No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 101 Pawn?

From the moment I stumbled into this world, it felt like Jasmine was by my side every step of the way. And now, here she was, standing right next to me once again. It's like a hilarious twist of fate.

"You never look away when I'm talking, huh?" Jasmine asked, her expression shifting from pouting to concern in a matter of seconds.

"Nah, it's nothing. I was just lost in some pointless thoughts," I shrugged, trying to brush off the distraction.

"You shouldn't be lost in thoughts when I'm with you. Focus on me!" She declared, her playful tone making me grin like a goofball. 

"But seriously, who would've thought you'd end up in this world... It's the same world as the game I have, right?" Jasmine inquired, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

Yeah, "The Quest of Mythical World," that was the game I played simply because Jasmine had shown interest in it.

"Well, you mentioned how much you liked the characters, so I wanted to give it a try," I reminisced, recalling the time she had excitedly introduced me to the game.

"(Eric! Look at this game, it looks sooo good, and the protagonist is incredibly handsome and side characters too, kyaa~)" I mimicked her enthusiastic voice, trying to hide my slight jealousy when she mentioned how handsome the in-game characters were.

Of course, that was way before we started dating.

"Pfffft, hahaha!" Jasmine burst into laughter, unable to contain herself.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, not realizing I had said anything funny. "Why are you laughing?" I asked, genuinely puzzled.

"Nah, it's just... you're so adorable. It's refreshing," she managed to say through her laughter, wiping away a tear from the corner of her eye.

"You know, Eric~," Jasmine said, resting her face on her hand, a few strands of her chestnut hair falling over her cheek, "I actually never played that game."

"Huh? Heeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I jumped out of my seat, my eyes wide with disbelief. "You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're kidding!"

It couldn't be true. I had invested so much time studying those game characters, memorizing their dialogues, all in the hopes of sharing the same interest with Jasmine. Maybe even getting to know the kind of guys she likes. But now she was telling me it was all a prank?

"Yeah, I never actually played it," Jasmine confessed, a mischievous smile on her face. "It was just a little revenge on you."

"Revenge?" I stared at her, still trying to process her words.

"Yep! Remember how you acted during that time? You were so focused on your midterm exams that you didn't pay attention to me or spend any time with me at all," Jasmine explained, pointing her finger at me playfully. "So, I just casually mentioned how handsome the animated characters in the game were to make you a little jealous. But who would've thought you'd actually take it seriously and play the entire game?" She burst into laughter, finding the whole situation incredibly amusing.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "I can't believe I was using those cheesy pick-up lines from the game on you!"

Jasmine chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Why would I? It was so entertaining to see you trying out those lines on me. I couldn't help but enjoy it."

I blushed, feeling the warmth spread across my cheeks. "That day in the library," I recalled, a sheepish grin on my face. "I walked up to you and said, 'Hey Jasmine, are you a magician? Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.' I thought I was being smooth, but deep down, I knew it was cheesy."

Jasmine burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement. "Oh my goodness! I remember that! I laughed so hard that night. It was absolutely hilarious."

I had suspected that she might be making fun of me all this time, but hearing her talk about it now, I couldn't help but cherish those moments. It was a reminder of our journey, the silly and awkward moments that brought us closer together.

"It's all in good fun," Jasmine said, her laughter subsiding as she reached out to hold my hand. "I loved every bit of it, cheesy pick-up lines and all."

I smiled, grateful for her understanding and acceptance. "I'm glad you enjoyed my attempts at romance, even if they were a little ridiculous."I chuckled, shaking my head in mock exasperation. "Still,I can't believe I fell for it."

Jasmine's laughter subsided, and she reached out to hold my hand, her expression turning tender. "Well, I guess it worked in the end. It brought us closer, didn't it?"

I smiled back at her, grateful for her playful antics. "You're right. I may have fallen for your prank, but I fell in love with you a long way before."

Together, we shared a lighthearted moment, embracing the laughter and connection that made our relationship so special. And as we continued our journey through the game of life, I knew that with Jasmine by my side, there would never be a dull moment.

"Okay, now tell me, how can I get us both out of here?" I asked, my voice filled with urgency and confusion. Being trapped in this place seemed unthinkable.

..... Silence.....

"...."Jasmine's silence weighed heavily in the air. The room fell into a lingering silence, punctuated by the sound of our racing hearts.

"Hey Jas, why did you go silent like this? Say something, how do I get you out of this place so we..." My words trailed off, a sudden clutch gripping at my heart. Anxiety and fear welled up inside me, threatening to overwhelm my senses.

"I am dead," Jasmine finally spoke, her voice carrying a weak smile that failed to reach her eyes.

"But... but that's in the past, right?" I stammered, my mind struggling to process the weight of her words. "You're here with me now. We're together again."

Jasmine's gaze met mine, her expression pained, and tears welled up in her eyes. "I was brought here to let you know," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

"What... What do you mean?" I couldn't comprehend the gravity of her words. I couldn't... I didn't...

"He brought me here to tell you," Jasmine continued, her voice filled with a mix of sorrow and resignation.

"Who? Who are we talking about?" Confusion swirled inside me, clouding my thoughts. Wasn't she supposed to be by my side now that our past lives had ended? Wasn't this world of magic and dreams the reason behind her sudden appearance, allowing us to be together once more?

"L-Look, Eric," Jasmine trembled, her voice quivering with each word. "I'm just a lingering soul, a ghost clinging to you out of worry. It's time for me to... It's time for you to let go of me."

"Wh-what? I-I..." My words stumbled out incoherently as my mind raced to make sense of the situation.

Ever since Jasmine's passing, I had carried a strange mix of feelings. It was as if she never truly left me, yet her absence was deeply felt. Coming to this world only amplified that sensation, intensifying the belief that she was still watching over me. And so, I held onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to bring her back, regardless of the method.

"He wants me to tell you that... you shouldn't be weak when the time comes," Jasmine's voice resonated with a mixture of urgency and concern, but the meaning of her words eluded me. The words reached my ears, but their significance slipped through my grasp.

"Eric, you are meant to die, and that's your fate," Jasmine revealed, her arms wrapped around herself as if seeking solace from her own anxiety.

"Is it because of my new body? Is it because of Ren's fate?" I blurted out my questions, the list growing longer with each passing moment. The confusion and uncertainty gnawed at my insides, seeking answers that seemed to slip further away.

Jasmine's eyes momentarily turned fully white, her voice taking on a commanding tone as she questioned, "Where are you right now?"

Confusion washed over me. Wasn't it obvious that I was with her? Why was she asking such a peculiar question? "Huh?" I managed to stammer, trying to comprehend her sudden change in demeanor.

"Where is your mortal body?" Jasmine's voice held an air of urgency and authority, unlike her usual self. My mind raced to make sense of her words. Was she referring to Ren's body?

"Bloodwell," I responded, my voice steadying as I tried to calm myself in the face of the unknown.

Jasmine's eyes dimmed, the white light fading away, and they returned to their usual blue color. However, her expression was now one of fear. Instinctively, I rose from my chair and enveloped her trembling form in a comforting embrace.

"Bloodwell? Where is it now?" Jasmine's voice trembled as she spoke, her body still quivering in my arms.

"N-?" I began to answer, ready to say "Nightshade Sanctum," but before the words could leave my lips, I noticed her index finger swaying from right to left, a gesture of warning. Her eyes turned pure white once more, leaving me bewildered and concerned. What was happening to her?

"Answer me! Where is Bloodwell now?" Jasmine repeated herself.

"I can't tell," I responded, my gaze fixated on her hand as I noticed it relaxing slightly.

Silently, we stood there, locked in an embrace, for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, Jasmine broke the silence, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "It's fine now," she whispered, and I reluctantly released my hold on her.

With each step, Jasmine moved closer to the edge of the rooftop, and my heart raced with trepidation. "Eric, let me tell you," she continued, her words floating in the air as she walked further away from me. "I am dead, and I won't be able to come back. This is the last time you will see me. There are beings watching over you, seeking to harm you, exploit you, and discard you." I listened intently, absorbing her every word.

"So, Eric, forget me," Jasmine declared, her voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and sorrow.

"But... but I can't," I protested, my voice trembling with emotion. "I love-"

Jasmine's tears flowed freely now, reflecting the pain that consumed both of our souls. "Sometimes, love isn't enough, Eric," she whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the weight of our shared despair. "Sometimes, we have to let go, even if it shatters us."

I found myself unable to utter a single word, paralyzed by the ache in my heart.

"Eric," Jasmine called out, her voice carrying a sense of urgency as she climbed up onto the edge of the roof.

"What does that mean?" I questioned, my eyes fixed on her silhouette at the precipice. In that moment, she resembled the version of myself from years ago, standing on the edge of a rooftop during a dark period of my past life. It was a painful reminder of the similar circumstances we now faced.

"I can't say much, as he's listening, and I am fighting for control," Jasmine's words were cryptic, yet their underlying meaning resonated deeply within me.

"Eric, don't become a pawn," she urged, taking another step forward.

"JASMINE!!!" I screamed, my voice echoing into the void as I ran towards the edge and looked down. But all I saw was an endless abyss of darkness, no trace of Jasmine in sight. Then, a sudden tightening sensation gripped my throat, and before I knew it, I was pulled downwards.


"Guaaa!!" I choked, gasping for air as I found myself immersed in murky water, surrounded by complete darkness.


[A/N: Hmmm....hmmmm.... what does that even mean!!!!]

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