The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 98 - 98 Wealthy and Generous

Chapter 98: Chapter 98 Wealthy and Generous

Translator: 549690339

“Sister! ”

Nan Ge called out softly, her eyes filled with some kind of expectation.

“Nan Ge, are we sisters?”

The now enlightened ruler of You Huang Ghost Nation stared at her vounzer sister.

“Why would sister ask that? Haven’t we been sisters since birth?” Nan Ge furrowed her eyebrows slightly, asking in confusion.

“Yes, we are sisters ordained by destiny!”

The woman agreed with Nan Ge, then lightly lifted her hands and gently touched Nan Ge’s black hair, which was as smooth as a Black Jade Carving, her eyes reflecting deep thought and hesitation.

She and Nan Ge were born from the same Innate Origin, knotted from the same stem, but it shouldn’t have been this way. If it were only her or Nan Ge alone, they would have been born as immortals. If it was only her, born first, she could choose to consume Nan Ge to replenish her own missing Innate Origin.

But she didn’t, she chose a more difficult path, firmly believing she could find something in this world to replace her lost origin, even if it didn’t involve consuming her yet-to-be-born sister.

Her judgment wasn’t wrong. This world does indeed have things that can replenish her origin, but she couldn’t find them, not even a hint or clue.

But unexpectedly, her sister, who inherited even less Innate Origin, simply sat in the restricted area she had single-handedly created and found something she had felt was out of reach.

Effortlessly obtaining what others have tirelessly sought for.

The former was her, and the latter, her incredibly lucky sister.

At this moment, even as the ruler of the You Huang Ghost Nation, she couldn’t help but waver. She had achieved her current strength long ago and hadn’t made any further progress until this day.

She hadn’t improved for a long time!

The path that ordinary Ghost Creatures took simply didn’t suit her. She couldn’t make progress, and even after suffering several tribulations, she still hadn’t advanced along the path to becoming a Ghost Immortal like the other ghost kings had.

Her biggest shackles were her missing Innate Origin. But how could true Innate Essence be so easily replenished? Only something Innate can replenish the Innate, like attracts like.

Staring at her sister, the woman’s eyes mirrored the image of a delicate young girl. Suddenly, she seemed to perceive something and extended her hand, gripping her sister’s chin, her slender, delicate finger lightly touched her sister’s red lips.

The young girl opened her eyes wide in shock, looking like a frightened cat, her clear eyes reflecting her sister’s cold face. She watched as her sister’s finger lightly moved as if sensing something.

The young girl’s expression was both nervous and uneasy, watching her sister’s contemplating face. She was worried her sister might find something, feeling expectation and anxiety. Her feelings were remarkably complex.

“Nan Ge!”

The young girl was somewhat flustered.

“What have you tasted in the mortal realm?”

The girl’s face flushed red, lost for words, she didn’t know how to tell her sister.

However, silence was an answer in itself. The ruler of the You Huang Ghost Nation already understood,


At the moment, beneath her stern face, she could hardly conceal her joy and excitement.

She had now felt the presence of something Innate. She had finally found it. Though it was her sister who received it, they were sisters, there should be no difference.

“Nan Ge!”

“Sister! ?”

The young girl unconsciously backed away a little, her unease growing stronger. She thought she should find a way to hide Feng Qing’an’s existence from her sister, though she didn’t think she could.

“After sunset tomorrow, I’ll visit your lover alone. Stay here!”

“Sister, why can’t I go too?”

The young girl had a vague premonition that something bad was about to happen.

“Because I want to talk to him alone about you. If you’re there, some things just can’t be said!”

The woman simply came up with an excuse that the young girl couldn’t refute.

Nan Ge was extremely opposed to her sister meeting with Feng Qing ‘an alone, but she also knew she couldn’t stop her. She at least wanted to be present.

The girl’s tangled feelings were transmitted to Feng Qing’an through their Soul Contract, attracting his attention. He was so accustomed to the convenience of the ancient technique that he didn’t think much about it.

“Sending God Skill”

As white as snow and as towering as mountains, this majestic sight stunned Feng Qing’an. This is a place that does not belong to the human world!


Then, Feng Qing’an heard a teasing, cold voice. He looked up and saw a woman with a strong and aggressive face. Her piercing eyes reflected the figure of a girl he was all too familiar with.

“Feng Qing’an, don’t come, that’s my sister!” Nan Ge’s voice, filled with urgency, sounded.

Uh oh! Trouble!

Just as Feng Qing’an was alert to the danger, the woman, even though she was only wearing light gauze, emanated a sovereignty that made everyone bow down involuntarily. She stretched out a hand, her white finger gently moving towards him.


The unobstructed “Sending God Skill” was instantly interrupted, and Feng Qing’an lost sight of everything that Nan Ge could see. At this moment, his expression became serious, he realized the danger.

The Mountain god was able to sense his use of the “Sending God Skill” that was based on their Soul Contract. The woman he saw earlier who had the ability to make people subconsciously ignore her stunning beauty was also aware of it.

They were at least on the same level!

Feng Qing’an made a judgment, and afterward, his originally planned trip into the mountains was abruptly cancelled. He took out the long sword with a red sheath that his brother had given him and held it tightly in hands.

He remembered the subtle expression on the Mountain god’s face when he faced his sword. At this moment, with the sword in hand, even though he still couldn’t unsheathe it, he felt much more calm and stable.

Looking up at the room, a golden glow filled every corner, omnipresent, covering the entire area where he lived.

Sense of safety!

This place was the safest place for him.

He decided not to leave from now on!

In the Soul Cleansing Spring

“Are you and him already so close?”

The ruler of You Huang Ghost Nation withdrew her finger from her sister’s forehead, asking softly.

“Sister, aren’t you angry?”

Nan Ge carefully gauged her sister’s reaction, remembering how sensitive and averse her sister was to certain things.

She vaguely remembered that when she was even more innocent than she is now, a grand ghost king once attempted to woo her sister. He was beaten to death by her sister on the spot, a rather fitting end!

“Why would I be angry?”

The woman lifted the corner of her mouth in a smile, but her heart came up with an additional evaluation for Feng Qing’an, the man she hadn’t met yet. Intriguing and not ordinary, with a potentially unordinary background!

However, this was to be expected!

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