The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Life with a cat and life without a cat are worlds apart.

A quiet day suddenly has so much more to do - scooping the litter box, feeding meals, less time on the phone in the bathroom because the cat monitors your bathroom breaks.

When you sit at the computer to work, the cat crouches next to your hand and meows for cuddles.

Jian Jing is grateful that Bing Bing was trained well, doesn't like stepping on the keyboard or chewing wires. Other than knocking over a cup once, spilling water that ruined a mechanical keyboard, the cat hasn't caused much trouble.

She wonders how authors with cats manage to stay productive.

All she wants to do is pet the cat rather than write.

Everyday it's "Bing Bing, come get cuddles" "Bing Bing, time to eat" "Bing Bing, let's go downstairs."

Then inevitably, sinister thoughts arise: if she lied that Bing Bing got lost, could she keep him for herself?

Too bad Jiang BaiYan keeps close watch over his son, video calling daily to check in before he feels assured.

Jian Jing teases "Are you afraid I'll sell your Bing Bing?"

Jiang BaiYan replies "Bing Bing isn't worth any money, I'm just worried he'll get adopted by someone else."

This kid is just too smart.

Jian Jing regretfully gives up her kidnapping scheme, just enjoying each day as it comes.

Then, March arrived.

As spring warmed, temperatures gradually rose, clothing became lighter, the first cherry blossoms bloomed, filling the streets with the atmosphere of spring.

Jian Jing received a wedding invitation.

The wedding was for the daughter of Golden Crow's vice president Ge, not only inviting close friends and family, but several top authors from the publishing company were also invited.

This was an unavoidable social occasion that required attendance.

Luckily the weather that day was sunny and clear, with just a few wispy clouds in the bright blue sky, neither too hot nor too cold, extremely comfortable.

Jian Jing cleaned Bing Bing's litter box and fed him ahead of time, leaving instructions for the hourly cleaner to feed him again at noon, before reluctantly leaving home.

Kang Mu Cheng came to pick her up, and seeing her state, said "If you like cats so much, get one yourself."

Jian Jing said "Better to steal than buy, better to kidnap than steal, but best to return what's kidnapped."

This was the first time in almost a month Kang Mu Cheng had seen her, and she seemed much better than he imagined. Her light makeup was neatly applied, looking almost bare-faced, just a touch of lip color still imparting a rosy glow.

She wore a white blouse with lace flounces, cinched at the waist with a brown leather belt, pulling in the loose top to accentuate her slim figure. On top was a light coat. Below she paired martin boots, with bling bling charms dangling from the shafts, cute with a touch of rocker chic.

It looked like a new spring outfit.

Having the interest to buy new clothes meant things couldn't be too bad.

Kang Mu Cheng felt truly relieved, finally daring to bring up her new manuscript: "I read the new draft, the mystery element was done skillfully in your style, but the romance was unexpectedly good. To be honest, Jian Jing, I thought you would write like Xia Xing."

Jian Jing couldn't help laughing.

"Her stories are popular, but the flaws are also obvious, too fantastical, dream-like. Your story, though fictional, has a sense of authenticity rarely seen. How did you write this?" Kang Mu Cheng feigned calmness.

Jian Jing deflected "When will you give feedback on revisions?"

"I brought them today." Kang Mu Cheng handed her a file folder, then steered the conversation back "Recently in the group chat, Xu and other screenwriters are always discussing casting for Demon 2, but you rarely speak up."

Jian Jing said "I'm not that interested."

"Didn't you want to recommend Jiang BaiYan before?" he asked.

Jian Jing retorted "Wasn't that your idea? Besides, he already declined himself."

"You could suggest other candidates, any actors you like?"

"Mr. Kang," Jian Jing turned to face him "Are you asking about Xie Wei?"

Kang Mu Cheng hesitated, then said "You just met him recently, but he and Shao Meng died in quick succession, then Tao Tao suddenly went mad, I'm a little worried."

Jian Jing shook her head "I'm fine."

They had only known each other briefly, how deeply could she grieve? But death imparted a glossy veil over every interaction, inevitably stirring sorrow.

"Jian Jing," Kang Mu Cheng chose his words carefully "Maybe you could talk to me about it."

She glanced his way without responding.

He added "Anything at all, I'll listen."

"No thanks." She declined decisively.

Kang Mu Cheng was shocked "Why? I'll keep it confidential, don't you trust me?"

"I don't want to report on my personal state like in therapy." Jian Jing explained slowly "If Mr. Kang wants to chat with me, tell me about yourself first."

Kang Mu Cheng was taken aback, hesitant.

Jian Jing idly adjusted the rabbit brooch on her chest, serene.

After a while, it seemed Kang Mu Cheng wanted to open up about something, but unaccustomed to confiding in her, hemmed and hawed for a long time without breaking through his inhibitions, awkwardly changing the subject "We're here."

Today's wedding venue was a private club not open to the public, designed like an English castle, only hosting weddings and other events for utmost privacy.

As the car passed through the iron gates, a building like Huckley Castle from Downton Abbey came into view.

Vast lawns, exquisitely trimmed gardens, ready to serve as a backdrop for idol dramas. But now, the gardens were occupied by white silk and enormous sprays of fresh flowers, the arbors festooned with colorful balloons, dream-like.

Jian Jing signed in at the entrance, contributed 8888 yuan, receiving a gift in return.

Curious what they were giving out, she immediately tore it open.

A bottle of Gurmelune perfume, a Chanel lipstick, two handmade chocolates.

She glanced at Kang Mu Cheng's gift set - a lighter, cologne, and biscotti.

"Let me have that." Without even asking, she took the cookies and tucked them in her bag.

Kang Mu Cheng gave them over, murmuring "Just like a child."

Though she hadn't asked for them.

Since given, she accepted them into her bag.

Kang Mu Cheng's gaze softened "Stay with me, we'll go greet the hosts."

Jian Jing obeyed.

Vice President Ge's surname was Nie, known as President Nie, a rather handsome middle-aged man. Though no longer young, he kept himself in good shape, standing tall and straight. Thanks to a life of luxury, there were few wrinkles on his face.

"Mu Cheng is here." President Nie oversaw publishing distribution at Golden Crow, less familiar with Jian Jing, exchanging brief pleasantries "This is Teacher Jian right? Thank you for attending my daughter's wedding."

"President Nie, hello." Jian Jing smoothly fell into her usual wallflower role.

President Nie had worked at Golden Crow over a decade, quite close with Kang Mu Cheng, skipping small talk to say "Rong Rong is with her mom, you haven't seen each other in a while right?"

Kang Mu Cheng said "Over two years since we met."

"Seeing you, she'll definitely be thrilled." President Nie beamed "Go see her, lots of Rong Rong's pretty and lively friends came today. You're two years older than Rong Rong, better hurry up yourself."

Kang Mu Cheng sighed "Yes, I know."

Jian Jing hid her laughter, indeed nothing was more fearsome at weddings than being nagged about marriage.

Eager to avoid President Nie playing matchmaker on the spot, Kang Mu Cheng hurriedly made excuses to leave and pay respects to today's bride.

The bride and her mother awaited in the dressing room, surrounded by a dozen girls, the center of attention.

"Auntie Ge, Rong Rong." Kang Mu Cheng greeted the familiar elders.

As custom dictated, Mrs. Ge today wore a red cheongsam, but the fine material and expert tailoring kept it from looking gaudy, instead exuding luxury and celebration.

Seeing Kang Mu Cheng, she was utterly delighted "Mu Cheng, come sit." And told her daughter "Rong Rong, you haven't seen Mu Cheng in so long right?"

The bride had already changed into her wedding gown, the soft sheer white satin carefully wrapped around her slender form, the long train trailing elegantly behind like petals on a blossom.

"Brother Mu Cheng." The bride Rong Rong smiled brightly "Thank you for coming to my wedding."

Kang Mu Cheng also dropped his usual solemn manner at social functions, smiling slightly "I haven't seen you in so long, and suddenly you're getting married. I heard the groom is the younger son of the Fang family?"

Mrs. Ge nodded effusively "That's right, has Mu Cheng met him before?"

"Maybe briefly, not too familiar."

By simply looking through the list of the top 100 richest people in the country, it is easy to see that the top industries represented are Internet, real estate, electronics, pharmaceuticals, machinery, food, apparel, and media.

The Fang family, as their name suggests, made their fortune in real estate. Twenty years ago, they were ranked in the top 20 richest families in the country.

But that was twenty years ago. Times have changed.

Yet everyone needs the basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, so the real estate industry remains resilient. The Fang family is still absolutely one of the most prominent wealthy families in China.

Of course, the wealth belongs to the whole clan. The groom that RongRong is marrying today is only the youngest son of the Fang family. His father is still alive and he has older siblings. Fortunately, he has made something of himself, founding a very successful chain of boutique hotels.

It is the latest red-hot hospitality brand, this groom's business venture.

Mrs. Nie is very satisfied with her soon-to-be son-in-law.

And now that her own daughter is taken care of, she is eager to play matchmaker for others. Mrs. Nie's gaze sweeps over the bridesmaids until it lands decisively on her favorite: "Little Chun, do Auntie a favor and show him around."

She says to Kang Mu Cheng, "You're a grown man, surely you don't want to sit here chatting with me. We have lots of guests today, go mingle and make some new friends."

But Kang Mu Cheng declines, "My mother won't arrive until this evening. I'd like to keep you company for a while."

Having built his company to where Chairman Kang is today, making money is no longer his top priority. Most of the day-to-day operations have been handed off to his son. He focuses now on cultural outreach, frequently hosting events abroad to boost his reputation.

And that's where JinWu is today, preparing to meet with foreign royalty. Their schedules are set months in advance, so she couldn't possibly make it back in time.

"That's alright, the Chairman can video call in," Mrs. Nie says with an unconcerned laugh. "No more stalling, off you go. If you don't leave soon none of our girls will get any work done."

The bridesmaids laugh in agreement.

Having failed to find an excuse, Kang Mu Cheng reluctantly rises to his feet.

The bridesmaid Chun takes a nervous breath and smiles warmly as she leads the way. "The groom's party is in the garden. We just have to go around this way."

They head downstairs from the bridal prep room, cut through the event hall, and exit out the back door into the sprawling, open-air garden. Flowers arch overhead to form galleries and arbors over the emerald lawn.

Bubble machines continuously puff translucent orbs into the air, refracting rainbows of light in the sunshine. The air is sweet with the scent of desserts, teasing everyone's noses as the spring breeze passes by.

Guests mingle and snap photos, while children run about swinging helium balloons.

Jian Jing sits tucked away in a corner, taking some pictures and scrolling through her phone. The mellow sunshine seeps away the lingering winter chill from her skin.

Perhaps because of her shrewd choice of seats, she's backed by a row of flower trellises. Many people seem to appreciate the privacy of this little corner for hushed conversations.

For instance, the two men currently professing their affections just a few feet away.

Man A says, "I heard you're going on blind dates?"

Man B replies, "My mom insists, I have no choice."

A asks, "Why don't you just come out to them?"

B answers, "I'm the only child, I have to carry on the family line, there's no way around it."

A scoffs bitterly, "That's it?"

B pleads, "You have to understand my position."

A snaps, "Fine, if that's how it is, go on your dates and get married. We're through."

B recoils in shock, "How can you be so heartless?"

Jian Jing listens intently, thinking to herself that this is a perfect start to a BL romance story.

But the tale takes an abrupt turn down mystery lane when another groomsman in a black suit hurriedly approaches and asks in a hushed voice, "Have either of you seen Fang Yan?"

Fang Yan is the groom's name.

"No, what's going on?" A asks.

The third man takes a deep breath, tone ominous, "He's gone missing."

Jian Jing thinks: *gasp* plot twist!

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