The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 105 - 105: 104: Engaging Battle on the Teeth Ridge

Chapter 105 - 105: 104: Engaging Battle on the Teeth Ridge

Translator: 549690339

“I’ve warned you already, you are in a human body now, you must respect the order of Yin and Yang!”

A cold voice echoed in the room. Donghuang looked at Feng Qing’an, her tone indifferent.

However, this manner of speech made Feng Qing’an quite uncomfortable, as if the ruler before him had confused him with Nan Ge, making him Feng Qing’an’s sister, and turning Nan Ge into a bad girl who enticed him to break rules.

For a moment, Feng Qing’an didn’t know how to respond.

“Before your coronation, if Nan Ge comes looking for you, intimacy is bearable, but if she wants more, you must deny her entrance!”

Those were the words of the current ruler of You Huang Ghost Country.


“You are still young, you must hold on to your vitality, to keep your True Yang intact!”

Donghuang repeated her warning, but at this moment, Feng Qing’an was truly astounded, who was this sister before him exactly?


This time Feng Qing’an didn’t hesitate and agreed. Because indeed he had maintained his boundaries until the last step, not even batting an eyelid, he did have some sense of proportion.


Seeing Feng Qing’an’s prompt agreement, Donghuang gave a slight nod, she knew the Human Race all too well.

After all, she used to be part of the Human Race, even if she wasn’t a man, she knew what precautions should be taken.

“Last time I visited, I promised to present you with the most needed item, today I fulfill that promise!”

Against Feng Qing’an’s somewhat puzzled gaze, he watched as the ruler reached out, in her palm as clear as jade, a jade pendant emitting a vague immortal light slowly appeared.

“This is the Bead of Heaven and Earth!”

Donghuang introduced the object before Feng Qing’an’s curious gaze,

“It can conceal the aura within you. If you wear it, even I will not be able to detect any abnormalities in you, I will only consider you an ordinary mortal!”

From her words, Feng Qing’an immediately understood what Donghuang meant by the item he lacked.

Indeed, this was what he lacked. In this small world of his, he had the righteousness left by his elder brother to support him. In Green Python Mountain, he had the dragon robe from the mountain god. But once he stepped out, how could he maintain this peace when travelling around the world?

He could wear the dragon robe, hang the sword given by his big brother around his waist, or have Black Mountain carry the books left by his brother, but would that be enough to cope with everything?

The Supreme Body of Ten Thousand Spirits was the greatest source of danger. Even if it wasn’t complete, it would still attract fearsome entities. It wouldn’t be possible for all beings to come with goodwill like the current ruler, or to choose a long-term nurturing strategy, like Nan Ge.

He was the current patriarch of Tang dynasty, or he could say, he was an even more outrageous existence than the reincarnation of Golden Cicada Child. Once he went out and traveled the world, the hardships he would encounter would certainly be more than all the 81 trials combined.

Perhaps he would encounter a clever female demon who knew a more subtle approach to take his essence, accumulating it bit by bit over time. But most likely, there would be demons and monsters who wanted to cook him and swallow him whole.

At this moment, Feng Qing’an understood why Nan Gels sister had such different attitudes towards him as he had imagined. Just like he had once thought, the temptation of the Supreme Body of Ten Thousand Spirits was irresistible to anyone.

Nan Ge ls sister, her potential, has been exhausted!

“Thank you, this is indeed what I urgently need!”

At this time, Feng Qing’an wasn’t polite and reached out to receive the jade pendant. Holding it in his hand, he played with it for a while before asking,

“How should I use this Bead?” “Just wear it on your body!”

“That simple?”

Feng Qing’an was somewhat surprised.

“How complicated do you expect it to be?”

Donghuang retorted, the usage of this bead was just that simple. It could even be used by a small demon who had found it in the past, or else there wouldn’t be a Bead of Heaven and Earth.

“Is there any method of recognizing the master? Like refining it or something. If it’s just wearing it, then wouldn’t it be easy to lose? And it could be unknowingly stolen or swapped.”

Feng Qing’an wasn’t satisfied. If there wasn’t a way to assign ownership, and it was just for wearing, what would happen if it’s lost, or stolen? He can’t constantly be on his guard.

“You want to refine it?”

Donghuang’s eyebrows raised, understanding Feng Qing’an’s intentions, immediately her sword-like eyebrows slightly furrowed, sizing up Feng Qing’an from top to bottom, then gradually relaxed,

“Judging by your soul, it is not bad. You can use Spiritual Sense, right? Infuse the strength you’ve grasped into the bead, leave your mark, then consider it refined. You can sense the existence of the bead, unless you intentionally abandon it, it can’t get lost.”

“I’ll give it a try!”

Feng Qing’an’s attention was immediately focused on the bead in his hand, disregarding the impoliteness of his actions, trying to infuse all of his Soul Power he had cultivated for nearly two years into the bead.

Under the infusion of Soul Power, the bead suddenly glowed brightly, the sound of the dragon’s and phoenix’s cries were heard, then everything fell into quietness.

Feng Qing’an vaguely felt an obscure and unfathomable force enveloping his body, like it was hiding every secret there was, and then, a sudden sense of relaxation welled up in his heart.

“How does it feel?”

Seeing the bead displaying its power, Donghuang knew that Feng Qing’an had refined and mastered the bead.

“Very good, it feels like wearing a furry coat in the Twelfth Lunar Month.”

The metaphor Feng Qing’an used was improper, but it was indeed a true reflection of his feelings at this moment.

“Good then!”

“The ancients say, ‘No work, no reward.’ You have given me such a generous gift, I don’t know how to thank you!”

Feng Qing’an said sincerely.

This Bead of Heaven and Earth is definitely a treasure. However, the lord of You Huang Ghost Country, gave it to him on their second meeting. It seems as if she had this idea when they first met.

If it was his elder brother who presented him with a jade, he could receive it without any qualms. But this lord in front of him, who is neither a relative nor close to him, is so generous, there must be a reason.

“So, you really don’t Imow how to thank me?”

The smile on Dong Huang’s face was playful, her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

Feng Qing’an was speechless. How could he not understand? His sister had pushed away the very person who was trying to give him a gift and even sent away the phoenix on her shoulder. Her intentions were clear.

But because of this, it seems a bit inappropriate for him to make such a commitment. It’s too strange!


As Feng Qing’an was not sure what to say, the sound of the phoenix’s song rang out. Following that, the majestic bird swept across the night sky, flew through the courtyard wall, and landed gracefully and accurately on Dong Huang’s shoulder.

The smile gradually disappeared from the lord of You Huang Ghost Country’s face, restoring her usual cold indifference. She slowly turned her head to look at the phoenix on her shoulder, grooming its feathers, and spoke in an icy voice,

“Didn’t I instruct you to send Nan Song back and watch over her? Why did you come back?”

“Nan Song is well-behaved. It’s enough to send her back; I don’t need to watch over her. Besides, she doesn’t talk to me much. It’s boring there, so I came to see you!”

A clear and pleasant childhood voice rang out. Feng Qing’an observed the phoenix that spoke in a human language without any surprise.

The reason given was quite reasonable. On a normal day, even if the phoenix acted contrary to the lord’s wishes, one would expect to be forgiven and understood. But not now.


Dong Huang reached out and grabbed the miniaturized phoenix in her hand with sturdy and slender fingers,

“What is it that you’re looking for from me? Perhaps you think I am interesting?”

No matter how slow it was, even the phoenix could sense that Dong Huang was different from usual.

“Go to the courtyard and find that brocade hen. It would be a good playmate for you!”

Dong Huang waved her arm and threw the phoenix out of the window. The window closed instantly, and the room became a separate space isolated from the outside world.


Feng Qing’an involuntarily swallowed. His breathing turned slightly heavier. He knew what was coming. Although it was a bit awkward, it seemed not to be a bad thing. It was even something many people couldn’t obtain.

This lord in front of him could easily give away a treasure that could even deceive immortals.

Eating soft rice is indeed soft, but it’s irresistibly delicious!

“How long have you been with my sister?” “Almost two years!” “Does Nan Song come to see you every night?” “Almost every night!”

“So, have you ever felt my sister was a bit too greedy?”

Dong Huang had already walked to the front of the bed. Her stature, much taller than ordinary men, brought a certain pressure to Feng Qing’an, who was sitting on the bed.

Wasn’t she just advising him to preserve his essence? Now it’s different again? Does the object matter?

“A little, maybe!”

Feng Qing’an didn’t know how to answer and remained ambiguous.

“So you agree. That’s just how my sister is. I hope you will be more tolerant in the future. I am not like her. When I take, I always show restraint!”

Having said that, Dong Huang did not allow Feng Qing’an to say anything more. Her tall figure leaned slightly, bent down, and a fragrance different from Nan Song’s subtle one overwhelmed Feng Qing’an.

Like a storm, like thunder, it made Feng Qing’an think of the clash of arms on the battlefield for a moment.

Still unlike Nan Song, that domineering onslaught, although very rusty and unfamiliar, made Feng Qing’an feel as if he was being conquered.

Perhaps, it’s not an illusion!

But if it was purely a competition of strength, Feng Qing’an was helpless. The gap was enormous and he couldn’t resist at all.

However, the rusty skills of the lord showed that she was merely a fledgling in this matter. He had long become an old hand in his matches with Nan Song. Therefore, Feng Qing’an began to fight back.

The bed became a battlefield, two bodies grinding against each other.

Just as Feng Qing’an took advantage of his expertise, regained his lost territory, and was about to chase after the victory, the annoying crowing of a rooster rang out.

It crows at midnight, carrying a sense of panic and fear. Afterward, the triumphant song of the phoenix echoed again.

The noise in the courtyard afforded Dong Huang an opportunity. She, who realized that she was at a disadvantage and going to be defeated, immediately called a halt to the battle, got up, left the bed, and without any regrets, undid the door to the room and headed for the courtyard,

“Youyou, what are you doing?

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