Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 332: The Law of Gravity

Chapter 332: The Law of Gravity


As Riser had promised before, he went on a trip with Serafall to Kyoto as the West Youkai Faction wished to become part of the alliance.

Still, Serafall also thought that it was her chance to go on a trip with Riser, so she invited him.

As he was able to escape from his work, naturally, he agreed to this invitation.

So, along with Rossweisse, Mihae (his bishop), Mira (his pawn), and Burent (his pawn), all of them went on a trip to Kyoto.

Naturally, before they went to Kyoto, they went to visit Sona and Rias on the Kuoh.

Sona and Rias jumped and hugged him tightly, happily.

Being hugged by the two, Riser had to say that it was great as he had never expected that he would be able to enjoy this situation. Still, the matter of Kyoto aside, he was going to enjoy his time on the Kuoh.

Serafall also thought the same, as it had been a while since she met her little sister. Nevertheless, she felt a little nervous when she realized the dominant position had been switched between them.


The smell of sex, the humid air of the ardent motions, and the sound of their heavy breathing filled the room.

Riser sat on the edge of the bed, smoking a cigarette, looking at the ceiling absentmindedly as he knew this trip to Kyoto definitely wouldn't be peaceful.

"What's wrong?"

Sona reached behind him as she moved her hand up and down on his broad back.

"The second grade at your school will go to Kyoto, too, right?"


Similar to him and Serafall, who left for Kyoto, the 2nd year students of the Kuoh Academy would also leave for Kyoto for a school trip. It happened to be a coincidence, but somehow, he felt like it was like a plot where trouble was about to come. However, unlike before, there was no Issei, the natural protagonist of this world, so he wasn't sure how this problem might be unfounded.

"I have heard that Azazel is going to join, right?"

"He is going to join as a chemistry teacher and also the adviser of the Occult Research Club." As a student council, this was something natural for Sona to know. "Right, Rias?"

"Yeah." Rias, who was sleepy, answered Riser's question. "Is there something wrong?" She didn't care much about Azazel since she knew that Riser was going to give a slow and painful death to Azazel, avenging her older brother in her place. Riser might not have said anything, but she knew how he felt, especially when he was a tsundere.


"Riser-chan, you have been weird. You must be hiding something, right? Tell us, okay? If you have something that you are worried about, you can tell us."

Unlike Sona and Rias, Serafall was more straightforward as she wished to be his strength. She knew that many things happened under this peace, but many of them were clueless.

"No, I just felt like something might have happened on our trip to Kyoto later."

As he said those words, he looked at the three women whose bodies were glistening by the sweat. Their room was quite cool due to their air conditioner, but the heat from their previous activities still remained within their bodies, causing them to sweat.


"Well, the Khaos Brigade or something? Anyway, we will probably have to fight since someone won't let us have a smooth expansion of the alliance."

Under his leadership, the alliance was probably the strongest force on this earth.

As the West Youkai Group joined the alliance, there was no doubt that the power of the alliance would be even greater.

While the Khaos Brigade might be one of the sources of trouble in this world, the forces that were sandwiched by the alliance definitely wouldn't stay silent by the expansion of the power of the alliance.

Japan, the United States, and Europe were controlled by the alliance.

There might still be a lot of myths that hadn't joined, such as Middle Eastern, Celtic, African, Indian, and Chinese Myth who hadn't joined the alliance, but even so, it might be only a time before they joined as the expansion of the alliance couldn't be stopped.

If there was trouble, then it might also come from those two myths, especially when Sun Wukong was involved during the problem of the Great Red previously.


'Azazel and Ajuka.'

Riser knew that he needed to clear up the two as soon as possible before they ran away to those two myths or even the Khaos Brigade.Yet, there was no doubt this trip to Kyoto was a perfect chance for him to clear them up. However, he wouldn't tell Rias, Sona, or Serafall.

Still, the three of them gasped when they heard that the Khaos Brigade might appear in Kyoto.

Giving them water, which they gulped greedily, Rias asked, "Will the Khaos Brigade really come?"

"If they don't come, I will be surprised. Moreover, isn't it a rare chance for them to fight me?"

Unlike when he was in the Underworld, where he was protected by the army of the alliance and various security magics on his territory.

"Then, don't tell me..."

"I will use myself as bait so the remaining members of the Khaos Brigade appear. It's time for this organization to be destroyed after all."

His voice was just as he was on the side of justice.

"Should I go with you?"

"No, it's enough for me with Onee-chan to go."

"...be careful, okay?" Sona hugged his leg tightly, feeling helpless as she could do nothing.

Rias was the same and hugged his other leg.

Naturally, when the two of them hugged him, a natural reaction happened to his penis, causing them to blush and wish to be impregnated.

"What's wrong, Serafall?"

Unlike the two, who were like women in heat, Serafall didn't say anything.

"...you are not going to push me like before, right?"

"You still thinking about that?"

"Of course!" Serafall looked at Riser with tears in her eyes. Even now, she still remembered when he pushed her away when he faced that dangerous being, and she was just afraid that he would do something similar.

"You don't need to worry. I won't do something like that."

"Can you promise me?"

"It's not about a promise, but in this world, there is no one who is stronger than me now."

His voice was casual as if he was just stating the fact.

"The Khaos Brigade? If I can find all of them, they are as good as they are now."

Riser hugged Serafall affectionally. "So, you don't need to worry that I will be okay."

"Okay..." Serafall also hugged him tightly before pushing him, wishing him to impregnate her.

Then, as the two started, Sona and Rias also joined.

"Still, you say all of that, but don't you just feel lustful toward the leader of the West Youkai Faction? You don't want to make her into your woman, right, Riser-chan?" Serafall tore Riser's righteous face.


His lips twitched as he wondered how a woman could show such a face after she had shown him such a sad face previously. Yet could he deny it? After all, like how gravity pulled everyone to the ground, he was also attracted by the heavy mass of the leader of the West Youkai Faction.

However, as he was ready to learn about the law of gravity in Kyoto, all he got was disappointment.

"The leader of the Kyoto Youkai, Yasaka, has disappeared!"

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