The Blue Eyes


"Mom! I want the goldfish!"

An adorable kid in jet-black hair shouted to his mother, who was standing beside him. He tiptoed as his tiny finger pointed at an aquarium full of goldfish on a high table.

"Why did you choose goldfish, my dear Kevin? There are many other fishes here. You can choose a rare and unique fish," the mother replied as she stroked his child's raven hair.

"No!" The little Kevin screamed in disagreement. "I just want the goldfish! I don't want anything else!"

The six-year-old boy started yelling in the pet shop, and the mother started to panic. She hurriedly crouched down and hugged her child.

"Just buy the goldfish for Kevin. It's not like goldfish is a bad fish. Goldfish is the symbol of luck. It can bring luck to our son in the future."

The mother and son pair looked up to their side and found an adult man standing beside them. The man's face was similar to Kevin's, even their shirts were in the same color.

"Mom is bad, Dad! She won't buy me goldfish!"

The father chuckled as he patted Kevin's head. "It's not good to say that kind of words to your mom, Kev," the man reprimanded his son. "Your mom just wants to buy you prettier fish. She doesn't have bad intentions for you."

The lady sighed as she stood on her feet again. "Kevin is just too stubborn, Jos. He's just like you."

The man laughed before he raised his right hand in front of his son. The son caught the signal and quickly he slapped his father's palm with his small palm.

The father and son just high-fived in front of her, and Selena could only roll her eyes.

"How many fish do you want to buy, boy?" Joseph asked his son tenderly.

Kevin immediately raised his hand and made a peace sign. "Two, Dad! I want two goldfish, and they have to be boys!"

Joseph and Selena stared at each other.

"You only want two goldfish, and they have to be boys? But, why?" Selena asked as she looked down at her son.

"Because I want the boys to play together! Girls are too noisy sometimes. I don't want them in my new aquarium!"

The parents chuckled at their son's innocent remark. They didn't argue more and just asked the pet shop's owner to give them a pair of male goldfish.

The pet shop's owner stared at them weirdly, but they ignored the weird gaze. They didn't even know how to differentiate the male and female goldfish, so they trusted the owner for the matter.

The pet shop's owner left the family for a while before coming back with a transparent plastic contained a pair of goldfish. The man handed the plastic directly to Kevin, and the kid accepted it with a happy smile.

"Go back to the car and wait for us there, Kev. Your dad wants to buy another fish for himself," Selena instructed her son.

Little Kevin nodded obediently before he brought his little feet to leave the pet shop.

He walked toward the car that was parked in front of the shop. His tiny hand was about to open the car door, but then his ear caught a faint sob. His dark eyebrows frowned as he tried to find the source of the sound.

Kevin turned his head to the side and found a small boy crying on the side of the road. Frowning a little, Kevin contemplated whether he should approach the sobbing boy or not.

His parents asked him to wait in the car, but he wanted to approach the poor boy. The boy was standing not too far from his car, anyway. He would run quickly to the car when his parents finished their business in the shop.

Nodding his head firmly, Kevin then walked over to the boy.

"Why are you crying, little boy?"

They both were still a kid, probably around the same age, but Kevin was a bit taller than the sobbing boy.

The caramel-haired boy stopped his sob and looked up at Kevin, who was standing in front of him.

The boy stared at him confusedly before he asked back, "What do you want from me?"

The boy's question made Kevin frown. The boy couldn't even spell the 'R' letter properly.

"I don't want anything from you," he answered confidently. "I have my goldfish already, so I don't want anything from you," he added as he proudly raised the plastic contained a pair of goldfish.

The poor boy shifted his gaze to the goldfish and his eyes suddenly sparkled. "The fishes are yours? They are so cute! Just look at their puffy cheeks!"

"I know right!" Kevin replied joyfully. "My mom doesn't like goldfish. She wants to buy me other fish, but I only want goldfish."

Kevin babbled animatedly, but the boy in front of him was so quiet. Kevin noticed that something wasn't right with the boy, so he stopped his chatter.

"What's wrong with you, little boy?"

Kevin was taller than the boy only by two centimeters, but he dared to keep calling the boy 'little boy.'

The 'little boy' scowled when he heard the words coming out from Kevin's thin lips.

"My name is not a little boy!"

The black-haired boy blinked at the other boy. "Oh?" He tilted his head cutely. "I don't know your name, so I called you 'little boy.' Now tell me your name so I can call you by your name."

The other boy pouted a little as he answered, "My name is Kiss."

Again, Kevin blinked innocently at the boy's answer. "Kiss?" He asked in confusion. "You mean... like this?" He suddenly bent forward a little before he placed his thin lips on the other boy's cheek.

The other boy, Kiss, widened his eyes in surprise when he felt a soft and wet sensation grazed his pure cheek.

The foreign sensation didn't last long, though. Kevin immediately straightened his body again as he smiled at the shorter boy.

"Why did you kiss me?" The shorter boy protested as he brought his hand to touch his no longer virgin cheek.

"Uh?" Kevin once again tilted his head cutely while blinking at the boy. "I just wanted to make sure that your name is indeed Kiss."

"My name is Kiss, but you don't need to kiss me!"

"Why can't I kiss you!"

"My mum told me that kissing is for only mum and dad. Little boys shouldn't kiss each other!"

Kevin stared at the boy innocently. "My mom said that it's okay if I want to kiss someone to show my love to them," he stubbornly argued.

This time, it was Kiss who was blinking at Kevin cutely. "Do you love me? But, I don't even know you."

Kevin stared at the boy without saying anything. It seemed that his mind was complicated now.

"Do you know what love is, Kiss?"

Kiss looked puzzled when he heard Kevin's question.

"Love is... I don't know! My mum has never told me about that!"

The two boys looked frustrated when they were discussing love, but they didn't get an answer in the end.

"Anyway, Kiss," Kevin decided to changed the subject. "Why were you crying just now? Are you hurt somewhere?"

"I'm not hurt anywhere," Kiss honestly answered. "It's just my dad forced me to do something I don't wanna do again. He scolded me, and I ran away from home. I'm scared of my dad."

Kevin responded with an innocent "O" as he nodded his head in understanding.

"You shouldn't have run away from home, Kiss. Your mom and your dad probably are looking for you now."

Kiss pouted his lips as he lowered his head. He was just getting scolded by his father, and now a stranger was also scolding him.

Kevin noticed the change in Kiss's expression, and he felt guilty right away.

His gaze suddenly fell on the pair of goldfish in his hand, and suddenly an idea came to his little head.

He looked unsure, though. He frowned as if he was in deep thought, but before long, he looked up at Kiss again.

"You can take my goldfish with you, but you should go home now."

Kiss looked surprised when he heard Kevin's words. He shifted his gaze from Kevin's eyes to the pair of goldfish in front of his face. It turned out Kevin had stretched out his hand to hand the orange fish.

"Why do you give your fish to me?" The caramel-haired boy asked while frowning.

Kevin, just like an adult, suddenly sighed heavily. "Your dad just scolded you, so you can't ask him to buy you a fish, right? Just take mine now. I'll ask my parents to buy me two goldfish again."

Kiss was stunned. His eyes once again looked for Kevin's, and he stared at the beautiful obsidians deeply.

Not long after, Kiss reached out his hand to accept the transparent plastic from Kevin. He glanced at the fish for a moment before looked up at Kevin.

"Thank you," he whispered bashfully.

"No need to thank me!" Kevin quickly replied. "We're friends now, and friends have to share anything they have."

Kiss once again was bewildered by Kevin's unexpected words. "We are... friends now?" He asked softly.

"Um!" Kevin answered while nodding his head.

"But, I don't even know your name."

Kevin just realized that he hadn't introduced his name to the boy.

He then beamed brightly before he responded, "Kevin. My name is Kevin!"

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