The Supreme Martial King Shocking All Realms

Chapter 460: 457: Jiang Caiying’s Danger_1

Chapter 460: 457: Jiang Caiying’s Danger_1

Translator: 549690339

“Of course, the Purple-eyed Demon Monkey was indeed very strong back then. Although its martial arts strength was suppressed by my prohibitions, it’s obviously delusional to think of defeating it with a mere divine soul realm.” The Tiandu Emperor chuckled, “The Divine Soul level of your Fishman Elder in the Earth Martial Realm is not bad either, but it still falls short when facing this purple-eyed demon monkey. To be able to interfere with it, you would have to have martial arts cultivation considerably stronger than mine.”

Yang Chen was now bewildered.

How should he fight this?

That’s right, even if the martial arts cultivation of the Purple-eyed Demon Monkey was suppressed to the Sixth Level of Origin Martial Realm, and it was at the same level as himself, the Half-step Yuan Martial Realm, it wouldn’t be easy to win. Why? Because how many years has this Purple-eyed Demon Monkey been alive? Back when it was at the same realm as the Tiandu Emperor, it was still not something he could defeat even if it was bound in every way.

The gap in their true realms was too vast.

With this realization, Yang Chen couldn’t help but sigh: “Senior, how could I possibly win the tenth level?”

Whether in any of the previous levels, no matter how outrageous the difficulty, he possessed confidence and a grasp of the situation. Even when he encountered the Seven-colored Peacock in the ninth level, he could still maintain his calm. However, in the tenth level, his opponent turned out to be a Purple-eyed Demon Monkey that had lived for countless years. How could he fight this?

Listening to Yang Chen’s words, the Tiandu Emperor slowly replied, “Yang Chen, it’s not strange for you to think this way. But have you looked around? Although the battlefield scene here is simulated by me, it did indeed happen in the past. Go on, move forward and see for yourself. I have already transferred the Purple-eyed Demon Monkey to another spatial dimension.”

Yang Chen hesitated for a moment, unsure of the meaning behind the Tiandu Emperor’s words, but still looked forward.

As he walked forward and observed, Yang Chen couldn’t help but feel shocked.

Wars were being fought everywhere, with numerous martial artists and demonic beasts battling until they were covered in blood. The sky was a dark mass, and corpses fell from it as life became as worthless as grass here.

Yang Chen couldn’t help but gasp for breath.

“Do you see?” The Tiandu Emperor’s tone was stern, “You’re exceptional, and if you hadn’t made it to the tenth level, I wouldn’t even bother telling you all this. But you possess ability, which I appreciate, and that’s why I’m telling you this.”

“The war between humans and demonic beasts in those years is something the later generations living in peace and ease, like you, could never imagine.”

With his stern tone, the Tiandu Emperor continued, “At that time, the demonic beasts had taken over nearly half of the human territories. Humans lived in fear every day, uncertain of their lives. They tried everything to counter the enemy but struggled to drive out the great army of demonic beasts from their homes. Scenes like these happened almost daily in different places, and it was at a time like this when I encountered this Purple-eyed Demon Monkey when entering the tenth level.”

“Do you have any idea how heavy a price I paid? My loyal subordinates were severely wounded, and I almost had to use all my trump cards just to barely capture this Purple-eyed Demon Monkey. With the use of prohibitions, I trapped it forever in the cage I created.”

Yang Chen imagined the scene at that time, swallowing hard.

Although he had lived for two lifetimes, he was still a young man, and couldn’t comprehend the wars that the Tiandu Emperor had experienced.

The pain and foresight of the Tiandu Emperor were difficult for most people to imagine.

“You must be thinking that since I barely managed to capture this demon monkey, there’s no way someone as young as you could do it now,” the Tiandu Emperor said slowly.

Yang Chen felt a bit embarrassed since this indeed crossed his mind.

However, the Tiandu Emperor didn’t seem to blame him, as this was a normal human reaction.

He sighed sorrowfully, “Have you ever thought that if the generations to come continue to harbor such thoughts, who will protect the human territories in the future? It took so much effort for humans back then to finally drive the demon beast clan out of their lands. If humans don’t keep moving forward, how will they deal with the demonic beasts if they attack again? The seal won’t last forever, and it will eventually fail. The humans up to now may not have even recovered their vitality since then.”

“If humans still have the mindset of not attempting something they think is impossible to accomplish, then when the demonic beasts come, humans will eventually be obliterated. Many people find it hard to believe that it’s possible to kill a demon beast beyond one’s level, but I’m telling you, that’s how the demonic beasts killed humans back then.”

Yang Chen suddenly understood the profound meaning in the Tiandu Emperor’s words.

Right, if humans have always been so conservative, thinking that it’s impossible to achieve something and therefore refuse to attempt it, then when the demonic beasts invade, what changes would there be in the human race compared to the past thousands of years?

There would be none at all.

The Tiandu Emperor spoke loudly, “You may think the rules I set for this challenge are very harsh, but Yang Chen, have you ever considered that you cannot predict what kind of enemy you will face when the demonic beasts invade the human territories in the future? When you encounter a Purple-eyed Demon Monkey much stronger than yourself in martial arts cultivation, can you still reason with it?”

Yang Chen suddenly realized, “Senior, I’m just now understanding the deep meaning behind the Ten Despair Challenges you created.”

With a touch of vicissitude, the Tiandu Emperor said, “Though the Ten Despair Challenges are difficult, they are my attempt to tap into your potential. The greatest advantage humans have over demonic beasts is their potential. If the potential of humans can be tapped, they may not be afraid of the demonic beasts in the future.”

“Yang Chen, for you right now, defeating this Purple-eyed Demon Monkey is indeed impossible. As for how to defeat it, I don’t know either and can’t help you, neither can I provide you with any methods. It’s all up to you to think and solve it yourself. I won’t blame you if you fail, but I hope to see you use all your means to defeat this Purple-eyed Demon Monkey.”

Killing the Purple-eyed Demon Monkey was not an option, and their martial arts cultivation was nearly equal, but defeating it would be enough.

Yang Chen closed his eyes and said firmly, “Senior, I understand. Please send me back. I will try every means to defeat this Purple-eyed Demon Monkey.”

“Good, I will send you back now.”

In the blink of an eye, Yang Chen was back on the second floor.

However, upon returning to the second floor, Yang Chen rubbed his brows as Jiang Caiying’s situation seemed to be not very good at the moment.

In the second floor, two people appeared at some point. These two were none other than the Black Dragon Sect disciples mentioned by Jiang Caiying and another person of unknown origins. They joined forces, leaving Jiang Caiying with no choice but to defend with all her might.

What should he say…

They were targeting his ally.

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