President, go away!

Chapter 1418

At the moment of seeing Su Mo's signature, her tears suddenly crossed her cheeks and fell on the white paper drop by drop. She fainted on the paper and blurred her handwriting.

She held the document in her arms, slightly closed her eyes and clenched her hands. It was like holding a heavy stone in her arms.

The marriage, which had been full of calculations from the beginning, was finally over.

But her heart is so painful, so painful.

She thought that she would leave here when Wei Fu's affair was over.

She doesn't want to stay in this city anymore.

A person who has nothing is really too tired in this city full of memories.

Su Mo, who left the cafe, went to the underground parking lot and sat in the Hummer. He was supposed to drive away, but he didn't move. He couldn't start the car. His eyes were cold when he thought of Wei Jiaren's attitude.

There was a dead silence in the car, and even his breathing was clear and audible.

Just then, the mobile phone rang in his pocket. He frowned slightly, reached out to pick up the mobile phone and connected the phone. There came the voice of the Secretary, "President Su, the meeting is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. now it's almost time, and you haven't returned to the company yet..."

Before the Secretary finished, Su Mo roared, "if Su's family is gone, will I stop working? Will I go bankrupt

Then he heard a slap, he hung up the phone, and the phone was then thrown aside by him.

He looked up and saw the Christmas Crystal hanging in front of the car. It was something given to him by Wei Jia Ren. He pulled it down and threw it on the ground, and then there was a crisp sound of fragmentation.

Su Mo looked up, leaned against the cab, closed his eyes slightly, and slowly recalled everything about Wei Jia Ren in his mind.

At that time, he really needed the shares of the Su family in the hands of the Wei family, but he liked this woman when he met Wei Jiaren for the first time. If it was really just for shares, it was the same whether he married her or Wei Linlin.

In the end, Wei's father will come to the Su family as a dowry.

He lied. When he first saw Wei Jiaren, he already liked her a little, not only because she had a somewhat similar face with angel, but also because of her temperament.

So later, he told Wei Fu that he wanted Wei Jia Ren. At first, Wei Fu disagreed. Later, Wei Linlin cried and made trouble, and even hanged to threaten Wei Fu, saying that he also liked Jiang Wenxuan. Wei Fu didn't agree.

Until Wei Linlin had a relationship with Jiang Wenxuan regardless of shame, Wei father agreed that Wei Linlin and Jiang Wenxuan were together, and Wei Jiaren married him as his wife.

In the middle, he didn't do anything, just said that the two families of Su and Wei were married, and Mrs. Su could only be Wei Jia's people.

They have been married for three years and get along day and night.

He thought he would be together all his life and would not separate.

But in the end, how did they get to where they are today?

He really doesn't know and doesn't want to know.

Wei Jiaren, I'm tired.

You're right. You let me go. Similarly, I let you go.

I don't know how long he sat in the car. He drove out of the underground parking lot, but didn't go back to the company. Today, he is in a terrible mood. He doesn't want to go to Su's or face those cumbersome official duties.

He just wants to drive around. Even if he doesn't have a destination, it doesn't matter. It's good to wander around like this.

I don't know what happened. Finally, he drove to Shiyue's villa——

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