Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 179: Stalking

Chapter 179: Stalking

The party was as boring as expected. If it weren't for Delia, it would have been a waste of time. Hopefully, she would manage to cripple the Dark Sword Clan...

Okay, I wasn't wishing harm upon my family. But in my defense, they had three planned massacres if things went their way. Those were only the three I knew about. They probably hid a lot from Delia, ever since she spilled the beans about me being engaged to a princess.

But even those thoughts didnt distract me from the present. The starry night sky was particularly beautiful today, and as I walked toward my house, a smile spread across my lips. I felt relieved, and the pulsing Ord of Carpy was as comforting as always.

I kicked open the door of my cabin, unintentionally breaking the damn thing off its hinges.

I didn't mean to do it that hard! Fixing this in the morning was going to be a pain in the ass. But I couldn't stop now; that would look lame in front of my subordinates.

"Who wants some stolen goods from the party?" I pulled out a couple of bottles of wine that I had stored under my suits jacket.

My subordinates were still here, working until nighttime... Well, calling it work was a bit of an overstatement. Pan was leaning back on his chair cutting his nails, Miku was watching some horrible TV drama, and Bear was washing the dishes.

I didn't mind it, though Pan tried to hide the nail clipper he was using on his toes. "Oh, hey, bossman."

He barely does anything, only the minimum amount possible. But he reminded me of a bored office worker like myself in my past life, so I liked him enough to keep him around. Also, he was a certified dentist, so if we ever had tooth problems... Yeah, he was a hell of a weird guy.

Miku, on the other hand, looked me in the eyes and didn't even have the decency to turn off the TV. Instead, she returned to watching her horrible sitcom romance series.

"Shit taste in TV shows, Miku. From today onward, you're no longer my second in command."

"I was your second in command?" She tilted her head.

"I never announced it, but in my heart, you were the second in command. Now you're the second favorite. Bear, you're my new favorite guy and the one in charge of those two," I nodded.

Arent you, as an Elite Exorcist, supposed to be in charge of all of us? Miku asked, but I and everyone else ignored her silly question.

Bear froze in place, tears welling in his eyes, and he ran towards me. Ord or no Ord, seeing a grizzly bear charging at me was scary. But he halted in front of me and got on his knees. "Thank you for this opportunity, sir! I won't disappoint you!"

Okay, he was a little dramatic. It wasn't like he would have any new responsibilities or pay raises. But enthusiasm was welcome. "Okay! Ive decided to write a book. Itll be about a half-demon boy called Narumo whose parents sealed the nine-tailed tanuki inside him."


Meeting the princess for the second time was a significant occasion, although I didn't share the same excitement as others. Instead of waiting for her with anticipation, I was in my cabin, only somewhat curious to learn more about her.

To my surprise, she didn't barge in or act arrogantly like some entitled young nobles. She entered with a smile, her blue eyes shining and her red hair, a common trait among the royal family, adding an exotic and cute touch.

"Sorry for the inconvenience," she said, tilting her dark crimson dress in a curtsy.

Was she secretly a psycho killer? That's how it usually went with people who seemed overly nice. However, I knew it wasn't wise to judge a book by its cover, which was why I only mentally labeled her a mass murderous psychopath until proven otherwise. "You're welcome. I apologize for the inconvenience as well. I wanted to visit you, but I didn't know where you resided. I asked around, but no one seemed to know."

Obviously, the location of the princess was a closely guarded secret. Only the Governor was privy to that information, and approaching him for it would have been straightforward. But sometimes it was advantageous to be underestimated. I didn't want to be seen as competent, as that would detract from my training and planning for the day.

My team comprised a money-focused girl, a lazy guy, and a talking bear. Convincing others of our incompetence wasnt difficult.

Although slipping past Yara might prove annoyingly difficult since she could see through my Ord even if I suppressed it. She was a natural counter to Masters like me, and her ability to perceive the true form of Ord was constantly active. Even now, she avoided meeting my gaze, looking away. Part of me was curious to ask her how she saw my Ord, but I suppressed such curiosity.

"However, if you ever need my assistance from today onwards, don't hesitate to ask. I would be more than willing to help!" I lied through a polite smile. Incompetence and eagerness to help were qualities nobody desired in a bodyguard, as they could worsen the situation.

"Ah, I appreciate the offer," the princess breathed a sigh of relief. "It's reassuring to know someone like you is watching over me."

"Don't mention it; it's my duty," I reassured her. Given that she had observed my demeanor, her words were likely just polite gestures. As a princess with virtually unlimited resources, she could surely afford a capable protector.

Yara maintained an expressionless face, her gaze fixed on me. Hopefully, she perceived me as just another foolish man with a significant amount of Ord.

"During the past year, both my younger brother and uncle died. My uncle was murdered by Paris, the previous Judgment Exorcist," she princess said, preparing to leave.

Why then hell did she just say that? Was she trying to get a reaction out of me? Maybe get a read on my character?

"Are you considering hiring additional security?" I asked, causing her to halt and turn towards me, still wearing her friendly smile.

"Of course not. Why would I need more security? I have you, after all," she replied, before walking out of my door, which had been recently repaired.

Did she know who I was? That was unlikely, my appearance had changed too much to what the newspapers had published and I looked like someone in my twenties.

Also, even if she knew, the absence of new security was suspicious. What was she hiding that she would risk her own life? It seemed either she was extremely arrogant, believing Yara could handle any potential problems, or she had something to protect.

Yara wasn't bad, but at best, she was only suitable as an Expert Exorcist. Her ever-watchful eyes were advantageous for spotting anyone attempting to masquerade as a regular person, but they had a significant weakness against formidable opponents, like sensitive teeth encountering cold water.

Nonetheless, having someone so close with hidden secrets made me uneasy. It was my paranoid side, knowing the dangers certain special abilities could pose. The royal family was forbidden from learning Ord due to the clans' desire to preserve their power. However, rules were frequently broken. Perhaps she had inadvertently awakened Ord?

"Hey, am I the only one sensing this incredibly dangerous aura around him?" Pan whispered to his fellow exorcists. "I always thought he was a laid-back guy, but something deep inside is screaming at me to stay away."

"However dangerous you assume he is, multiply that by a hundred," Miku whispered back. "Are you sure you want to continue being lazy? He might kill you."

Pan frowned, contemplating it extensively before finally declaring, "Yes, I will take my chances. Life is full of risks, and a man must always endanger himself to seize what he desires. What kind of man would I be if I were too afraid to stand up for myself?"

"That would have been an impressive speech if you weren't making it because you just wanted to laze around," Miku responded ruthlessly.

But Pan had thick skin, puffing his chest with pride. "Some people become strong to protect their loved ones, but I want to safeguard my chances of being lazy!"

He and Miku continued to argue, and I zoned out both of them. There was a secret to uncover, and this was the most intriguing thing to happen since my arrival.

Carpy hadn't detected anything malicious, so I trusted him that the secret probably wouldn't be life-threatening. Nevertheless, I decided to bring my cursed weapons, just to be on the safe side.


As night fell, I stealthily entered a small suburban-looking house leaning against the town walls.

The house, situated near the inner side of the wall, was where Yara and the princess resided. Carpy, with his uncanny knowledge of everyone's whereabouts, was already constructing an underground water canal. With the sea nearby, anyone foolish enough to challenge us would face a daunting task.

It was time to delve into the personal belongings of a young girl, uncovering the secrets she kept hidden. The thought felt unsettling, but deep down, I knew it was necessary for the greater good.

Quietly, I slipped through the window and entered her room, only to find that it lacked the grandeur one would expect in a princess's quarters.

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