the day, closed at night, with a human face and a snake body. Its existence is the taboo of Heaven and Earth.”

Qin Feng swallowed hard. ”But this Candle Dragon was eaten by the demons and ghosts and died a thousand years ago, how could it…”

His voice trailed off and his expression became extremely ugly.

As he thought about those mysterious ghost-faced individuals, he thought about the Flame Gu, and he thought about Mao Yin.

The latter two had both participated in the Divine Feast Night, and both had already perished.

Could it be that these mysterious ghost-faced individuals were not targeting these demons and ghosts themselves from the beginning, but rather the remnants of gods and demons on their bodies?

At this thought, Qin Feng’s voice trembled slightly.

”Father, can the dead gods and demons be resurrected?”

Father Qin didn’t answer right away, instead, he looked in the direction of the Southern Domain, his expression incredibly serious.

Grand Literature Academy, at the top of the Heavenly Tower, the Star Observatory suddenly began to shake wildly.

After a while, everything calmed down as if nothing had happened.

The National Teacher of Heavenly Tower looked up at the starry sky, his eyes clouded with confusion.

Looking south, the white-robed, white-haired National Teacher said softly, “At this moment, concealing the secrets of heaven is no different from covering one’s ears while stealing a bell.”

After a long silence, the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower muttered again, “Pushing it into a desperate situation before it can survive…”

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