Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 88 88

The high platform was quiet after the fourth battle royal in arena F ended. The patriarchs and elders especially watched Tenku's match because they were curious about Wang Haotian's disciple. But after seeing the battle, they couldn't help but be stunned by Tenku's terrifying fighting prowess. A fifteen-year-old boy could defeat twelve cultivators in no time. Tenku has set a new record in martial arts competitions.

Some were shocked, some were amazed, and the rest were displeased. Naturally, the latter group came from the Gu family, especially Gu Yuxuan. After watching Tenku's match, he felt a threat from that boy to Gu Qingyang.

"I didn't expect that your disciple was so talented, Haotian. He could even cultivate the Thousand Weapon Emperor Technique to the mastery stage. He is amazing!" The one who spoke was the city lord, Jin Zhanjian.

"Yeah, I can't believe he has such great ability at such a young age. No wonder you're so confident when you talk about him." An old man with a muscular body added. He is the patriarch of the Long family, Long Haoran.

"Your disciple might be able to enter the top five in the competition." The patriarch of the Lin family, Lin Ruiming, joined in the comment.

"Thank you. I am also lucky to have a disciple like him." Wang Haotian smiled broadly and was secretly proud to hear the patriarchs and city lords praise Tenku.

"I think you are exaggerating. His battle skills were outstanding, but his cultivation base wasn't high enough to enter the top five. He will lose in the next round." The Gu family patriarch, Gu Tianba, disapproved of their words. He was displeased when he heard the patriarchs and the city lord praising the disciples of the Wang family.

Even though Tenku displayed terrifying combat abilities, Gu Tianba could feel that his cultivation base was only at the middle stage of the Earth Origin realm. Tenku was powerful, but other participants had more excellent cultivation bases and battle experience than he did.

"You better not jump to conclusions too quickly, Tianba. If your words are wrong, it will disgrace your name as the patriarch of the Gu family." Wang Hongli responded to Gu Tianba.

"You are right. I shouldn't bother talking about the boy who will lose in the next round." Gu Tianba replied calmly and didn't say any further because he didn't want to argue about such a pointless thing. If Tenku became a threat to the Gu family, he would immediately eliminate him.

The patriarchs and city lords looked at each other and sighed. They knew what had happened between the Gu family and the Wang family. Because of that, they choose to remain silent and not get involved in their problems.

On the other hand, Gu Yuxuan felt that the threat from Tenku was not minor after hearing the comments of the patriarchs and the city lord. They didn't say anything after seeing Gu Qingyang's match, which gave him a bad feeling.

(No! Qingyang's ability is far above Haotian's disciple, both from battle experience and cultivation base. I'm sure my grandson can crush him in battle! But I'll still get rid of him if I get the chance because he'll become dangerous if allowed to grow!)

Gu Yuxuan tried to convince himself and shake off his anxiety. He looked at Tenku coldly and secretly thought of a plan to kill him.

After Lin Guchen announced the match results, Tenku walked over to where Wang Ruyue and Wang Zeming were sitting. But when he reached the place, he was again greeted with their strange looks. Not only them, but Huang Yuxin also kept looking at him with eyes that made him uncomfortable. But Tenku tried to ignore her.

"What are you looking at? Is there something strange on my face?" Tenku asked Wang Ruyue.

"Ah, nothing. We didn't expect you to be so strong. It seems my worry for you was in vain." Wang Ruyue smiled bitterly when she remembered what she had said to Tenku.

"It was not in vain. I thank you for worrying for me." Tenku smiled and thanked her. He could feel that Wang Ruyue's concern for him was sincere. Wang Ruyue was a little embarrassed when he saw Tenku's smile, and her heart suddenly thumped. She remembered the time they spent last night in the city park.

"I'm just worried my grandfather will be sad if you get hurt and nothing else!" Wang Ruyue quickly averted her blushing face so that Tenku and the others would not notice.

"All right, all right. We better go to Arena D quickly to take the lottery for the next round." Wang Zeming reminded. He could only smile and shake his head when he saw Wang Ruyue's strange behavior. But before they could reply, Huang Yuxin suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of Tenku.

"Your name is Tenku, right? Please be my boyfriend!" Huang Yuxin said in a weak voice and bowed to Tenku.

"Pardons?" Tenku looked at Huang Yuxin in confusion. Wang Ruyue and Wang Zeming opened their mouths wide when they heard the girl's confession.

"Ah! I spoke wrong! What I meant was to be my fake boyfriend!" Huang Yuxin explained frantically. She realized that her words had caused confusion and misunderstanding for Tenku and the others.

Wang Zeming and Wang Ruyue sighed after hearing her explanation and then looked at Tenku to wait for his answer. Wang Ruyue became worried and hoped that Tenku would disagree.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that." Tenku flatly refused.

Huang Yuxin was taken aback when she heard Tenku's answer. The other guys would happily agree to be her fake boyfriend because they could get closer to her. But Tenku refused without hesitation. It made her slightly doubt her charm as one of the most beautiful girls in Beijing.

In contrast to Huang Yuxin, Wang Ruyue felt relieved after hearing Tenku's words. Luckily, she rejected him and wasn't attracted by Huang Yuxin's beauty. Otherwise, Wang Ruyue would be highly disappointed and saddened by his answer.

Tenku didn't care what the two girls thought. He turned his eyes to Wang Zeming and opened his mouth.

"Let's go from here." Tenku didn't want to linger in that place and listen to Huang Yuxin's strange request. Even though she looked beautiful and good, Tenku did not want to be used for her benefit.

"Wait a minute! Please listen to my story first before you answer!" Hung Yuxin stood before Tenku and tried to prevent him from leaving the place.

"Why should I listen to your story? I will gain nothing by being your fake boyfriend. If you were in my position, would you be willing to do something pointless for someone you don't know?" Tenku sighed as he felt Huang Yuxin being a bit annoying. Other men might agree with her request, but not Tenku. He doesn't want to do something that doesn't earn him anything. What's more, being a fake boyfriend sounds very troublesome.

"That is..." Huang Yuxin was at a loss as to how to answer Tenku's question because what he said was true. She never thought about what benefits Tenku would get other than being able to be close to her. Huang Yuxin felt guilty for being overconfident and made that request without thinking about Tenku's feelings. She lowered her head, and her face became sad.

"Can you tell us about it as we walk to arena D? If we keep chatting here, we might be late picking up our lottery numbers for the next round." Wang Ruyue sighed. She couldn't bear to see Huang Yuxin sad. The girl must have had some reason to dare to say that to a stranger.

"Ah, yes! Of course! I'm sorry for wasting your time here." Huang Yuxin looked gratefully at Wang Ruyue as she thought that girl was helping her.

"Okay. Let's go to arena D." Wang Zeming smiled and walked ahead with Tenku, and the two girls followed behind.

On the way, Tenku and the others listened to Huang Yuxin's reasons for asking Tenku to be her fake boyfriend.

Huang Yuxin was the only person from the Huang family who participated in the martial arts competition. Her mother has been suffering from some illness these past few days and couldn't come to support her.

Because Huang Yuxin was too focused on cultivating and rarely played out with friends her age, her mother became worried about her future. Over the past few weeks, her mother introduced her to several men.

Huang Yuxin resolutely refused. But now she couldn't do that after seeing her mother's condition. Even though she looked indifferent and only focused on cultivating, she loved her mother very much and she didn't want to hurt her. Thus, Huang Yuxin wanted to find a fake boyfriend to ease her mother's worries and get her to stop introducing herself to other men.

That way, Huang Yuxin could focus on cultivation. Of course, she couldn't randomly choose someone to be her fake boyfriend. The most important requirement was that the man must be a genius cultivator.

"I see. Then why don't you ask Gu Qingyang or the other geniuses of the major families? You can ask the guy next to me to be your fake boyfriend." Tenku pointed at Wang Zeming.

"You…" Wang Zeming wanted to refute Tenku's words, but Huang Yuxin opened her mouth first.

"I'm sorry! You are handsome and a genius! I don't hate you, but I don't want to do that fake relationship with someone I know! Since this pretend relationship is only temporary, I don't want that person to become too famous in Beijing because it might end badly for both of us when we end it!" Huang Yuxin bowed to Wang Zeming and said apologetically.

"Ugh!" Wang Zeming felt his heart being pierced by a spear. He didn't confess to her, but he felt like he was being rejected. Tenku and Wang Ruyue chuckled after seeing Wang Zeming's reaction. Not long after, they arrived at arena D, and several participants had gathered there.

"So, how do you answer after hearing my story?" Huang Yuxin repeated the question to Tenku and looked at him nervously.

"We'll talk about that later. Now I want to focus on the competition and don't want to think about other matters." Tenku didn't immediately refuse like before because her heart softened after hearing Huang Yuxin's story. He suddenly thought of his mother in the past.

Tenku had to think about it first and discuss it with Wang Haotian because he was worried that there was another matter in the Huang family, and he didn't want to get involved.

"Thank you!" Huang Yuxin replied happily. She finally finds a suitable fake boyfriend to introduce to her mother.

On the other hand, Wang Ruyue frowned when she heard their conversation. Since last night, she had felt something strange about her. Wang Ruyue didn't know why but felt bitter when she saw Tenku being close to another girl.

Not long after Tenku and the others arrived at arena D, the thirty-two participants had gathered and were ready to draw lots for the next round.

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