Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 106: Falling Stars

Chapter 106: Falling Stars

How much? Hmph, or are you gonna cast more than one magic? Sam felt like Lin Xiao was delusional.

After his first wind blade, Lin Xiao had to complete another magic circuit and chant before he can cast the next magic. No matter how fast he can cast, and how proficient he is, casting twice would probably be the max limit.

And Sam?

Using his Astral Wind Sword Aura to increase his weapons attack radius to the limit, even if he was currently 10 or so steps away, as long as he walks forward five steps, his sword aura will reach Lin Xiao and disrupt his magic casting and he will win!

Just five steps away, with his fast and nimble speed that was amplified by the wind, it would not even take a blink of an eye.

Lin Xiao had no chance of winning!

Although he said that, Sam was ineffably uncertain. He could not understand how Lin Xiao could still smile right now. Even more so what the pattern drawn with fresh blood on the back of Lin Xiaos hand meant.

What magic needed blood as a sacrifice?

Without waiting for Sam to come to an answer, Lin Xiao used actions to solve the mystery.

A second pale green magic circuit slowly appeared next to Lin Xiaos palms.

T-two? Why is there two? Sam was shocked.

One magic chant and one magic circuit to cast one magic, this was a rule of magic that hasnt changed for tens of thousands of years, but how could Lin Xiao complete two circuits at the same time?


Though it didnt matter even if he had two wind blades, Sam had extremely high muscle strength, with amplification and battle aura, even two would not matter.

However, he was still underestimating things

What? A third one? Seeing a third circuit appear next to Lin Xiao, Sam had a faint sense of crisis.

Somethings wrong! Somethings not right!

Three? Was he seeing things? Or did Lin Xiao sneak a magic scroll in?

No, Sam was sure that Lin Xiao did not bring anything that amplified magic with him. He did not even have a magic crystal, let alone a magic scroll. These three identical circuits were indeed formed by him.

What was even more scary came next, swoosh in a blink of an eye, numerous identical circuits appeared next to Lin Xiao one after another, and the amount was still slowly growing!

Theres more?

Sam rubbed his eyes and made sure he was not seeing things, then he suddenly thought of something extremely terrifying.

Although he did not understand magic theory and often skipped class, he has still heard of that technique.

There was only one way for a magician to amplify the amount of magic he can cast at the same time, and that technique was called


Sam originally wanted to wait until Lin Xiao made his move, but the emerging fear from the bottom of his heart made him change his mind.

No! He could not wait anymore! He had to start his attack!

Astral Wind Slash! He brought out his special skill right off the get go, and rushed forward. Because he was too fast, he even left a faint afterimage!

On the other side, Lin Xiao was quietly mumbling to himself.

I should probably hold back, seventy times? No, no, fifty times should be enough

At that instant, it was like he grew wings, numerous identical green circuits sprouted out next to Lin Xiaos two sides. All of the circuits were faintly trembling,like they would explode anytime. Lin Xiao tightly clenched his right hand, the pattern drawn with fresh blood on the back of his hand was perfect for stabilizing it.

That technique was called multi-casting.

Fifty times multi-wind blade!

Lin Xiao used his left hand to support his right wrist, his clenched right hand suddenly opened, and the fifty times multi-casting was finally complete.

At that time, all the circuits instantly disappeared and left behind a dark green energy point. The previously dazzling emerald wings became two beautiful milky ways, numerous lights were floating in midair, like stars in the night sky.

This all happened in a split second.

Sam just stepped forward to attack, that dark green Milky Way was unable to hold back and started its gorgeous performance.

The first star, fell.


The sound that came next to Sam didnt surprise him, he knew that was Lin Xiaos magic, so he did not even hide and just braced himself and took it.

Five steps, he just needed to move forward by five steps and then his sword aura can prevent Lin Xiao from continuing to cast magic, winning him this duel.

Advance, advance! It was unnecessary from hm to think about anything other than taking steps forward.

Tsssk the anticipated pain occurred.

The first wind blade stuck Sams shoulder, leaving a shallow cut on his muscular body.

One step!

Sam clenched his teeth and took the first step, there were still four more, and his plan would succeed!

Within that spotted Milky Way, another dark green light transformed into a transparent wind blade and ruthlessly shot towards the fool that was stubbornly advancing.

The second star, fell.

Its useless! Sam coldly snorted.

Although the second wind blade was very quick, it was still within his expectations. He slightly turned his wrist and used his sword to chop down the second wind blade at the last second and continued to advance.

Two steps.

He successfully took the second step, there were still three more steps.

But the show was just starting.


This time, numerous wind blades came at the same time! Sam barely dodged two, but was struck in his right leg and his abdomen by the others.

But he could still hold on!

He could still advance!

Three steps.

Four steps.

There was still one last step! As long as Sam took one more step, his sharp sword aura wold be able to reach Lin Xiao!

This duel, its his win!

At that time, he finally lifted his head after advancing so far with his head down.

A joyous expression anticipating victory did not appear on his face, it was rather replace by a bitter laugh.

What kind of joke is this

It was just a wind blade.

Just the fourth level magic that he was confident he can withstand.


Lin Xiao, are you really only a fourth level magician?

The fifth step, the last step, he probably wouldnt ever be able to take it.

At that moment, the stars fell.

The stars that filled the sky all became wind blades, and shot towards that pitiful fellow. The continuous air splitting explosions hurt ones ears, the magic persisted for tens of seconds before stopping.

Sams body was strong, even if he could take one or two or three or four without any problem but if fifty came at the same time, what will he use to withstand it?

He could only use his life.

It was his loss.

Before he fainted, Sam heard Lin Xiao talking with his maid.

Is he dead?

No, just some flesh wounds, he should recover quickly. Right, Elena, lets have roast goat leg tonight, dont burn the meat this time!

Goat leg? Goat leg doesnt taste good.

Eh? Strange, didnt you say you wanted to eat it yesterday? Are you saying, you didnt buy it?

I didnt buy it.


No money.

Bullshit! Elena, I clearly gave you so many silver coins in the morning!

I spent it all.

Impossible! You definitely cant spend it all by just buying meat and vegetables Hey, dont tell me you bought something behind my back?

Tsk no.

Hey! If you didnt, why are you running? Tell me, what did you buy?

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