The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1167 Getaway Plans

Inside the cave, Lloyd and Garrof sat around their bonfire simultaneously staring dumbfoundedly at the pair of violet eyes that glistened in the soft glow of the bonfire.

They only snapped back from their dazed when Lory returned the jacket Garrof lent her previously but Garrof shook his head [You need it more than me] Garrof subtly refuse.

Lory appreciated his kindness then she chuckle lightly and said: [You forgot my ice power, the cold air won't bother me, you know]

[Well, it doesn't mean you don't feel cold right, just put it on first my shirt is quite thick after all so I'll be fine.] Garrof reassured Lory to take his jacket back, no matter how strong Lory was she was still a woman so as a man it doesn't feel right to let a woman in cold.

[Lory, why don't take your jacket back on, with my cultivation level right now I won't feel cold in this weather] Zhao Li Xin about to take the jacket Lory give to him besides he doesn't lie, with the level of immortal flame he has right now he wouldn't feel cold.

But Lory rolled her eyes [Do you want to be shirtless in the snow? even if you don't feel cold, I feel cold just looking at you beside you will make the others uncomfortable]

Zhao Li Xin realized that most of his clothes had been burnt and only his pants were still left though only half of it even so Zhao Li Xin was lucky not all of his clothes were burnt otherwise he wouldn't know what would he do tomorrow.

"Why don't you let your husband wear Garrof's jacket and you wear your own jacket cause Garrof's jacket is too big for you, and don't worry about Garrof, with his thick skin there's no way he'd catch a cold" Lloyd blatantly mocked him.

Garrof smacked Lloyd's arm though Garrof agree with his friend, immediately Laughter broke out inside the cave.

It was a quiet and peaceful night even though it was snowing heavily outside the cave, therefore, Lory raised an ice wall to cover the entrance of the cave so they wouldn't freeze to death but the downside is they had to put out the bonfires if they didn't want to be chocked by the smoke.

Before dawn Lory and the others got up, they didn't want to waste any more time they cast a strengthening spell on their bodies, except Zhao Li Xin who used lightweight skill.

The four of them immediately shot toward their destination at high speed, a few hours later they arrived at a small airfield, where the planes were rented.

However, the four of them did not immediately enter but watched from behind a pine tree to assess the situation first.

"Let me go first with Garrof and Lloyd, you stay here with my husband, okay," in her calculations, people would lower their guard if Lory is the one to come compared to Lloyd, and Lory choose Garrof to come with her simply because Garrof was the one in charge of contacting Lilliane.

[Lory, why don't I come with you?] Zhao Li Xin felt uncomfortable letting Lory go alone even though Garrof accompanied her.

Lory patted Zhao Li Xin's arm and sighed [It's not that I don't want company, but your appearance will attract attention]

Garrof and Lloyd reflexively saw Zhao Li Xin's appearance, due to his own flame his pants have burned and turned into tattered shorts, obviously, the appearance of a handsome eastern man with short pants in the middle of snow will gain a lot of attention and it will be hard to forget as well.

[Sorry buddy, you will attract too much attention,] Garrof looked at Zhao Li Xin with a puzzled look, even without his strange clothes a man with a face like Zhao Zhao Li Xin would get a lot of attention no matter where he goes, Garrof didn't know whether he should feel jealous or pity Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin didn't know what Garrof was saying but he understood what he meant, sadly, Zhao Li Xin had to admit his appearance right now was too hard to ignore, Suddenly Zhao Li Xin missed the convenience provided by the spatial ring, he noted himself to fixed his ring the moment he managed to regain his array master skill.

[Wait for me!] Lory kissed Zhao Li Xin on the cheek [I'll find pants and a jacket for you] Lory feel sorry for Zhao Li Xin, since Zhao Li Xin come into her world Lory was barely able to give him nice clothes.

Zhao Li Xin didn't have much care about his own appearance but he doesn't want to trouble Lory so he can only follow his wife's orders like a good student, but then he suddenly notices something he holds Lory's wrist [Lory your eyes!] Zhao Li Xin remind Lory about her eyes color.

[Oh yeah!] She completely forgot about it.

Since this is a remote place Lory thought it will not have tight security so she used shapeshifting spell to change her eye's color back to green.

Lory smiled at Zhao Li Xin then she went with Garrof to the small airfield. The place was much smaller than their saw from the outside so as expected there were not many people working there, after a while of searching they finally found someone behind the small plane they saw a middle age man covered with a thick beard wearing a leather jacket and a black hat in the middle checking the plane machine.

"Excuse me, where can we charter the airplane?" Lory waved her hands with a bright smile.

The man throw the screwdriver at his toolbox then he looked at them with an assessing look "You want to rent a plane?" he asked with a gruff and deep voice.

"Yes my name is Gerry, this is my friend Jane and we got two other friends waiting outside, we got urgent matters so we need to get back quickly to Eagle Rock city, are you the one in charge of this place?" Garrof introduced himself under a fake name.

Lory is not surprised, it's only natural that hunters have many aliases, Lory herself has many aliases she even used it right now.

The man look at them and frowned "What happened with your friends?" he looked behind Garrof and Lory appeared to be suspicious.

Lory smiled sheepishly "Well, actually there was a bit of an accident when we were hiking, you sell clothes in this place?" Lory tucked her red hair behind her ear, looking embarrassed.

He glanced at Garrof who was not wearing a jacket for a second "We have a small shop selling winter clothes and if you want to rent a plane you can discuss it with my granddaughter inside" the old man pointed with his thumb towards a small building not far from them.

"Oh, thank you!" Garrof said.

The man snorted loudly and then went back to what he was doing, Lory and Garrof exchanged glances without words then they headed where they were pointed. 

"I will take care of the plane problem and contact Miss Lilliane, you go buy clothes for your husband," said Garrof.

Lory agreed she went towards the small shop that was located adjacent to the office meanwhile, and Garrof entered the office.

the clothing store that Lory entered was even smaller than she thought, there were only a few clothes available, and there was a knitted glove and hat that seem all the same size even so this was more than enough for their emergency situation.

The young man who was guarding the cashier immediately took his eyes off his cell phone and smiled broadly when Lory enter the shop.

"Welcome!" his face beamed in delight when unexpectedly a beautiful young woman entered his shop.

Lory give a quick nod and then immediately went where the clothes were, with limited choices on the shelf Lory bought a white sweater, and gray jacket and didn't forget the black cargo pants because that was the only option available in this shop.

Lory brought all the clothes to the counter, the young man who had been watching Lory from the beginning looked overly excited when Lory came.

"Are you going to pay with a card or cash?" he asked with exaggerated politeness.

"Cash please," Lory answered without looking at him.

The young man glanced at Lory many times but Lory was too busy thinking about Zhao Li Xin, besides that Lory also wanted to know if Garrof managed to charter the plane without any problems, is he contacted Lilliane, yet? and how Ethan Hamilton's condition right now, with so many thoughts going through her head Lory was completely oblivious to the young man's flirt.

The pitiful boy put the clothes in the bag after that Lory hand him the money without giving him a look.

The boy cannot give up just yet after all there are not many beautiful women comes to this desolate place so he makes an excuse to know Lory's name and phone number "Miss, we give a big discount if you want to register as a member, we give fifty percent discount!" he enticed Lory to give her name.

Lory had no time for that, Lory shook her head and reply briefly, "No thank you!" Lory then took the bag and left the shop as fast as she came in, the disappointed young man can only watch the beautiful woman back disappear in the distance and sigh.

Lory turn her head to the office then saw Garrof in the middle signing the papers it seemed Garrof managed to charter the plane without any problems, Lory hope everything will go smoothly from here on.

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