The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 126

126 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Six

The couple swayed together to the music enjoying the peace that came with being in each other’s arms. Cole’s senses were starting to clear up as the poison left his system. He could take in her scent much easier... an aphrodisiac scent that had him fighting his wolf for control. Katie hadn’t dressed before with her hair tied up and he’d known the effect that one time that she’d let him put a necklace on him. He’d wanted to mark her without her knowledge then even without knowing if she was his mate.

“Umm, Katie, what made you tie up your hair this time?” he asked.

“Do you not like it?” she asked him, “I thought I’d show off the necklace you got me back then.”

The sapphire necklace hung loosely upon the girl’s chest. “That’s not it... You look... stunning. I just remembered you tying your hair up once before with a hairband. What was that about?”

“Oh, that. I tie my hair when I’m going to take a fight seriously. That’s why I carry that around with me. That way, I can’t have that much of an excuse. Cole, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine... You have your gifts... Well, I have mine as well,” this caught the girl off guard. She knew he was one of the moon goddess’ chosen, just like she was. But she’d never thought they’d be perks to that.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Cole winked at her. The girl groaned at the meaning behind his words. ‘Why do I have to wait?’

‘I wonder if his gifts are...’ Ashley asked, in deep thought spiralling entirely in the wrong direction.


‘Is this seriously one of those times when you have to go back to your primal instincts?’ Katie asked the wolf, peeking into the thoughts of the wolf.

‘Hey, you never know what it is. He did say that you’d see soon enough. One of those times happens to be today night... in the bedroom,’ she replied.

‘You need a hobby, Ashley,’ Katie giggled, bringing herself back to the present.


Davin sat in a table on the balcony of his office, looking to the backyard and overseeing the entire party below. Opposite him was the wolf that everyone knew to be his brother. To his right, his mate who he wrapped one hand around, just like he always wanted. “What brings you here, Uncle?” he asked the man.

“Now why would I miss the return of my granddaughter? I heard of quite the scuffle that you went through back in Brigadia. Now, why would a small town like that give you so much trouble? You were there for nearly a week. You’re growing soft, Davin,” he said.-

“What might be your point, Uncle? I’d also really like to know where you got your information from,” Davin said.

“Oh, my source doesn’t really matter. He’s been instructed to stay hidden from you anyway. As for the girl over there, what can she do besides be pretty and wary of everything around her? I heard she was supposed to be moving about in a wheelchair. How come she’s walking around normally?”

Sean was full of questions... and Davin was hesitant to answer any of them. This was the one royal that was never accounted for. He didn’t cause trouble, but he didn’t show any interest in accomplishing the mission of the royals. In fact, he enjoyed the fear the humans had for royals.

“I’m about to ask her about that myself. It does bring me joy that she can walk again though. For now, let’s leave it at that,” Davin tried to take the attention off her daughter.

“Oh, Davin, you always try to turn a blind eye to everything that seems to bring down your mission. This mission of yours... It makes you soft. I watched the girl hold back while a slut tried to mess with her mate. All of you are pathetic. If that were me, the girl would be six feet under along with anyone who would oppose me,” Sean said, looking at the people at the party. He scanned through the crowd and frowned when his eyes fell upon beta Raymond.

“Where is my champion hunter?” the man asked.

“Who do you speak of?” Davin asked, “Oh, you mean Jeremiah. I don’t really know. I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Well, I sent him to Brigadia to stand in for me at the Founder’s festival. He hasn’t contacted me since then,” Sean announced. After the suspicions that Katie made about the boy, Davin had kept out an eye for him, but hadn’t been able to find anything. Jeremiah had vanished like mist... the Hunter’s Society claimed to have let him go after he caused quite the scene at the festival and that was the last they saw of him.

“Why don’t you ask his family? I believe you placed them in a town not far from the capital. If they went back there like I suspect they did, then you should be able to find out what happened from them instead of chasing a man on the run,” Davin said.

“I didn’t say anything about Jeremiah being on the run, Davin,” Sean spoke in a low voice, narrowing his eyes at the alpha, “Now tell me what actually happened to Jeremiah?”

The two royals stared at the two discerning different ways to approach the situation without breaking into a fight. Martha noticed the tension and chose this moment to step in. She placed her hand on her husband’s hand, “Let’s calm down, boys. I’ll narrate what we know... To help your investigation go along smoothly...”

“Why would you hide anything from me in the first place?” Sean grumbled.

“Well, that’s easy... Jeremiah shot Katie with four arrows... You might want to rethink your champion’s position,” Davin said to him.

“That’s not possible. Did you see him yourself committing the act?” he asked, fury pouring out of him upon hearing the accusation.

“Katie saw him before she was downed by four arrows heavily dosed with wolfsbane. We don’t need more proof than that. You can check her memories if you want although I don’t think you’ll find anything other than what we’ve just told you. If that wasn’t the case, then where is Jeremiah right now?” Davin countered.

The older royal looked back into the crowd and spotted the girl who’d reported Jeremiah’s actions. Katie wasn’t one to miss lurking eyes and she looked up at him amidst her dance with Cole. The look on Sean Sirius’ face was one of amusement... “You have that much confidence in what she can do. How did she come to be shot by Jeremiah then? Do you have an explanation of what might have coerced him to do something so foolish?”

“I don’t know what game he was playing at, but Katie was shot when she’d just confronted the Rouge king,” Davin said. It was like everything he said unlocked another door to boundless information that the man wanted to hear.

“It sounds like you have quite the story right there. Might we get some more refreshments? I want to hear all about what happened in Brigadia,” the man said, taking a seat. His feelings about the traitorous champion seemed all but history now.

“What do you plan to do about your champion?” the King asked.

“I plan to have him interrogated. That’s if he ever shows his face again. I would have ordered his death since I’m not nearly as soft as you, but since it was I who recommended him and his family to be awarded the status of nobles, I would like an answer before having him hanged,” he explained.

“I find your ways to be ugly. Werewolves killing a hunter... It will turn the tide in this war. We won’t have the full allegiance of the hunters if that happens,” Davin said.

“Oh, does that mean we are supposed to just sit back while the hunters themselves shoot down royals? Are you going to tell me that Katie was only grazed by those arrows? That you do not feel any sense of revenge boiling up within you every time you realised your baby girl almost died when you’d only got her back a second time...”

“Enough Sean... We get your point,” Martha raised her voice for the first time in weeks. The royal knew to hold his tongue when the Queen got agitated, out of respect for the lady.

“I’m glad we can see eye-to-eye on this. Honestly, each generation of kings is weaker than the last. It’s like you want the humans to forget their place and assume superiority over the werewolves,” the man sighed.

“That is not what this is about and you know that. Humans will always know that they are not the same as werewolves and they will always witness their weaknesses. When I look down there, I see our future closer than we ever thought it’d come to be. Once their union is complete, it will only be a matter of time before all the rogues have been purged from the world,” Davin said.

“I’ve heard your scriptures, Davin. No need to go over them again. Now tell me what happened in Brigadia before my tea gets cold,” the man said, pouring himself a cup from the kettle that had been brought to him. The air of hostility was finally clearing... The two finally getting comfortable around each other... The Queen sighed at the oddity before her, “You boys are a handful...”

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