The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 129 - 118: Golden Crow? Coo!

Chapter 129: Chapter 118: Golden Crow? Coo!

Translator: 549690339

“It’s so massive!”

Feng Qing’an with his long, lean figure, bereft of the wildness that once came with his monstrous transformation, his temperament now eerily cold as ice, he looks up at the towering giant skeleton seated atop the mountain, carrying Nan Ge on his back.

The giant skeleton, astonishing even at a distance, was even more impressive up close.

“Feng Qing’an, what brings us to this giant? What is it you intend to do?”

Confused, the girl burying her head in Feng Qing’an’s neck struggles to lift her gaze to meet his, and asks.

She could not comprehend. She had come to see Feng Qing’an tonight and, much to her surprise, he was more than willing to bring her here to this netherworld, to see this giant skeleton.

Wasn’t shebetter than this petrified pile of bones?

Wouldn’t it be better to stay in a room, grinding against each other, than coming here to the eerie netherworld, where the Yin Wind howls, just to look at skeletal remains?

She couldn’t understand it!

However, sinceFeng Qing’an wanted to see the giant, Nan Ge had no choice but to accompany him. She couldn’t bear to part from his embrace, no matter where Feng Qing’an went, she would follow.

“Nan Ge, I want to go up there and take a closer look!”


Seeing that the young girl had no intention of coming down from his back, Feng Qing’an sighed. Carrying her, he rushed towards the skeleton. After all, the girl was as light as a feather, she wouldn’t impact him much and the power he was utilizing at the moment was given to him by her.

“Feng Qing’an, what about this giant attracts you?”

Nan Ge, utterly bewildered, inquired as she watched Feng Qing’an running wildly along the precipices created by the seated giant.

“I want to see if there’s a chance this giant might be awakened.”

He didn’t feel the need to hide his purpose. Feng Qing’an estimated that one or two attempts would be fruitless. The Chiyang Flower, laced with a hint of life energy, had taken ten days to reach fruition. The giant, reduced to nothing more than bones that had turned to stone, would not pose much of a challenge.

If there’s no life, he can bestow it himself.

“You want to awaken this giant?”

“Tndppd l”

“Can it really be awakened?”

Nan Ge looked at the giant skeleton in front of her, unable to restrain her curiosity. At this close proximity, only a fragment of the giant’s structure was in view. Each bone was as colossal as a fallen mountain pillar, obscuring the complete picture.

Could such a gargantuan body really be awakened? Although Feng Qing’an is unique, this giant was once a being far stronger than her sister. If it has been fallen for such an extended period, could it truly be resurrected? What massive sacrifice would Feng Qing’an have to make?

“I don’t know, but I want to give it a try,” Feng Qing’an answered honestly. That was his plan.

If there’s potential, then why not try? If he succeeds, then the payoff would be phenomenal. If he fails, nothing would change. He wouldn’t have to pay much at all.

“Alright, since you want to try, I’ll accompany you!”

Having finished listening to Feng Qing’an’s plans, Nan Ge pressed her face tightly against the young man’s back, drawing in deep breaths to savor the fragrance wafting off his body.

Although the giant, even in a seated position, dwarfed mountains, Feng Qing’an was no longer an ordinary mortal. Borrowing Nan Ge ls power, he quickly climbed to the top, to rest atop the giant’s skull.

The giant had once worn a battle helmet, but the eons had fused it almost completely with the skull, leaving them petrified together. “Nan Ge, get off!” said Feng Qing’an, gauging the girl on his back.

“No way, I want to stick to you.”

Nan Ge was being coy, but Feng Qing’an had important things to do.

“It’s not convenient having you here. Get off for a while!”


Reluctantly, the young girl climbed down from Feng Qing’an’s back. She then watched with curiosity as Feng Qing’an knelt down and placed his hand on the helmet, which now resembled more of a rock. A golden Soul Power light shone from his palm.

“Feng Qing’an, what exactly are you doing?”

She saw how Feng Qing’an was acting leisurely and asked in bewilderment. “An attempt, I don’t know if it will work or not!”

Feng Qing’an responded, inspired by his experience transforming the Chiyang flower in to a bondable tree seed.

He remembered the introduction of his Supreme Body of Ten Thousand Spirits. Every drop of blood, every single hair of his, could impart spirituality to anything. Consequently, if his painstakingly cultivated Soul Power also had this effect?

Most likely it did. Therefore, Feng Qing’an decided to test this theory. Even if he were to fail, the only cost would be the Soul Power he would naturally recover after a period of focused training. With such a minimal risk, it was certainly worth a try.


Seeing Feng Qing’an’s uncertainty, Nan Ge obediently stood beside him without causing any interruptions. She merely observed him with his dedicated focus, her eyes involuntarily gleaming with fascination.

“It’s just too huge!”

Only now, when his cultivated Soul Power seeped into the giant skeleton, could Feng Qing’an genuinely perceive how difficult it would be to awaken this giant. There wasn’t any residual special energy within the giant skeleton. Just like what the little phoenix Youyou had said, this was a structure that at its fall, had been completely stripped of its spirit essence. Apart from its hardness, this pile of bones lacked any distinguishing features and was devoid of any value.

Therefore, Feng Qing’an experienced no resistance when his Soul Power penetrated the giant’s skeletal interior . It was free and unobstructed. However, the sensation was akin to sprinting across a vast, infinite plain, with no end in sight, no boundary to cross..

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