Ranker's Return

Chapter 899

Hyeonu looked down at Jamie Moore and asked, “You can’t?”

“I can’t do it anymore.” Jamie Moore lay flat on the ground like his stomach was cut. He truly didn’t want to do it anymore. His motivation had disappeared. It had been swept away by Hyeonu’s skills like an open sea with no end in sight.

-It is understandable.

-If I were him, I would’ve already given up.

-It is the established theory in academics that he should’ve given up before Alley Leader’s turn came.

-It should’ve stopped at Mascherano.

-By the way, what does it feel like to be blocked like this? Wouldn’t he feel helpless?

The viewers felt sorry when seeing Jamie Moore’s appearance. Even just watching it was painful. They couldn’t get a sense of how frustrated the person involved would be.

Hyeonu silently examined Jamie Moore for a long time before spreading open his palm.

“Five minutes. Just give me five more minutes, and I’ll reward you,” Hyeonu made a very good offer to Jamie Moore.

-A reward? What reward?

-It isn’t money, right?

-Jamie Moore has a lot of money.

-Then what? An item?

-It could also be a skill book. This is Alley Leader’s level.

-The item must be at least rare-rated... By the way, are there any items in Alley Leader’s possession that Jamie Moore can use?

The attention of the viewers naturally shifted from being sympathetic toward Jamie Moore to Hyeonu’s reward. It was because the expectations for Alley Leader far outweighed their sympathy for Jamie Moore. Jamie Moore didn’t say much. He just kept staring at Hyeonu. His eyes were begging to be told what the reward was.

“The reward is a secret. I just promise you that it is a reward worthy of my name,” Hyeonu did not explain the reward. There was no reason for it. It was just that...

‘It is no fun if I tell him.’

The viewers who didn’t know Hyeonu’s thoughts were busy expressing their own thoughts.

-This is Alley Leader’s coin.

-Coin price increase, let’s go!!!!

-Fight for five minutes, and he will give his heart. If this is the case...

-Then he has to go right away.

-It is terrifying just thinking about it.

The viewers focused on the worst results rather than the best. It was because that was more interesting.

“Now the choice is up to Jamie.” Hyeonu reached out a hand to Jamie Moore.

“Um...” Jamie Moore groaned. It was troubling. Should he endure the pain for five minutes to receive an unknown reward? Or should he give up on this and that?

‘Five minutes... Let’s put up with it.’ Jamie Moore eventually chose the thorny path. Ultimately, he coveted the unknown reward.

“I’ll do it.” Jamie Moore grabbed Hyeonu’s hand tightly.

“You made a good choice,” Hyeonu said. Then he pulled Jamie Moore’s hand and lifted the latter up.

“Draw your sword.” Hyeonu stepped away from Jamie Moore.

Jamie Moore let out a small sigh and put his hands on his two swords. ‘Let’s just do one attack.’

He didn’t want success. He just wanted to give it a try once.

This was his goal—to wield the sword properly just once. Then it would be cool.

The two swords were drawn with a clear sound.

“Um...?” Jamie Moore saw Hyeonu and made an expression like it was absurd. Hyeonu didn’t draw a weapon. If it were just this, it would be understandable as he had already experienced Hyeonu using the gauntlets. Despite this, there was something in Hyeonu’s hand that was purple.

‘Claw?’ Jamie Moore thought.

Hyeonu recreated the appearance of the protagonist of a Hollywood movie.

‘I remember seeing it before...’

Jamie Moore was one of Alley Leader’s big fans, so he naturally remembered that Hyeonu had shown something like this. If it had been any other situation, he would’ve smiled happily. However, it was a problem now. It was because he was the one who had to deal with Alley Leader, who currently looked like this.

“Don’t panic too much. I am going to use a minimal amount of magic power. Can you see it? It is blurry here,” Hyeonu kindly explained to Jamie Moore, who was standing still.

-That’s right. The color of the pure energy is blurry.

-It looks black at first.

-It seems like a few pieces of equipment were removed...

-If it isn’t removed, then his real magic power control must be at a crazy level.

-It isn’t easy to use it that weakly. It is as difficult as writing hard.

The viewers acknowledged Hyeonu’s words. They couldn’t help doing so because of what they saw. The claw Hyeonu made wasn’t as clear as pure energy.

At this moment, Jamie Moore rushed toward Hyeonu. It was a surprise attack that burst out at an unexpected moment. Jamie Moore’s two swords, which had dark red sword energy, flew toward Hyeonu’s face.

Hyeonu didn’t panic and reached out his hand toward one of the approaching swords. Jamie Moore’s sword stopped in midair. He couldn’t move it forward any further. This was because it was sandwiched by the blades that had risen by Hyeonu’s hand. Jamie Moore tried to break the blades by injecting more magic power into his sword, but it was useless.

Suddenly, the magic power that was covering Hyeonu’s hand disappeared, and all of it was concentrated on the four blades. In other words, the strength of the blades had been enhanced significantly. That wasn’t all. Jamie Moore tried to pull the sword out, but Hyeonu twisted his body to block the attempts.

Nevertheless, Jamie Moore didn’t give up. He swung the sword in his other hand and pressed Hyeonu. Jamie Moore’s attempt had unexpected consequences. His other sword ended up in the same position. Both swords were caught by the blades that sprang up from Hyeonu’s hand, making it impossible to move them.

-Is this adjusting to Jamie Moore?

-He must’ve thought hard in advance?

-You don’t think it was actually planned, right?

-Wow, this is a bit harsh. If this state is maintained for five minutes...

-It will be hard to get the reward.

The viewers were taken aback by what they were seeing in front of them. It was the same as before. Jamie Moore was determined to do everything he could.

Hyeonu lightly blocked Jamie Moore’s steps. This didn’t mean pushing by force. Hyeonu never moved first. Every time Jamie Moore made a move, Hyeonu moved accordingly.

“I can’t do it anymore.”

Jamie Moore moved his swords around for a long time before finally letting go of his swords. Once again, he declared his surrender.

Hyeonu grabbed the two swords before they fell to the ground and asked, “Really? You won’t regret it?”

“Yes, I have no regrets.” Jamie Moore couldn’t afford to regret it. He was still in a daze. Even at this moment, the feeling of helplessness was soaring like crazy.

“I understand.” Hyeonu nodded, approached Jamie Moore, and placed the swords in their sheath. Then with his left hand, he grabbed Jamie Moore’s right hand and dragged him away.

“Here is the promised reward.” Hyeonu stretched out the right hand that had been placed in his inventory. Something fell from Hyeonu’s hand.

-A reward? Is it really being given?

-Has five minutes already passed?

-It was around five minutes? It was because he was clowning around for a while.

-Wow, that is terrible. If you think about what happened in those five minutes...

-It is deserved.

-Jamie Moore really deserves the reward.

However, the reaction from the viewers was fleeting. The thing that fell into Jamie Moore’s hand hit each other and released a sharp metallic sound.

-What is this?

-No... Is that a gift?

-Wow, his personality has gone crazy.

-I don’t think this is something a person would do...

-This is a bit...

“Does he have that taste?”

“I haven’t seen it before...”

This time, it wasn’t just the viewers. The daily instructors watching from a distance also groaned. The item given by Hyeonu was that amazing.

“Is this it?” Jamie Moore asked as he looked at the item on the palm of his hand.

“You’ll know once you look at the item information. It is a very good item.” Hyeonu gestured toward Jamie Moore’s palm with his chin.

“I understand.” Jamie Moore nodded heavily. Everyone reacted this way due to the form of the item that Hyeonu gave Jamie Moore.

-It is a good item?


-No matter how good, handcuffs are a bit...

-It is terrible.

The item Hyeonu gave Jamie Moore was in the shape of handcuffs. It was an appearance that would embarrass everyone.

“Item Information.” Jamie Moore carefully checked the item information.

[Shackles of Twisted Punishment]

[Originally, it had the function of restraining physical abilities and blocking magic power, but a genius black magician twisted the function.

Rating: Unique

Restrictions: 450 strength, 250 magic power.

Effect: All stats + 75, ‘Inverted Punishment’ is available.

Inverted Punishment: All stats will be increased by 20%.]

“Ehhh...?” Jamie Moore checked the item’s information and looked flustered. The item was too good. He had no comparable item except for the two swords he was holding.

‘It is too good.’

These handcuffs—no, this bracelet could make him much stronger than he was now.

‘It is an item that is hard to get even with money...’

In the first place, accessories were very rare. One that was unique-rated was an even rarer find.

-What is it, what?

-What is it? What is it really?

-It must be at least unique-rated to show this type of reaction.

-A unique item? Wouldn’t it be very expensive if Jamie Moore can wear it?

The viewers discovered the identity of Jamie Moore’s items like a ghost. There was no way they couldn’t know. The only item that could surprise Jamie Moore like this had to be unique-rated. Rare items could never cause that type of reaction. It was because Jamie Moore had enough money to buy rare-rated items.

“It is a unique item,” Jamie Moore said while waving the blood-stained handcuffs.

“It is ridiculously good. The performance is this good even with these stat limits? This is a rare find. In addition, it is a bracelet that fits on only one arm. If it is sold for cash... I have no idea how high a price it would fetch.” Jamie Moore expressed his honest feelings.

It was exactly as he said.

-It is to that extent?

-Then it must’ve been hard.

-It is a unique-rated item that is hard to get even if you struggle to complete quests. However, I acknowledge it.

-Sweet days come only after hardships.

-If it is that hard, he should have one item.

The viewers clapped. No one was jealous. They knew Jamie Moore had suffered greatly for it.

-By the way, what are the effects?

-I’d like to know the effects as well.

-Quickly share it. Go go go.

The congratulations of the viewers were brief. The demands poured out immediately after for him to disclose the item information.

“Can I reveal it?” Jamie Moore asked Hyeonu. This was basic courtesy to the person who gave him the item.

Hyeonu nodded silently. It had to be made public.

‘This way, it will be publicized more widely.’

A man who lavishly gave unique items…

Hyeonu was hoping that the news about how he was such a man would spread to all types of communities. Upon receiving the unspoken permission, Jamie Moore released the item information.

“All stats are increased by 75, and there is a unique skill that increases the stats by an additional 20%.”

-It is good.

-I’m envious.

-It is truly a unique item. At this level, it is almost top class.

The viewers were impressed and envious as well. Just then, Hyeonu reversed the mood.

“By the way... that item is a set item.” Hyeonu took out another handcuff from his inventory and waved it.

“Let’s work hard in the future.” Hyeonu tapped Jamie Moore on the shoulder.

Jamie Moore couldn’t even smile at the news that it was a set item.


-The devil, the devil...

-Satan is still on leave today.

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