The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 41: Strategy for New Beginnings

Chapter 41

Lan Ping wasn't very talkative, calling out to people alongside Zhu Changle in a flat tone, her expression barely changing.

The Zhu family naturally didn't pay attention to such superficial things. After seeing Changle jumping up and down on her, they had already accepted her as one of their own. Not everyone could tolerate their little monkey's antics.

Lan Ping booked the best courtyard in the inn. Food and drinks were quickly brought up. This was the most relaxed moment for the Zhu family since leaving the capital.

"Can we take the water route?" asked Zhu Changle, who had just said she wanted to eat and drink well and not worry about anything else. She was sitting on the ground with two others, surrounding a map. She hadn't forgotten to drag Qiuli along, and had thoughtfully placed paper and pen near his hand. Although she didn't know this person's background, she was certain about one thing: he was formidable!

"We can, but it won't reach Yunbei," Lan Ping pointed at the map. "This route only has one tributary, and Gu'an County changed its course to prevent water bandits."

Zhu Changle's eyes widened, "Changed its course? By digging a new channel?"

"More or less."

"If they had put this much effort into facing water bandits, how could they not defeat them..."

Zhu Changle muttered to herself. She couldn't quite understand this approach. Water bandits, no matter how fierce, had their limits. Couldn't they just organize some strong young men, arm them with long spears, and have them stand along the riverbank? Wouldn't that intimidate the water bandits? They actually preferred to change the river's course rather than stand their ground. She made a mental note to find out who was responsible for this decision. When she had time, she'd stick three words on their forehead: "Big Coward."

Dingding was also hearing about this for the first time. "Doesn't this mean Yunbei was stabbed in the back by their own people?"

This question didn't need an answer. It was too obvious. One could hardly imagine how frustrated and resentful the people of Yunbei must feel.

Zhu Changle looked towards Qiuli, who in her eyes seemed to know everything. "Are the two counties fighting? If I were from Yunbei County, if they dared to dig a channel to change the river's course, I'd dare to dig a channel to flood their homes. Let the water bandits have an easy time raiding them. We're all people of Da Wan, we should face difficulties together."

Qiuli wrote on the paper: They fight. Relations are extremely poor.

"They should fight. I'll lead them in battle in the future," Changle said. Originally, Yunbei was just a temporary refuge in Zhu Changle's mind. Her father and brother wouldn't stay there forever. But now, provoked by this information, she suddenly felt as if people in her own territory had been bullied.

This wouldn't do. They must get even!

Lan Ping brought the topic back on track, "Two days by water."

"Saving one day?"

"A bit more than that, almost two days." Lan Ping looked at her, "If you decide to take the water route, I'll have people prepare a boat."

"Not sure yet," Zhu Changle stood up. "I'm not confident about this. Let's go ask Big Brother."

Zhu Changwang was staying next door. Qiuli thought he was no longer needed and was about to return to his own room when he heard Zhu Changle say, "You're going the wrong way, Qiuli."

"..." Qiuli turned back to look at her. Surely this kind of thing didn't require his presence?

At this moment, Zhu Changle seemed to have lost all telepathic connection with him. She stopped and waved at him, continuously calling out, "This way, this way."

Qiuli rubbed the handle of his fan and walked over.

Zhu Changwang was discussing something with his father at that moment. Hearing the commotion outside, they stopped talking. Father and son exchanged a glance, both feeling helpless yet amused. How could Qiuli possibly have gone the wrong way? He clearly didn't intend to get involved with her.

"I'm almost starting to think she's known Qiuli for a long time," Zhu Changwang said.

Zhu Maonian deeply agreed. In Changle's eyes, probably anyone she had met was a friend.

"Big Brother, can we come in?" Changle called out.

"No need to rush to a decision, let's wait and see," Zhu Maonian said as he got up to open the door. Zhu Changle saw her father's surprised face and stood on tiptoe to peek inside. "Dad, who are you and Big Brother plotting against now?"

"You," Zhu Maonian nodded to the group, then poked his youngest daughter's forehead before leaving through the space they made.

"I'm the one who tricks others, Dad. You could never trick me!" Zhu Changle made a face at her father's back, then shook her hair and bounced into the room. "Big Brother, I've come to discuss something with you."

Zuo Qing served tea and withdrew to stand guard outside the door.

Lan Ping spread the map on the table. Zhu Changle looked for Yufeng Town but couldn't find it, so she pointed at the tributary and said, "I want us to split up. We'll continue on land with the empty carriages, while Little Lid and Dingding escort you by water. The water route is nearly half the distance, and you won't have to be cooped up in carriages every day, so you'll suffer less."

"Not possible," Zhu Changwang rejected after brief consideration. "If we encounter enemies on the water route, there's no escape. It's more dangerous."

Dingding suggested, "How about you go with them on the water route, Little Zhu? Your sword technique is even more formidable in water."

"Although I'm happy you praise me like this, I think Big Brother has a point," Zhu Changle squatted on the stool. "If we encounter enemies on land, as long as we're not on a cliff, there's always a way to retreat. But if we meet enemies on water, jumping into the river means certain death. If they discover our whereabouts, one group could engage us while another surrounds and intercepts us. I'd need to grow wings to catch up."

Zhu Changwang didn't mention the secret imperial edict. Up to now, he and his father still couldn't be sure if the pursuit was because the enemy wanted to eliminate the Emperor's right-hand man, or because they knew about the secret edict his father carried. If it was the latter, no matter which route they took, the pursuers would stick to them tenaciously. Naturally, it would be safer to travel together.

Suddenly, Qiuli pointed at a place on the map with his fan. Zhu Changle leaned over to look. It was a dock. "Is there a problem with this place?"

Qiuli pointed at the dock with his fan, then at Zhu Changwang. "You want my Big Brother and the others to go first? That won't work... Wait, you mean to let those after us think Big Brother and the others left from here, to draw away part of their forces?"

Qiuli nodded.

"Great idea!" Zhu Changle gave a thumbs up. "I knew bringing you along would definitely be useful!"

"..." So earlier, she hadn't mistakenly thought he was going the wrong way, she simply had no intention of letting him leave. Qiuli reflected, was he becoming increasingly natural in offering his help?

"Little Lid, this is up to you."

"There's a branch in Qingfeng Town. I'll arrange for a boat to depart from the dock early tomorrow morning."

"This needs to be kept completely secret from the people in your branch," Zhu Changle suddenly remembered something. She squatted down and hugged Lan Ping's arm. "I need to confess something."

Lan Ping looked at her.

"I'm the daughter of an official family. My father used to be a high-ranking official, now he's a county magistrate."

Lan Ping nodded, "I see."

Zhu Changle was delighted, "I knew you wouldn't make a fuss, Little Lid. Dingding, think about what your reaction was when you found out. Learn from her!"

Dingding gritted his teeth, "Can you stop dragging me into everything?"

"That won't do. Without you as a foil, how can I show off how amazing Little Lid and I are?"

Zhu Changwang lowered his head and smiled. His little Changle, ah, with a few friends like these growing up together, one could imagine how exciting her days must have been. The Zhu family needed to regain their position quickly. Changle should be out there enjoying life to the fullest, not confined and restrained in a small world like now.

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