Summoned Slaughterer

Chapter 113: Heart Of Mine

Chapter 113: Heart Of Mine

Hifumi, who lifted his eyes at the several rocks coming falling, pondered for an instant, shall I absorb those with darkness magic just like at the time of the attack in the elven village?

However there are no poles and boards like last time. While looking at the stones approaching with a speed that will literally squash him, he thought how wasteful. Its too profane to simply toss the large-scaled trap, they expressly used to aim for my life, into darkness.

And unconsciously Hifumis body leaps.

Kicking off the barrier next to the ground, his body slips through the rocks aiming for the gaps in-between them by matching the timing of their fall.

Rather than the rocks, his visual field is completely zero due to the previously fluttered-down cloud of dust, but he moves his body by groping around with his intuition.

Due to the rough surfaces of the the rocks his hakama got torn even more and the scratches on his arms increased as well, however he was aroused to a degree that he didnt feel any pain.

Tsk! (Hifumi)

His cuff was caught by a rock he grabbed to hold onto it.

Naturally he has no time to release it and retrace his steps.

Finally changing the direction of the stone by hitting it with his foot from atop in a forced stance, he succeeded in running aground by making sure to lie down on top of the stone.

His heart is beating loudly due to the quick appearance and disappearance of deaths abyss, but his fight still hasnt ended.

Crushing down together with the stone, Hifumi, who circulated the impact by taking a defensive stance while clinging to the stone with his whole body, held his breath within the risen dust.

My king. For cautions sake, I shall examine the corpse. (Phegor)

I leave it to you. (Agathion)

Sitting on the throne, Agathion gave his permission to Phegors proposal with an exaggerated nod.

Then (Phegor)

Once Phegor released the barrier, the rubble, which was locked up within, spilled out alongside sand and a cloud of dust.

Phegor, who is estimating that Hifumi is likely at deaths door even at the faint chance that he survived somehow, puts up his guard and draws the knife he always carries around, however his pace shows no wavering.

Well then, once I move the debris out of the way (Phegor)

By no means is it a good thing to use magic that causes an explosion within the castle. If its Vepar, she will likely wash it away with a water current, but Phegor, who isnt overly strong at that, decided to choose the method of pushing up the debris with earth magic.

Its just to confirm the cruelly smashed corpse of the human by looking below the stone. Its fine to leave the clean up to someone else later.

At the time most of the scattered dust had calmed down, Phegor concentrated his consciousness to the front to use magic while grasping his knife.

Yoo. (Hifumi)

What was thrust out was the face of Hifumi, who had closed his eyes, and the point of the katana, which didnt loose any of its brightness.

What!? (Phegor)

Although he shouldnt be able to see within the cloud of dust, Hifumis thrust accurately aims at Phegors heart.

However, even while being surprised, Phegor was able to react.

Swinging his knife, he was barely successful at grazing the katanas point which lunged at him in a straight line.

Even so he isnt able to completely kill its momentum.

The cold blade pierced into Phegors right breast.

Gu (Phegor)

Phegor, whose lung got penetrated, grasps the bare blade even while enduring the pain and spitting out a vast amount of blood from his mouth.

I was careless, but I will suppress you at least this much (Phegor)

Mu? (Hifumi)

Although Hifumi still hasnt opened his eyes, he felt the presence of the same barrier as before. He didnt understand the aim, but although he decided to take some distance temporarily, he cant pull out the katana.

Even while having a rib broken by taking a frontal kick in order to thrust him away, Phegor doesnt release the katana. On the contrary, he curls up his body and embraces the katana. Tossing away the knife as well, he grabs the katanas guard.

Phegor laughed.

I will likely die very soon, but it will probably be impossible for you to confront the king if you dont have this sword. Oh foolish human who goes against the king, you will die in this place. I will look after this sword until I have confirmed that. (Phegor)

Unnoticed the vicinity of Phegor, who closed his eyes, is enveloped in a barrier.

Hifumi, who took some distance after letting go of the katana, breathed out through his nose.

Splendidly done, Phegor. (Agathion)

Agathion nods in satisfaction.

I shall convey your resolve to all demons. As central figure of the demon races revival and the attack against the humans and elves, I shall remember you properly. (Agathion)

Phegor doesnt seem to have the leeway to return any words anymore, but receiving Agathions words with a smile, he bows his head.

While the lord and his retainer were having this passionate exchange, Hifumi took out a water bottle from his darkness storage and completely basked himself in water.

Having washed his eyes as well, he finally regains his sight.

So, did you finish your little chat? (Hifumi)

Haha, you are quite composed, human. (Agathion)

Although he is feigning laughter, Agathions face has a cramp.

Composure? It ended incompletely without me giving the finishing blow. It cant be helped that Im angry. (Hifumi)

Hifumi, who hatefully stared at the barrier that is secluding Phegor, brushed off the dust off his hakama.

He brushes up his wet hair.

Something like the enemy dying unnoticed is the worst. Not feeling the moment a life is stolen with these hands is a disgrace as opponent who fought them. Its the first time for me to have such unpleasant feeling after a battle while fighting in this world. (Hifumi)

Besides, pointing his finger at Agathion, Hifumi opened his right eye widely.

Although its nice to be an unconcerned spectator as well, are you able to resolve yourself to fight? Dont act half-heartedly. This time I definitely want you to struggle for your life. (Hifumi)

Humph, it wont become a struggle. It will finish with an one-sided torture. (Agathion)

Before finishing speaking, Agathion fired an ice spear and a fireball.

Oh, how fast. (Hifumi)

However, compared to the gaps between the rocks he passed before, it was slow.

While taking a stance with his legs in a L-shape, Hifumi dodges the lump of ice, which grazes his hair, with a sway of his head and avoids the fireball by walking.

As expected, your physical ability his high as well. But, how about this? (Agathion)

Agathion made numerous pellets appear above his head.

With each of them having the size of a fist, those are giving off a lustre making one believe that their hardness is completely like metal.

Im outstanding among the demons for my strength in magic. Im especially skilled at earth magic. (Agathion)

Enough of the tedious chattering. (Hifumi)

Hifumi takes out a suntetsu and grasps it tightly within his right hand.

Whats important is whether it will reach me. Isnt that right? (Hifumi)

As you said. The answer to that will appear right away! (Agathion)

The pellets approach with a speed similar to bullets.

They number ten. With no regular arrangement, there were differences in each of their speeds.

If he is hit by even one of those, he wont escape a serious injury. A magic attack, which will likely instantly kill him if one of them hits in a bad spot, assaults Hifumi.

However, Hifumi began to run fiercely.

Great! There is such strong magic! This is definitely a different world! It gives the feeling that this is fantasy indeed! (Hifumi)

From the three pellets which came flying first, he avoids two and hits the last with the suntetsu.

He intended to break it, but the pellet, which was harder than Hifumi imagined, hit the wall with just its momentum reduced.

His hand, holding the suntetsu, has become numb.

At that moment a partially delayed pellet hit the pinky of his hand holding the suntetsu and broke the bone at the fingertip.

Ouch! (Hifumi)

Although he exaggeratedly raises his voice in pain, he doesnt release the suntetsu.

Thats it! This is the kind of battle I wanted! (Hifumi)

Dodging another attacking pellet, he bends backwards and strikes it with the suntetsu.

Looking at Hifumi who is laughing loudly while shedding blood from his broken finger, Agathion frowned wondering whether Hifumi had gone mad.

Phegor wont last long either. In order to get quickly rid of the lunatic in front of his eyes. Agathion created even more pellets.

Even so, Hifumi keeps on advancing with his feet.

He is shot without collapsing while avoiding one or two, but he doesnt take any large damage.

Hifumi runs up to the stairway leading up to the platform where Agathion is standing.

A pellet hits his forehead, but shaking his head, he dampens its force. However, even if he avoided a direct hit, he was largely cut at his forehead.

I reached you. (Hifumi)

Although Hifumi was shedding blood at many places, he looked down on Agathion.

He swung his suntetsu sideways aiming at the scruff of the neck of Agathion, who was befuddled as if having forgotten to attack, due to the violent strike.

Aah? (Hifumi)

Hifumi, who felt a weird feedback, looked at Agathion who should be spouting blood.

The boy who had half of his entire neck gouged out looks up at Hifumi while giggling.

How regrettable. (Agathion)

Even though he is missing his throat, Agathion talks without any change to before.

The cross-section, which should have laid bare the bones and flesh, just showed something like a white sand without even a single drop of blood flowing.

My body is different to you normal living beings. (Agathion)

Agathions left hand, which was held out in front of Hifumis face, burst open.

Whats this!? (Imeraria)

Imeraria tightly grasped the letter she had read.

Sabnak, standing next to her, doesnt say anything.

The one who gave Imeraria an answer was the kneeling Prime Minister Adol.

In title its the protection of the citizens and the cleaning up of the monsters who became atrocious, but (Adol)

Prime Minister, do you believe that 500 soldiers are necessary to exterminate the monsters? No, even if you dont believe it, the statesmen and citizens of Vichy will doubtlessly take it as an application of military pressure. (Imeraria)

Imeraria, who was at the end of her wits while sitting on the throne, breathes a sigh.

I understand that its strange to blame anyone in this case. If I were to ask whether someone made a mistake, it would definitely be me. With the absence of Hifumi-sama who headed to the wastelands and with Origa-san being in the capital as well, I ended up being careless. (Imeraria)

With those two currently not being present, just who the hell is handing out the instructions? (Sabnak)

Adol replies to Sabnaks question,

According to the intelligence of the knight order, it looks to be the girl holding the position called Military Director, but do you know her? (Adol)

Of course Sabnak as well as Imeraria know that person.

Alyssa-chan, eh? She is energetic, but she shouldnt be a child who does too unreasonable things. Why are you glaring at me, father-in-law-sama? (Sabnak)

Dont say you made a move on her before or something like that (Adol)

T-Theres no way I did that. (Sabnak)

Adol glared at Sabnak who is denying while shaking both his hands, but noticing how Imerarias look became stern, he hung his head in a panic.

Good grief Rather than that, theres no doubt that Alyssa-san is commanding the army, as Sabnak-san has said. Though I cant really imagine that. (Imeraria)

As we are talking about Hifumi-san here, its also possible that he issued the orders far in advance. Its not only her either. Since it looks like the civil officials, who were released from slavery, have remained in that territory as well, Hifumi-sans political foundation in that territory is firm. (Adol)

Not just within the kingdom but even including other nations, Fokalore is supported by stable economic strength and there isnt any political disorder due to the distinct chain of command.

A territory within our kingdom being this good in shape should originally be something to be delighted over. But, as for me, I dont feel like raising both my hands in joy. (Imeraria)

Besides, Imeraria smooths out the letter, she ended up crushing, with her palm.

With the fact of them having a connection to the civil officials, who will return to their territories after having learned in Fokalore, and the soldiers, who are transferred to all nations, its probably fine to think that Fokalore is aware of the military and economical information of many territories within our kingdom. (Imeraria)

Such aspects are always researched by civil officials after all, Imeraria murmured.

Hifumi-sama has a character of getting completely absorbed in battle, but it looks like he is cleverly and cunningly controlling those apsects as well. (Imeraria)

Due to Imeraria showing a vague expression making it difficult to distinct whether she is praising Hifumi or labelling him as dangerous person, Sabnak and Adol looked at each other and changed the topic in a hurry.

At any rate, what are they aiming for with the military movements during the absence of their feudal lord, I wonder?

Good grief. Although the exchange with Vichy has finally increased and the vicinity has become stable.

Sabnak cocks his head in puzzlement due to Adols question. However, for some reason Imeraria showed an expression understanding all of it.

Its simple. That stability and peace are states not desired by Hifumi-sama. (Imeraria)

The looks of the two men focus on Imeraria.

Hifumi-sama undoubtedly wants to throw this world into chaos and disorder. He likely wont be satisfied until blood-stained battles occur all over. And he intends to enjoy how me and the leaders of the other nations cope with that state of affairs. (Imeraria)

That is, how to call it?

For that gentleman this world is likely very boring. Therefore, by stirring up things here and there, killing and causing instability, he is trying to change this world into an interesting shape for him. (Imeraria)

While Sabnak and Adol carefully listen to Imerarias conjecture, they nod with serious expressions.

He will likely trigger a fierce war in a not so distant future. Adol-san, I think it will be difficult, but please work out the budget. Sabnak-san, please work on the training and preparations of the soldiers jointly with the knight order. (Imeraria)

Certainly! (Adol)

Her Majesty the Queen, do you mean that Vichy will turn into a battlefield? (Sabnak)

Imeraria slowly shook her head in answer to Sabnaks question.

No. Most likely Hifumi-sama will bring a far more powerful and troublesome opponent along. From the wastelands or from the other side. (Imeraria)

In the direction, where Imeraria shifted her focus at, lies the wastelands.

Just what is that man currently seeing, what is he experiencing and whom is he killing?

Send a compulsory order from the capital to all the territories bordering the wastelands. Please station the royal army at all of those territories. I dont know where the fight will start. Lets get ready as much as we can. (Imeraria)

Sabnak bowed deeply towards the order which was announced with a dignified voice.

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