The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 107 One Year Of Madness (Part 2)

:::[Adam's POV]:::

Blanca's attitude had somehow changed, different from my expectations, and I began to wonder if she let her guard around me, and if yes, for what reason.

'Well, she is kind of direct too, completely different from Liu,' I thought. 'I can't say I dislike her character, but from the look of it, she still trying to test me.'

As I was thinking about these things, I took a little to properly observe the area because I didn't have time to do so when we first arrived.

It looked like a bunker with a few facilities, and I guessed that all of those buildings served some purposes that we needed to investigate because the control room was somewhere around this area.

'Still, that monster was sure filthy and extremely dangerous… I hope…" I was about to say that I hoped our planet wouldn't be invaded by such monsters, but before I could finish my sentence, I suddenly remembered the situation.

Then, I began to think about what Blanca said. 'I don't look worried?' I asked myself. 'Well, how can I be not worried, but I don't see the point of worrying at this point. Despite everything, I am not a God in every sense of the word…'

When I thought about everything that happened, I realized that every time I became stronger, I also noticed that I was more ignorant than I thought.

'A few weeks ago, I was told to save the world and I decided that I should get stronger and decide for myself after, but now I realize that I was never given the choice.

Fifteen years had passed, and I lived a peaceful life during that time, but suddenly, a minotaur ran havoc, messing with my coming to age ceremony, but for some reason, it also helped me to discover some information about the nature of my power.

After that, I was asked to save the world under extremely confusing circumstances. Yeah, that's not even a coincidence anymore...

Then, Cristal appeared... Yeah, Cristal. She and the person that observed me are another mystery too... She wouldn't tell me about it though. Well, I will discover the truth by myself...

But after her appearance, I began to learn more about my power again.

Then, I met Liu and trained with Maira, but all of sudden, things changed, and I ended up fighting a guy living in a castle.

And for some reason, however, I discovered another aspect of my power again during this fight, making me stronger and smarter.

Looking at my past self, I would never believe that I was the same person as before, but my point is that there was a clear path that I followed, and even though it appears like I was smart enough to deal with some situations myself, I felt like it was also meant to be that way.

All of that brings me to what Blanca said, again. Am I worried?

At first, I thought that my power was special, but then I understood that I was wrong, because the word special couldn't describe what these powers could do.

My power is terrifying…

If I just made one wrong move, there was no way to determine what exactly would have happened. There were too many possibilities.

Fortunately, I managed to find out everything that I needed to know before it was too late. Again, as if it was meant to be that way.

The person who controlled my body had the chance to explain everything, but at that time, I wouldn't have understood it, because when I looked back at my past self, I realize that I was extremely stupid.

Then again, if it wasn't for my stupidity, I wouldn't be here. I suspected Liu, but at the same time I was attracted to her, so I decided to go with Liu who had Verte with her to find a legendary swordsman and settle things with her.

In addition to that, I wanted to get stronger, which was the most important element that I based my decisions on, and by deciding to go on that trip, I thought that I was killing two birds with one stone. It sounded smart at first, but it was just because I was ignorant.

There were a lot of elements that influenced my choices such as the existence of the Holy Church, Liu's intention, and a lot of things. When I thought about the connection between these elements, things become clearer.

I am now convinced that there is someone who planned all of that, and it seems like they are not joking about making me a hero or a savior.

Because when I think about it, I heard about the danger of the Holy Church because of the recording, and after that, I also met Liu because of Verte, but these circumstances lead me to decide that I need to be aware of what was happening around me and get stronger.

Even if I didn't want to save the world, I would die if I wasn't strong enough. And why?

Because my power was considered special, not only by the Holy Church but by those who were knowledgeable about every reality too, including gods, monsters, vampires, etc. There were too many possibilities and everything could be considered a threat.

Moreover, when I thought about the fifteen years that I spend in peace, I realized that it was likely because my body needed to grow stronger before I could achieve the purpose of my reincarnation.

After realizing all that, of course, I am worried…

Even my parents were part of this without them knowing it. Because as long as they were near me, they would be always in danger, and despite all, I cared about my mother and my father.

Naturally, I would protect them, but that would mean that I needed to get stronger, but becoming stronger meant more trouble, unexpected situations, and responsibilities of all kinds, so in the end, there was no escaping my fate.

It's an endless cycle of getting stronger, facing new problems, learning something new from them, and getting strong again, and it continues on and on... Maybe until I am strong enough to break out of this circle by myself.

What a bastard… The guy who planned all of this used everything that made me human to prevent me from drifting from the path that leads towards I don't know where exactly… After all, I love myself and I care about the people dear to me, which is natural, and because of that, there is completely nothing wrong with me getting strong to protect myself and them…

If only I never used my power... There was no way that I could tell myself to not do that though, after reading all of these books. Moreover, my power is cool when I don't think about anything else. Yeah, that must have been taken into account.

I need to conquer a girl to save the world huh... What a joke... How can it be that easy... Well, To put it simply, I am saving the world by doing what I am supposed to do, which is protecting myself, my family, and my lover and preventing any harm from reaching them.

Yeah, It's all good... That is if I wasn't up against freaking multiversal level threats.

In the end, I will still do it though… And after manipulating my emotions, they made sure that my planet is destroyed and tried to kill my parent, just so that I will become a hero? That was the plan? Okay, but I will do it my way from here… And I will make sure that my parents live, even if I have to destroy the world and then rebuild it back again from every atom by altering time and space. That's what I am asked to become, right? A God. Sounds like bullshit when I think about it this way…'

"Adam! Hey!"


"Aren't we going back?" Blanca asked, seeing that I spaces out a bit.

"Yeah, we should take another route though, just to make sure that we don't run into monsters," I said, realizing that I was spacing out a bit even if my thought process was faster than before.

"What were you thinking about?" Blanca asked me, and I was a little bit taken aback by her attitude. I didn't think that we were that close after all.

"Well, I just realized that I was given fifteen years of holiday and I wouldn't probably live what a normal would call a peaceful life again the next few centuries," I said half-jokingly.

"What? What are you talking about?" Blanca asked.

"Our meeting wasn't probably a coincidence," I said, "and I am guessing that even your mission was somehow related to me."

"What do you mean?" Blanca asked.

"Things are getting more complicated, but now is not the time to talk about that," I said, "Let's go."


:::[Third person POV]:::

"…And suddenly, a portal appeared and a monster engulfed the whole planet," Haozu said, continuing to tell Liu and Zax what happened while they were gone. "In the end, the Empire sent help to evacuate the inhabitants but it was too late, and almost 80% of the people living on the planet were… They didn't survive. After that, the Empire decided that this territory was restricted until everything is ready for an all-out war."

Zax's face turned pale after hearing Haozu's words, and even Liu had an extremely serious expression.

"What happened to Lord Julius and his wife?" Liu asked.

"Fortunately, they survived, but…" Hoazu hesitated.


"As you can see, they lost everything, and even though the Empire sent help for the survivors… Julius was in a very critical state, mentally and physically. At least, that's what the report said," Hoazu explained.

"So my parents are alive," Adam said, suddenly entering the room.

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