Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Mad Demon King Hyeok Ryeon-Pae, who was at the Blood-Crazed Clan headquarters, was in a terrible mood due to the death of Ma Yong-Seong, who was sent to support Lulin.

Did I hear that correctly? the Four Peerless Wanderers joined the Baek Sword Sect? Hyeok Ryeon-Pae asked, doubting his ears.

Thats right. We were not prepared for it. It was completely unexpected, his subordinate reported.

Then the Beak Sword Sect alone already has six Absolute Realm masters.

Yes. In terms of Absolute Realm masters alone, they are now comparable to the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families.

We shouldnt immediately strike back at the Baek Sword Sect, then.

If we want to defeat the Baek Sword Sect, well have to mobilize at least three of the Six Blood-Crazed Tyrants. Naturally, thats under the premise that the Blood-Crazed Emissaries under their command are mobilized too. The liability for risk in mobilizing such a huge force would be huge.

The Seven Blood-Crazed Tyrants, the Blood-Crazed Clans Absolute Demonic Realm masters, had been reduced to the Six Blood-Crazed Tyrants with Yong-Seongs death. The Blood-Crazed Emissaries were Upper Peak Realm demonic practitioners under the direct command of the Blood-Crazed Tyrants. Each Blood-Crazed Tyrant had around three to four Blood-Crazed Emissaries.

Even if so, we cant just stay still, can we? If we leave the Baek Sword Sect alone, the Zhejiang Martial Alliance would be able to strengthen its forces. If that happens, another great enemy will form aside from the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families.

I dont know about the Nine Prominent Sects, but the Seven Great Families wont be happy with the Zhejiang Martial Alliance growing in power.

Still, given the situation, it would be difficult for them to keep the Zhejiang Martial Alliance in check using obvious manners.

Wont it be fine if we create an opportunity for them to do so?

Do you have an idea?

Not yet, but Ill come up with something.

Alright, Ill leave it to you. That aside, what should we do with the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin? At this rate, the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families will wipe them out.

Now that it has come to this, why dont we make the three outlaw organizations start an uprising?

An uprising by the three outlaw organizations?

Lets turn murim upside down by combining the power of the bandits of the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin, which we control, the thieves of the Myriad Changjiang Waterway Alliance controlled by the Myriad Tribulations Clan, and the pirates of the Four Seas Gang controlled by the Invincible Clan.

Those three revolting against murim at the same time would certainly be an interesting sight. However, Im not sure if the Myriad Tribulations Clan and the Invincible Clan will agree to it.

Myriad Tribulations Clan and the Invincible Clan will find it tempting. Lets be honest. Creating a huge impact in murim will be difficult with the Changjiang Waterway Alliance or the Four Seas Gang alone.

Okay, lets try to sound out their thoughts and determine if they would be intent to join hands with us.


* * *

Upon returning to the Baek Sword Sect, Baek Mu-Gun visited the Flower Honor Manor and met up with Cheon Yu-Hwa, the Heavenly Secret Hall Master.

Congratulations on winning the battle against Lulin.

Thank you.

That battle has certainly imprinted the name of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance in murim. However, as a result, many forces will soon be keeping the Zhejiang Martial Alliance in check.

We are prepared for it. On that note, the Heavenly Secret Hall will likely have to monitor the situation quite frequently.

I dont know how great of a help our Heavenly Secret Hall can do for you.

Since ancient times, an invincible sword has always been much more dangerous than those visible. If would be of great help to both our sect and the Zhejiang Martial Alliance if the Heavenly Secret Hall monitors the events happening behind the scenes.

Dont worry. Matters related to the Baek Sword Sect are our top priority, and we have already been monitoring the other clans in murim.

Im grateful, as always.

If you truly feel that way, then please treat Seol-Young well. Im not forcing you. Rather, consider this a favor Im asking of you.

Im not sure about other things, but I promise to always treat Lady Dan with sincerity.

Hearing that puts me at ease.

That aside, is there any news regarding my last request?

The one about finding the hidden masters of murim?


We did manage to find some of them, but we were a step too late.

Has the Heavenly Killer Sect already attacked them?

Yes. They killed ten of the hidden masters, including the Pandemonium Sword, the Three Supreme Heroes, the Life Stealer Flying Saber, and the Heavenly Wind Assassin.

Ten masters? The Heavenly Killer Sect seems greatly determined. Mu-Guns expression hardened.

All the hidden masters the Heavenly Killer Sect had taken down were in the Upper Peak and Absolute Realms. In truth, their presence and influence werent strong enough to turn the tides of the battle. However, the reason Mu-Gun planned to gather them was to protect murim.

They could be harboring malice toward the hidden masters because they failed to kill the Four Peerless Wanderers.

Have you found any of the other hidden masters?

Its not easy to find them because, aside from their title, name, and a rough description of their appearance, we do not have any clues about them. If they at least interacted with people, there would be a chance to locate them, but if they lived in seclusion deep in the mountains, then theres no way to find them at all.

I am well aware that this is not an easy task. Still, please try harder and pay more attention to it.


Thank you.

Dont mention it. Were being paid an espionage fee for this anyway.

Also, there is one more thing Id like you to dig into.

Go ahead.

Do you perhaps have information on the Changjiang Waterway Alliance or the Four Seas Gang?

To some extent. Why?

Did you know that the Nine Celestial Demons Sect was behind Lulin? I suspect theyre controlling those two factions as well.

Thats what it sounds like to me. I will check it out but dont expect too much. Unless we get into executive positions, itll be difficult to gather intel.

Im well aware of that. There is no need to find their connection to the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. All you have to do is monitor their movements.

We can do that much.

Ill leave it to you, then.

Okay. If you dont have anything more to say, lets call it a day.

Are you sure?

Im afraid Seol-Young will glare at me if I keep you here any longer, Young Master Baek.

Haha, your jokes are too much, Hall Leader.

I am not kidding. Go now. Seol-Young is most likely eagerly waiting for you.


Mu-Gun left Yu-Hwas room and headed to Dan Seol-Youngs residence.

Welcome. Seol-Young gently greeted Mu-Gun.

You have become more beautiful since I last saw you, Mu-Gun said, smiling, upon seeing Seol-Young beautifully dressed up.

We just saw each other again, and yet youre already teasing me?

I am not teasing you. Youre simply really pretty.

Seol-Youngs lips curved into a smile.

Have you had dinner?

No, Im planning to eat now.

Wait a moment. Ill quickly make you something.

No, lets go out.

You want to go out? Seol-Young asked, her eyes widening.

Wouldnt it be a waste to stay at home when youre beautifully dressed up? Lets have dinner and tea somewhere nice.

Okay then. Seol-Young happily nodded.

Seol-Young was the Heavenly Secret Halls Vice-Leader, but on the surface, she was a gisaeng. Hence, she couldnt help but think that Mu-Gun would be conscious of other peoples gazes and avoid meeting her outside. However, hearing Mu-Guns response made her realize that he paid no heed to such things and that his feelings for her were real.

Seol-Young joyfully went out with Mu-Gun to Shanhai Tavern. Seol-Young knew Mu-Gun visited the place with So Yeon-Hwa some time ago, but she couldnt care less. If she let such things bother her, she knew she wouldnt be able to stay with Mu-Gun anymore. Moreover, all she wanted right now was enjoy and spend time with Mu-Gun.

In the quiet and still atmosphere of Shanhai Tavern, Mu-Gun and Seol-Young had a delicious meal and drank tea. They then went for a walk through the night streets of Wenzhou with their hands held. Just walking hand-in-hand with Mu-Gun made Seol-Young so happy she felt as if she had the world in her grasp. She realized then that she would never be able to stay away from Mu-Gun for the rest of her life.

* * *

The next day, after spending quality time with Seol-Young, Mu-Gun headed to Baek Cheon-Sangs office, having been summoned by the latter.

Come in.

May I know what you called me for?

You seem to be in a hurry. Lets have a cup of tea first.


Cheon-Sang called for a servant and ordered him to prepare tea. After some time, the servant came bringing tea.

Drink up.

Yes, you too, Father.

You stayed out last night? Cheon-Sang asked, then took a sip of tea.

Yes. I spent the night with the Heavenly Secret Halls Vice-Leader, Mu-Gun responded truthfully. He had no reason to hide anything.

What about the Putuo Sword Sects young patriarch?

I have feelings for both her and the Heavenly Secret Halls Vice-Leader.

As I have previously said, I do not intend to interfere with your relationship and marriage. However, liking someone and having sincere feelings for them isnt all there is to it. If your feelings for the women would hurt them, it would be better not to share your feelings with them at all. I hope you turn into a man who takes responsibility for your own feelings.

I will keep your advice in mind, Mu-Gun said.

Good. That is not what I called you for, however. The Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families have sent a carrier pigeon.

What did they say?

The letter states that the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families will hold a meeting in Wuchang to discuss the recent incident with Lulin. They requested the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to participate in the meeting as well, Cheon-Sang replied.

It seems they want to borrow the Zhejiang Martial Alliances power in the battle against Lulin.

Being invited to the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families meeting shows that our status has risen.

The battle with Lulin made it impossible for the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families to keep ignoring the Zhejiang martial Alliance. However, that also means they have become wary of us.

Did they invite the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to the meeting to keep us in check?

I could just be overthinking, but from the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families perspective, the best course of action would be making the Zhejiang Martial Alliance and Lulin fight and suffer losses.

Would they really want that? To deal with the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, empowering murim, even if just by a little bit, is crucial.

Nevertheless, theyre clearly not pleased by the Zhejiang Martial Alliances growing strength.

Even so, we cant distance ourselves from them, can we?

Of course not. I just thought Id inform you in advance so we can act cautiously.

I understand your point. Now, what do you plan to do with the invitation? Cheon-Sang asked.

For the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to become a pivotal force of murim, we have to participate in these sorts of events.

You plan to participate in the meeting in Wuchang.

That's right.

Who should go?

If you allow it, I would like to go.

Im worried that the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families would speak up about your age.

In murim, martial arts come before age. With my current martial arts prowess, age will not be a problem.

Thats true. I permit you to go to Wuchang on my behalf, then.


When do you plan to depart?

Ill leave tomorrow, Mu-Gun replied.

It hasnt been long since you returned from Hangzhou. Arent you exhausted?

Not at all, so dont worry. That being said, Ill be bringing just the minimum number of people required.

What do you mean by that? Take Baek Sword Corps elite members with you.

I dislike the inconvenience.

The Nine Celestial Demons Sect is likely already aware of your existence. You never know what will happen on your way there. For the sake of your safety, take them with you.

If the Nine Celestial Demons Sect targets me, the Baek Sword Corps warriors would not be of much help either. Rather, it would be easier to escape if I traveled with a small group of people, Mu-Gun reasoned.

At least bring one of the venerable elders with you, then. Dont refuse. I issue that order as the sects patriarch.


Mu-Gun was left with no choice but to accept Cheon-Sangs firm order. As Cheon-Sang had said, the Nine Celestial Demons Sect could really be aiming for him, making it necessary to pay attention to his own safety. After meeting Cheon-Sang, Mu-Gun immediately visited the Four Peerless Wanderers and informed them of the decision. With all of them wanting to go with Mu-Gun, they argued amongst themselves.

In the end, the person accompanying Mu-Gun was chosen by lot, the winner of which was Nine Dragons Fist Hwang Rei. The next day, Mu-Gun left the Baek Sword Sect and headed to Wuchang, Hubei Province, accompanied only by Hwang Rei and the Six White Wolves.

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