Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 127: Chapter 127: Uchiha Akira Already Had the Answer, Then Worked Backwards!

Chapter 127: Chapter 127: Uchiha Akira Already Had the Answer, Then Worked Backwards!

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[You contacted Konoha's vanguard to head to the border of the Land of Earth, preparing for a major battle with Iwagakure's forces!]

[Three days later, Jiraiya leads 1,800 elite Konoha shinobi to the border of the Land of Earth!]

[Five days later, not waiting for the Land of Earth to strike first, fearing the arrival of the Third Tsuchikage would complicate things, you choose to launch a preemptive attack!]

[You successfully destroy the Land of Earth's defensive base, delivering a crushing defeat to Iwagakure!]

[Ten days later, the Third Tsuchikage requests a peace talk at Tetsuyama Pass. You bring Might Guy and Naruto Uzumaki with you!]

[During the peace talks, Onoki attacks you by surprise. Might Guy is severely injured, and Naruto is captured. Onoki uses Naruto as leverage!]

[Unable to act without risking Naruto's life, you die at the hands of Onoki's Dust Release!] [You are dead!]

[Izanagi activates, permanently blinding Shisui's other Mangekyō Sharingan, and you are resurrected!]

[After your resurrection, Naruto unleashes the Nine-Tails' chakra, five tails manifesting!] [Onoki is gravely injured, coughing up blood, and barely escapes!]

[You are gravely wounded by Naruto in his rampage!]

[Due to your severe injuries, you are sent back to Konoha. Jiraiya takes over the mission to deter the other villages!]

[A month later, news of Onoki's death from his injuries shocks the ninja world!]

[A month and a half later, Jiraiya engages in three battles with the Cloud Village, ending in stalemates. The Cloud Village then turns its attention to the Land of Earth!]

[Two months later, once hailed as the greatest genius of the ninja world, you are now left crippled, leaving Konoha in mourning!]

[A spatial vortex appears, and Uchiha Obito enters your room. You are dead!]

This time, the life simulation's events took a drastically different turn. As Uchiha Akira read through the details, he continued to analyze the information.

First, in three days, Jiraiya would arrive with 1,800 elite shinobi from Konoha. This means that 1,200 were left behind to guard the border of the Land of Wind. It seems Sunagakure isn't ready to give up probing the Land of Fire so easily.

Also, knowing that Onoki would appear on the battlefield, Akira had chosen to attack Iwagakure preemptively. That decision was correct, leading to a decisive victory.

However, Akira didn't expect that Onoki would use peace talks as a cover to launch a surprise attack on him. The nerve of that old man! He was determined to kill Akira at any cost.

"But why didn't I open the Eighth Gate when Onoki ambushed me during the peace talks?" Akira wondered, sifting through the simulator's details, puzzled by this critical point. This seemed like an important clue to remember.

"And then I died and used Izanagi to resurrect myself? This is the first time in a life simulation where I died but the simulation didn't end."

"After seeing my death, Naruto lost control and unleashed the Nine-Tails' chakra to the point of sprouting five tails? That must have meant he lost consciousness and attacked me."

"Completely crippled, even Onoki could only barely escape using his flight ability, eventually dying from his injuries."

"So the Tsuchikage dies, Jiraiya fights the Raikage to a draw in three battles, and then the Cloud Village turns on Iwagakure?"n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"Yet, in the end, I still died at Obito's hands?"

From the simulator's messages, Akira deduced several critical pieces of information.

As for the grim outcomes in the simulation? He wasn't too bothered by that. The value of the simulator was in revealing potential dangers so he could avoid them in reality.

Seeing his simulated self suffer wasn't a bad thing. At least now, he knew that if Onoki requested peace talks, it would likely be a trap.

Akira couldn't help but feel fortunate. Thanks to Naruto being well-off, he could afford to run the simulation again, otherwise, he might have walked right into Onoki's trap during the peace talks and ended up crippled, only to be killed later by Obito.

The strategy was simple: follow the scenarios that benefited him and change those that didn't. Beyond making him stronger, the life simulator's greatest value was in this predictive guidance.

Unfortunately, his current task was to deter the other ninja villages, so the life simulator was only serving as a guide for the future.

In all three of his recent simulations, he hadn't lived long enough to see much improvement in his strength. If he had abandoned the border missions and focused solely on training, his chakra reserves would have likely doubled by now.

"I need to wrap up this border mission as soon as possible so I can focus on getting stronger," Akira thought, feeling a pang of regret as he reflected on the three simulations. His Sharingan hadn't evolved, his chakra reserves hadn't increased, and he hadn't learned any new jutsu- such a waste!

At the Kage level, each simulation cost him a million ryo! As usual, Akira chose to hold off on extracting any rewards from the simulation.

Just as the simulation had predicted, three days later, Jiraiya arrived with 1,800 elite Konoha shinobi.

After some questioning, it was confirmed that Sunagakure hadn't backed down, so 1,200 shinobi remained at the border.

Akira then proposed the idea of a preemptive strike.

Although Kakashi and Might Guy hadn't fully recovered from their injuries, Jiraiya and Akira, two top-tier Kage-level fighters, were in perfect condition.

After a brief rest, they launched the attack.

Everything unfolded as the simulator had described. When the attack began, Kakashi and the still-recovering Might Guy didn't participate. But Naruto joined the battle and performed remarkably well.

With two Kage-level powerhouses leading the charge and a relatively even number of forces, the battle ended in a decisive defeat for Iwagakure.

"This battle was clean and decisive. Iwagakure should think twice before challenging Konoha


As the war ended in victory, Konoha's top brass gathered, their faces relaxed and smiling. "Indeed, we've dealt Iwagakure a significant blow this time. Konoha may be weakened, but Iwagakure isn't much better off," someone added.

"Other than the Third Tsuchikage, they only have the Four-Tails and Five-Tails Jinchuriki as top-tier fighters, right?"

"This time, they lost over a thousand elite shinobi. Even if Onoki is stubborn, he should be

quiet for a while."

Jiraiya and the others discussed the current state of Iwagakure, analyzing their situation.

Kage-level fighters are the true top-tier forces of a village. Konoha's own lack of top-tier fighters had emboldened the other villages.

But Iwagakure wasn't in great shape either. Besides the Third Tsuchikage, they had no other known Kage-level fighters.

As for the Jinchuriki, while Iwagakure still had two, deploying them on the battlefield was like using nuclear weapons-it carried a different strategic significance.

Naruto, however, was an exception. After all, hardly anyone in Konoha knew he was a

Jinchuriki, and he had never used the Nine-Tails' power in battle. So, who could accuse

Konoha of deploying a Jinchuriki first?

Taking stock of Iwagakure's situation and their losses in this battle, the mood among

Konoha's leadership was optimistic.

The next step was simple: wait for Iwagakure to show signs of backing down, then shift their focus toward the Land of Lightning.

Of the three villages-Sunagakure, Iwagakure, and Kumogakure-Kumogakure was the

toughest nut to crack.

First, the Fourth Raikage, and even the Third Raikage before him, were known for their brute


Second, Kumogakure had always aspired to take Konoha's place as the top ninja village.

Finally, there was a long-standing grudge between Konoha and Kumogakure, which explained why Hiashi Hyuga had volunteered for the border mission.

"So, we need to keep a close eye on Kumogakure," someone noted, as the conversation naturally shifted toward the Land of Lightning.

"Wait a minute, doesn't it seem like we shouldn't be underestimating Iwagakure, especially


As the discussion began to focus on Kumogakure, Akira tapped the table, drawing everyone's


As the leader of this operation and someone with significant influence, Akira's words made everyone pause and look at him, waiting for his explanation.

"Indeed, Iwagakure's situation isn't looking good. Other than the two Jinchuriki, they only have Onoki as a top-tier fighter."

Akira looked around the room, speaking calmly.

"But have you considered that I'm now being hailed as the greatest genius in the ninja world? Some are even saying I could reach the heights of Uchiha Madara. Do you think Onoki, more than any other Kage, would want to eliminate me?"

"If not, who in Iwagakure could stand against Konoha's power in another ten years?" "That's why I believe there's still a significant chance that Onoki might personally make a

move, even resorting to any means necessary to take me out," Akira explained, analyzing the situation for the Konoha leaders.

Shikaku Nara, being aware of the reasoning behind Onoki's potential actions, was the first to nod in agreement, impressed by Akira's insight.

"Akira's analysis makes perfect sense," Shikaku said, looking at Akira with admiration. Only seven years old and not only does he possess extraordinary talent, but he also has such sharp strategic thinking? Shikaku couldn't help but feel a deep respect for the young Uchiha.

Of course, Akira knew the truth. He had simply seen the answer in the simulator and worked backward to figure out the reasoning. That made it all much easier.

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