Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 182: Tears of poverty

Chapter 182: Tears of poverty

A luxury car worth millions of dollars was driving on the road. Although it was not uncommon in the city of Dachang, it was still rare, attracting the attention of pedestrians on the roadside.

Some people envied it, while others were jealous.

"Wow, is that a Bentley? It looks so expensive, probably worth several hundred thousand dollars," exclaimed a girl who was shopping with her boyfriend.

"It's probably around five million, not just a few hundred thousand. You really have no taste," replied the girl's boyfriend, leaning against a taxi with a deformed front.

"Five million? Look at others, look at yourself. You don't even have a car worth tens of thousands, and others look younger and more handsome than you. You really need to work harder," the girl said to her boyfriend.

The man sneered, "So what if rich people have money? Money doesn't necessarily bring happiness."

Yang Jian, waiting at the red light, looked out of the car window after hearing this. "Sorry, but having money really brings happiness."

"Damn it..."

The man's face turned black, and then he retorted with a stiff head, "Even if you have money, even if you are happy, you are still a single dog. I'm different. I have a girlfriend."

After saying that, he proudly raised his head.

Yang Jian thought for a moment and rolled down the car window.

Behind him, Jiang Yan, who was playing with her phone, appeared.

"What's wrong? Are we home?" Jiang Yan looked up in confusion.

Although Aunt Jiang was a bit older, her appearance was indeed not bad. Coupled with her careful dressing when going out, her curvaceous figure and charming face, as well as her dress in a dress, she could be considered a beauty.

"It's almost nine o'clock. Why don't I stay at your place tonight? I'll take care of your procedures tomorrow," the saleswoman whispered, expressing her unwillingness to leave.

She was purely afraid and had started to become suspicious.

But this saleswoman was also good-looking, mature and decent, wearing a professional uniform with a hint of alternative charm.

"It doesn't matter. Since you're a salesperson, I'll make an exception today and let you stay for a day without paying rent," Yang Jian said, then looked at the man on the side of the road.

"What the hell does he mean?"

The man almost cried when he saw Yang Jian with two beautiful women in the car.

Having money is one thing, but why did he have to be so cruel?

He was so young and already playing like this. Be careful not to exhaust your kidneys.

"Even if you have money, even if you have a girlfriend, you're just a rich second generation with no skills. Besides a few stinky dollars, what else do you have?" the man retorted forcefully.

Yang Jian thought for a moment and said, "I can drive a Bentley with one hand. Is that a skill?"

"I can ride a bicycle with one hand, I can fix computers, I can cook brown sugar water..." The man couldn't help but shed tears of poverty as he spoke.

I'm leaving. I won't play with you anymore.

I'm just a poor guy. Is it easy for me to live? I'm walking on the road peacefully and I happen to meet a rich second generation like you.

"Why is he crying?" Jiang Yan asked in confusion.

Yang Jian said, "Maybe he was struck by the blow."

"Friend, don't leave in a hurry. I have something to give you." Suddenly, he thought of something and called out to him.

"Having money is nothing special. I don't want it. Keep it for yourself. I'm poor but ambitious."

The man was almost unable to bear the blow, wiping away his tears and preparing to leave.

Yang Jian said, "I have a car parked in a corner of the city center. If you can find it one day, I'll give it to you. Although it can't be transferred, you can keep it." As he spoke, he handed the key to the Mercedes-Benz to him.

"Brother, from now on, I'll be your brother for life. You're the big brother, and I'm the little brother. Although we have different fathers and mothers, we're closer than real brothers."

The man ran over suddenly, grabbing Yang Jian's hand excitedly.

"Let's go."

Yang Jian smiled, gave him the car key, and then the green light came on, and he immediately drove away.

"See, my big brother is different. He's generous," the man said excitedly, looking at the car key in his hand.

But Jiang Yan in the car was not happy.

"Why did you give a good car to someone you don't even know? Why didn't you keep it for me to drive?"

Yang Jian said, "That car is parked in the Ghost Domain. Even if the Ghost Domain disappears, who knows where the car is? Can you find it? I can't find it anyway. Besides, that's Master Luo's car. Even if you take it, it's useless. It's better to give it to someone else."

"Then what am I going to drive in the future?" Jiang Yan said pitifully.

"Don't you have money? Go buy one yourself," Yang Jian said. "I gave you a five million bonus. What else do you want?"

"I used that money to pay off my debts," Jiang Yan said helplessly.

Yang Jian said, "Then continue working and earning money. My salary is high. You have to believe in yourself. You'll soon be able to earn enough money to buy a car."

"Stingy," Jiang Yan pouted.

I sleep with you every day, but you can't even give me a car.

"First, go to your house and take out the important things, then leave here," Yang Jian said again.

Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment and asked, "Leave here? Where are we going?"

"Guanjiang Community. Didn't I tell you before? I want to leave the city center and live in a slightly remote community to avoid being involved in supernatural events. Now, the more people there are, the more dangerous it is. Your experience today is the best proof," Yang Jian said.

"Understood," Jiang Yan said.

The saleswoman next to her listened thoughtfully.

She was just an innocent passerby who was involuntarily involved in this supernatural event.Today's experience had completely overturned her understanding, plunging her into a mysterious and unknown world.

However, she was very measured, only observing and not asking too many questions, silently noting every word and action of Yang Jian.

"After returning, I need to move out of the city area as soon as possible, and also inform my parents and relatives to leave the city center," the female salesperson thought to herself.

"By the way, what's your name?" Yang Jian asked.

"Me, me?"

The female salesperson was a bit slow to react: "My name is Zhang Liqin."

"As a repayment for saving you today, would you mind helping Sister Jiang upstairs to move some things down?" Yang Jian asked.

"Okay, sure." Zhang Liqin had no intention of refusing.

She didn't dare to offend this Yang Jian.

He was a formidable person who could draw a gun at any moment and even deal with ghosts. Although he looked very young, he gave people an inexplicable sense of fear.

But also an inexplicable sense of security.

Fearful yet wanting to rely on him.

A very contradictory feeling.

This is probably what a big shot feels like.

"Aren't you going to help?"

Jiang Yan got out of the car and said, "Those things weigh hundreds of kilograms, they're very heavy."

"I'm hungry, I'm going to eat fried rice. Call me when you're done moving. If you find it heavy, you can ask your college classmate to help, he seems to live next door," Yang Jian said.

Jiang Yan rolled her eyes, "Forget it, I'll do it myself. You go eat your fried rice."

She couldn't move hundreds of kilograms of bricks, but hundreds of kilograms of gold, not only could she move, she could even run with it.

"Could you give me a hand?"

Zhang Liqin said, "Sure, no problem Miss Jiang."

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