Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 178: Lin Moyu Is Done For?

Chapter 178: Lin Moyu Is Done For?

With Tang Jianfei being immune to elemental attacks, Lin Moyu's Skeletal Mages were effectively crippled.

As Tang Jianfei said, if he wants to win, Lin Moyu has to hold on for 10 minutes.

But, under his sword, it is impossible to hold on for 10 minutes.

Tang Jianfei felt that unless he's seeing a ghost, Lin Moyu shouldn't be able to persevere for 10 minutes under his sword.

Little did he know that he's indeed seeing a ghost.

He rushed toward Lin Moyu like the wind, about to wielding his sword.

Suddenly, he felt a chill arise inside him.

An extreme sense of danger welled up inside him.

Tang Jianfei trusts his intuition, and he quickly retreated.

The moment he retreated, a blade glowing with red light swept past him.

With a loud bang, the large blade landed on the arena, causing the entire arena to tremble.

This shows how powerful the blade strike is.

Tang Jianfei drew in a sharp breath. If the blade had landed on him, he would probably be outside the arena by now.


Many people were once again shocked and jumped up.

"What is this?!"

"It's a skeleton with a blade, a skeleton with physical attack capability."

"And it can also release a skill with considerable power."

A skeleton with a blade in hand appeared beside Lin Moyu.

The Skeletal Mage has already been retrieved.

Tang Jianfei broke out in a cold sweat and then burst into laughter, "You really can't be underestimated. So this is your trump card."

"I want to see how strong the skeleton with a blade is."

Tang Jianfei still maintained his arrogance and rushed forward again.

The Skeletal Warrior went to welcome him, blade in hand.

With its high attributes, the Skeletal Warrior's speed is incredibly fast.

In Tang Jianfei's eyes, the Skeletal Warrior is like a bolt of lightning. It appeared in front of him in an instant and slashed down with its large blade.

"So fast!" Tang Jianfei exclaimed in surprise.

Tang Jianfei's sword glimmered. Skill: Shielding Sword!

Under the Shielding Sword skill, Tang Jianfei can accurately block all attacks and ricochet enemies.

No matter how fast the Skeletal Warrior's attack speed is, it can still be blocked.

Along with a thud, Tang Jianfei was knocked away by a tremendous force.

The Skeletal Warrior was also knocked backward and fell to the ground.

"It's really strong!"

Tang Jianfei once again broke out in a cold sweat.

Both in terms of speed and strength, the skeleton is miles above him.

The Skeletal Warrior quickly got up and charged forward again.

Tang Jianfei snorted coldly, and the other star ring on his sword also exploded.

In an instant, his four attributes were raised by 10 times.

Skill: Furious Sword!

Within 5 minutes, all attributes are increased by 10 times.

The effect is similar to Berserker's Frenzy but stronger, and it doesn't affect the class user's rationality.

There is a fundamental difference between legendary and superior classes, including a significant difference in skill quality.

This skill is something that superior classes can only dream of.

Skill: Flying Dragon Sword!

Tang Jianfei ejected out like a flying dragon and collided directly with the Skeletal Warrior.

The Skeletal Warrior was once again knocked away and dropped to the ground, unable to get up.

The skill has a control-type effect that can put the Skeletal Warrior in a stun state for 30 seconds.

After sending the Skeletal Warrior flying, Tang Jianfei charged toward Lin Moyu like lightning.

With his attributes enhanced by 10 times, his speed has become significantly faster than before.

"With the Skeletal Warrior restrained, and the Skeletal Mages rendered useless, Lin Moyu is done for."

"Divine Swordsman is really powerful. That's a legendary class for you."

"Lin Moyu should be out of options. Unless..."

At this moment, two dark figures appeared in front of Lin Moyu.

Two Skeletal Warriors appeared in front of him.

The two skeletons simultaneously swung their large blades and attacked Tang Jianfei.

Tang Jianfei came fast and retreated even faster.

He looked at Lin Moyu as if he were seeing a ghost and said, "How come there are more. How many skeletons do you have?"

Lin Moyu chuckled, "Take a guess."

Tang Jianfei snorted coldly, his face painted with defiance, "Guess, my ass. Don't think you can beat me by adding two more Skeletal Warriors. I still have many skills I haven't used. Just you wait."

As he spoke, he assumed a stance and held his breath.

Light glowed on the tip of his sword as energy converged.

For the skill to need to gather energy, it's probably quite powerful.

Tang Jianfei's expression reminded Lin Moyu of Xia Xue. At the same time, it also has vestiges of Gao Yang. It's like a combination of the two, both haughty and somewhat teasing.

"If two are not enough, then let's add a few more."

Five more Skeletal Warriors appeared.

In front of Lin Moyu, seven Skeletal Warriors lined up in a row, their large blades shining with a gloss.

In a moment, the entire arena was covered in cold air, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Tang Jianfei shuddered. His energy gathering skill was interrupted. His breathing faltered.

Cough cough!

Tang Jianfei shouted while coughing, "Are you a kid who runs a skeleton shop? Why do you have so many skeletons?"

Lin Moyu chuckled, "Do you want to continue the fight?"

Tang Jianfei snorted coldly and said, "Continue, my foot. I'll fight you again after I have reached level 40 and completed the second awakening!"

As he spoke, he ran to the edge of the arena and jumped down.

He gave up.

One Skeletal Warrior is difficult to deal with, while two is already his limit.

But now there are seven...

If he were to continue the fight, he would likely be hacked into pieces by a flurry of blades.

Tang Jianfei is haughty, but not an idiot.

Lin Moyu won again. The spectators were speechless for a long time.

It can't be said that Tang Jianfei is weak. His skills definitely aren't weak. It can only be said that Lin Moyu is too powerful. No, it should be said that his skeletons are too powerful.

But at the same time, a question arose: how many skeletons does Lin Moyu have?

What he showed so far is eight Skeletal Warriors and six Skeletal Mages.

If added together, that's already 14 skeletons.

Some people speculate that there should be 20 -- 10 Skeletal Warriors and 10 Skeletal Mages.

Others speculate that there may be eight of each kind.

Except for Lin Moyu, no one knows how many skeletons there are.

Tang Jianfei's team has been eliminated.

With his strength, if he met another team, it shouldn't be a problem for him to reach the finals.

Unfortunately, he met Lin Moyu and had to leave early.

The morning matches have finally come to an end.

At this time, speculation about the number of skeletons under Lin Moyu's control still hasn't stopped.

Even when the afternoon matches started, there were still people making conjectures and speculations.

During the two consecutive matches in the afternoon, Lin Moyu wasn't able to encounter an opponent of similar strength.

It was a return to Skeletal Mages dominating the arena.

The matches played out as follows, the Elder would bind the first Skeletal Mage, but then the second and third Skeletal Mages would appear and send them out of the arena.

After the afternoon matches, the list of the eight finalists was announced.

The five teams mentioned by Jiang Taotao -- the teams from Eagle Kingdom, Shengdou Divine Domain, Sakura Kingdom, Fandi Sacred Domain, and Shengdu Church -- were all present.

The there was Lin Moyu's team, as well as another team from Xiajing Academy and a team from Zhendan Academy.

Among the eight teams that made it to the finals, the Shenxia Empire alone accounted for three teams.

In each grouping, although there were initially many participating teams, only eight teams remained after today and entered the finals.

An overwhelming curtain of light once again enveloped the competition venues, blocking everyone's view.

Lin Moyu and Ning Yiyi sat on the grass at the encampment.

The competition has been going on for a few days now, and 90% of the people in the encampment have already left.

The whole encampment has become very quiet.

Ning Yiyi leaned on Lin Moyu's shoulder and said, "The team competition is coming to end tomorrow, and then the individual competition will kick off."

"As in previous years, there will still be the unrestricted competition. Will you participate?"

In the unrestricted competition, low-level class users will challenge high-level class users.

As long as they win, they will receive generous rewards.

The higher the level difference the better the rewards.

The rewards have not been announced yet, but they shouldn't be lacking.

Lin Moyu said, "Teacher asked me to participate in the challenge competition, the higher the level difference the better."

A hint of concern appeared on Ning Yiyi's face, and she said faintly, "With your performance, you have already caught the attention of many people."

"I heard others talking about you today, saying that you have a promising future, that you're a leading figure of the younger generation."

"Some say that you may become a godly powerhouse in the future and turn into a pillar of the Shenxia Empire."

Lin Moyu also heard a lot of things like that.

When others see him now, they clearly are much more polite, even slightly respectful.

But this is obviously not what Ning Yiyi is trying to say.

"How do I put it? You don't seem like yourself today." Lin Moyu felt that Ning Yiyi is a little strange.

Ning Yiyi bit her lower lip and said, "I'm worried. Couple of years ago, the Shenxia Empire has produced several top talents. Although they might not have been a match for you, but they were also very powerful."

"However, they were assassinated during a trial later on."

"I'm scared..."

Lin Moyu smiled and said, "I know about this. It even appeared on the news. But it's okay, I know what I'm doing."

Ning Yiyi sighed and said, "In any case, you must be careful. After all, you are only level 27 and have yet to achieve the second awakening."

"Mhm, I'll be careful."

Lin Moyu promised. He looked up at the stars, and his eyes surged with a shade of murderous intent.

He has killed many of people, and even more Demons. He has accumulated a lot of murderous intent by now.

Once it breaks out, the faint of heart will surely be frightened.

"I hope you guys make your move."

"Otherwise, me serving as bait will be in vain."

Lin Moyu thought about what Bai Yiyuan asked him to do.

When he asked him to serve as bait, Lin Moyu agreed without hesitation.

He knows his situation best. In order to kill him, a top class user above level 70 has to step in.

Otherwise, things will become complicated.

Ning Yiyi leaned her head on Lin Moyu's arm and said no more, but the worry in her eyes didn't vanish.

The usual chatter is no more. The conversation has decreased significantly.

The two quietly enjoyed the night sky. This felt quite nice.

The warm sun rose, and the curtain of light covering the venue disappeared.

Everyone noticed that the competition venue has undergone huge changes.

The arenas are gone.

The three areas for the three groupings have turned into three huge arenas.

Each arena has a diameter of more than 200 meters, providing sufficient maneuvering space.

For low-level class users below level 40, such large arenas are more than enough.

The arenas for the high-level class users are even larger, measuring 1,000 meters in diameter.

The arenas are enveloped by huge formations.

Each arena not only has referees, but also top Healers.

The Healers are standing in the air, gazing solemnly at the arenas.

From preselection to the finals, the Shenxia Empire's authorities haven't spoken in person yet.

There is no host or anything. Because it's not necessary.

People come to watch the competition, not the host.

Perhaps only during the award ceremony will the Shenxia Empire's authorities come forward and say a few words.

"Look, what is that?!"

Suddenly, someone pointed into the air and said loudly.

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