The Blue Eyes

Chapter 98 - REDEMPTION

"Kris? What the hell can the boy do that I should regret not killing him a long time ago?"

Selena smirked at Joseph's question. The lady seemed to have the upper hand now.

"Are you guessing that the formula you invented seventeen years ago is now inside Kevin's body?" Selena's question confused Joseph a little. "First, you were tricked by Blue, and second, you were deceived by Kevin. I didn't expect a genius professor like you can be fooled easily."

"Tell me exactly what you mean!"

Selena was completely unfazed by Joseph's out.

"I never put your formula into Kevin's body, Jos. The formula inside Kevin's body is my creation, and it generates power with the element of ice. Didn't you want to create that power in the past?"

Joseph's jaw tightened at Selena's words. The lady defeated him again! She managed to create a teleportation power in Blue's body, and it turned out that her work didn't end there. It turned out that she also succeeded in creating an ice elemental power in Kevin's body!

"You must be kidding, right, Selena? Then, where is the formula that I created seventeen years ago?"

Selena smiled at Joseph, who just asked in a trembling tone.

"I never stole that formula from you, Jos. For seventeen years, the formula is right beside Mike. Yes, the formula is in Kris's body."

Joseph was literally shaking now. His legs felt so weak that his hands clung so tightly to the wooden stick.

It was not only Joseph who was shocked. Mike also felt the same. For seventeen years, he searched for the girl with Joseph's formula inside her body, but it turned out that the person he was looking for was nearby. That person was his son!

"Not only that, Jos," Selena spoke again. "I've modified the formula in Kris's body. I had meticulously fused it with the DNA that came from the Mike and Adley lineage. It was so perfect that for seventeen years, Kris had shown no strange signs of this power emerging. The two forces in his body had completely fused with his body. If he wants to use his new power, he can use it anytime. There's no need to adapt anymore. Isn't that wonderful?"

Selena's question sounded like a mockery to Joseph's ears. "When did you do all that?" He asked limply.

"I did it really fast seventeen years ago. After I finished injecting my formulas into Blue's and Kevin's bodies, I worked on the formula for Kris in just a few hours and quickly injected it into Kris's body. As a result, there are now two kinds of power inside Kris's body. He's not only having a lightning element, but he also has a fire element that can merge with the lightning element. He is the strongest werewolf monster on Earth."

This time, Joseph's two weak legs couldn't bear the weight of his body, and he finally collapsed while looking up at Selena in horror.

Selena had defeated him completely. From the beginning until now, it was all Selena's scenario.

And to make matters worse, it turned out that Selena managed to combine the power in his formula with Kris's original power. If it was like that, then he couldn't imagine how strong Kris would be. He wasn't sure if Mario would be able to beat Kris.

"Aren't you on the brink now, Jos?" Selena's voice could be heard again. "Just give up, Jos. You will definitely be punished, but if you are willing to surrender, maybe your punishment will be lighter."

Hearing Selena's offer, Joseph sighed softly. "You think I'm stupid? I will only be sentenced to death if I surrender. I've been doing all this for decades, and it's all a part of my life. I failed this time, but I will create other formulas that will conquer the world."

Selena felt sad seeing how her husband was still insistent even though he had lost completely. She was in disbelief when she saw Joseph back on his feet with the help of his wooden stick even though with great difficulty.

"Look around you, Selena," Joseph spread his left hand to show his laboratory. "I already have a lot of new formulas here. They're not finished yet, but I only need to work a day or two to perfect them, and I'll create new monsters again. You know what, Selena? The werewolf monsters will never extinct as long as I'm alive!"

Selena's grip on the armrest of her wheelchair tightened. "Then, I have to kill you today, Jos," the lady said softly.

Joseph tilted his head and looked at Selena mockingly. "You want to kill me?" He asked in an insulting tone. "How do you do that? You're alone here while I still have Mike with me. Isn't that right, Mike?"

Joseph turned to Mike, but the latter was reluctant to turn to him. He just stared ahead without intending to answer Joseph's question. It was clear that the werewolf leader was still angry after he learned all the truth today.

"Mike," Joseph called the man after he got no response. "Do you intend to defect after you know the truth? Hah! It's useless! Just forget the past and focus on the future. You know, Mike? I'm about to finish the formula that will give you eternal life. I'll give it to you if you kill Selena right now."

Both Selena and Mike turned to Joseph. Was Joseph telling the truth? Was it true that he's almost finished the formula? Did Joseph still have a secret weapon?

"Is it true that you will give the formula to me?" Mike asked after a long pause, and Joseph nodded firmly at him.

Selena's eyes widened at the agreement made between the two men before her. It was useless for her to reveal a lot of secrets today because Mike was still loyal to Joseph.

That could be seen when Mike started walking towards her with a cold gaze as his eyes even turned red. Mike really going to kill her for that formula?

But, Selena was shocked when Mike's footsteps suddenly turned around before he quickly choked Joseph's neck. Joseph didn't expect Mike's movement, so he was unable to avoid him.

"You think I still want to live forever after I found out that my family was destroyed by you?" Mike spoke coldly right in front of Joseph's face.

Joseph began to feel pain in his neck, and he had difficulty breathing. "D-don't act stupid, Mike! Y-you still have a long life!"

Mike smirked and looked at him lightly. "You think I don't know your way of thinking, Joseph Beischel? You only used me from the start, and in the end, you will also kill me, just like what you did to my family."

Mike's grip on Joseph's neck tightened, and his sharp nails were also stuck in the neck.

Selena looked panicked. Why did their destiny become like this? The three of them were already old for this kind of childish behavior. They should be at home by now, sitting together while drinking tea, talking about how their children have grown.

But what was happening right now? Selena couldn't help but cry realizing how bad their fate was.

"Stop it, Mike! If you want to kill Joseph, then you have to kill me too."

Selena's words made Mike loosen his grip on Joseph's neck, but he didn't completely let go of the old professor's neck. He looked back a little to look at Selena, who was crying pathetically.

"It's not just Joseph who is sinning here. I also have the same sin. The first formula that created you as the first werewolf was created by Joseph and me. And even though I wasn't directly involved with the massacre of your family by Joseph, but I knew it. I even bowed at Joseph's feet and followed whatever he ordered for decades. Joseph and I share the same sin, Mike."

Finally, Mike's grip on Joseph's neck completely loosened, and Joseph tried to take oxygen greedily.

Selena slowly raised her right hand and brought it to her face, noticing how her wedding ring curled beautifully around her ring finger. She glanced at her husband's right hand, and it turned out that Joseph was also still wearing the ring until now.

Again, Selena's tears dripped uncontrollably.

"Mike, I'm giving you one last chance to run away from this place. You're still fit and you have the strength of a werewolf, so it shouldn't be difficult to run far from this hill and find shelter. Let Joseph and I atone for our sins here. You come back to Kris and start your new life well. I entrust Kevin and Blue to you. Tell them that I'm very sorry that I ruined their life. Tell them that I really love them."

Mike and Joseph were stunned by Selena's words, but they didn't move even for an inch. Joseph was seen lowering his head, while Mike looked sadly at Selena. It seemed the two men understood very well what the female professor meant.

"I also want to atone for my sins here," Mike finally spoke. "I've also done a lot of mistakes. I'm old, anyway. Let the young people continue their lives."

Selena was surprised by Mike's decision. It was apparent that the old man had no hope of life.

The lady then turned to Joseph, and it turned out that the man was looking sadly at her too.

Selena clenched her right fist and brought her wedding ring, which was encrusted with a blue sapphire, close to her lips. Her eyes were closed, and she whispered to the ring, "From today onward, the Earth will have a new, better life."

And her lips finally kissed the ring, marking an end of the trio's sad story.

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