To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 151: The Pope’s Command Is Worthless (3)

Chapter 151: The Pope’s Command Is Worthless (3)

Judges furrowed their brows in frustration as they began to counter with their divine power, but it was futile.

The density was too different.

Their divine power was not at a level they could block.

If it were a little at a time, perhaps, but as the divine power continued to press down, it felt like their bodies would burst.

Deus raised his hand to his face and said,

Stop it! The Saints actions wont change the orders given!

So, Im saying Ill issue a new order, right?

Its an order from the Pope himself! Are you really going to oppose him?

Opposition or whatever, I just do whats best for the people. Thats what your roles and the divine title of Saint ordained by God are for.

He was adamant. He had no intention of backing down.

To begin with, the Pope and the Inquisition were not even considerations for him.

He didnt care which side would crumble.

Ray had already battled Proxia, Necromancers, and even the Original Dragon.

At this point, waging war with the Holy Kingdom again wouldnt make a difference.

The heroes presence, clearly evident before them, caused the colors of the Inquisitions Heresy Judges to drain away.

Ray put an end to it.

If this garbage place judges heretics, then the Inquisition of the Holy Kingdom I envision is unnecessary.

As he spoke, he released not only divine power but also mana.

The building shook wildly under the pressure, and books and documents inside the room flew about.

Ray didnt stop there.

Wind cutter.

Mana resonated with his command, manifesting the magic.

Compressed blades of wind sliced through the buildings walls, passing through them.

With a sharp sound of cutting air, various parts of the building were torn apart like paper.

As the roof was blown away, the view of the night sky from the Inquisitions building inspired involuntary admiration.

Feeling the threat to their lives, they all shouted simultaneously.

Ah, understood! We will summon the Heresy Judges to Selonia!

Please reconsider, Saint!

Disregarding the Popes orders, they now begged for mercy when their own lives were at stake, after having treated the lives of the people like mere trifles.

Was this what their proclaimed faith amounted to?

No, their so-called faith was nothing but a convenient shield.

Faith had become a pretext, a form of power. It was the easiest garment to don without much consideration.

Such was the foundation upon which the Holy Kingdom was built.

Furthermore, as soon as someone dared to question that system, they were branded heretics and executed without a second thoughta truly barbaric practice.

Perhaps even God was displeased with these circumstances, which could explain why he chose Saints and Holy Women.

Humans, those selfish beings, always act in their own interest, rendering a truly happy world unattainable without the sacrifice of some.

It was then that God presumably pondered,

Who should be the one to be sacrificed?

And so, Saints and Holy Women came into existence. They were expected to renounce everything, forbidden even the slightest reward, and in exchange, God endowed them with divine power.

To the average person, such a role might appear grand and powerful, but that was merely an illusion.

In truth, they are individuals coerced into sacrifice by both God and humanity, aware that they are walking into a blazing inferno yet obliged to carry the tinder.

A saints life, wholly governed by God and the Holy Kingdom, could never be majestic.

It was all an elaborate charade, orchestrated by God and men alike.

In this, God and humans mirrored each others selfishness.

God, on his part, aspired to forge the world in his image, selecting two individuals to bear the brunt of sacrifice, while humans incessantly exploited one another to gain a slight upper hand.

Both aimed to fulfill their ambitions at the expense of others, a perfect reflection of their mutual ruthlessness.

Rays demeanor shifted as he coldly withdrew both mana and divine power from his gaze.

He stilled his divine power, rendering it as tranquil as a serene lake, and his presence vanished as though the prior tumult had been an illusion.

His voice took on a markedly different tone.

Ill give you a week. Gather everyone in Selonia without fail.

With those words, Ray turned his back.

He no longer wanted to be here.

His life in the modern era, where he simply practiced medicine, felt much cleaner in comparison.

His steps were now directed toward the Popes audience chamber.

To reach the Popes audience chamber, one had to pass through the outer road of the castle and another gate.

The Popes castle, guarded by ironclad security, was truly a fortress in its own right.

As Ray walked along the path, he turned his gaze toward someone calling him.


It was Zik.

Running over with an expression like a dog greeting its owner, he said with a pleased face.

Youve returned.

Ive just arrived. But why are you here?

For this.

In response to Rays question, Zik handed him a parchment he held.

Looking at the parchment in his hand, Ray turned back to Zik.

A permit for the settlement of territorial residents?

Yes. Were thinking of accepting more residents for the territory. Although its called a permit, theres no real need for approval.

In essence, it was like a report.

It seemed he had visited the castle for matters related to the territory.

Observant Zik, sensing something, asked Ray.

Forgive me, Lord, but is something wrong? You dont look well.

Theres a lot I feel like Im going to die because of the Inquisition right now.

Rubbing his arm, which hadnt hurt even during the battle with the Original Dragon, Zik nodded.

Then, without a moments hesitation, he drew his sword and said.

The Inquisition must be insane. Ill go and half-kill them.

The Inquisition was already half-destroyed, its roof cut off by Rays own hand, its spirit nearly gone.

If Zik joined in, the Inquisition might actually disappear from the Holy Kingdom.

Ray chuckled and shook his head.

What about the task I gave you?

He was referring to the task of blocking an unstoppable sword.

Zik looked at him with confidence.

Ive completed it.

Honestly, his response was hard to believe.

Though Zik was said to possess a talent that surpassed the description of a genius, this was different.

Ray had given the task half-seriously, half-jokingly.

But for him to actually have achieved it? Was he even human?

Ray, who could memorize a game characters technique after seeing it just once, was surprised at Zik.


As he spoke with a hint of doubt, Zik quietly nodded.

If its your swordsmanship, my lord, I can block it. With your permission, Id like to show you right now on the training grounds.

Not now. I have to meet the Pope.

The Holy Father?

Ray shook his head at Ziks questioning look.

Huh Its a long story. I just heard about it myself after returning from the Grensia Mountains.

Zik, always practicing in the training grounds, seemed unaware, but this was a significant issue.

Even Iriel was deeply concerned about it.

The Popes orders, which clearly overstepped boundaries, were attracting criticism from many and could even sever diplomatic ties with other countries.

Such a development would have a significant impact on the Holy Kingdom, despite its stature.

A stern word was needed for the Pope, who had carelessly issued an order that could shake the nation.

Zik chose not to inquire further.

Understood. Then Ill take my leave.

With a neat farewell, he left the room.

Ray almost wished he could simply install Zik in the Popes position.

But he couldnt whimsically replace the leader of a nation, so he could only accept the situation with regret.

In the office, two women sat chatting.

Iriel, savoring her fragrant tea, spoke.

So, it turns out we dont have to worry much about the remnants of Proxias forces.

Where is the Saint now?

The Saint is currently in Selonia. It seems he might confront His Holiness the Pope.

I see.

Euclid sipped her tea with an expressionless face.

Sensing something off in her demeanor, Iriel glanced at her and spoke hesitantly.

Out of concern, but shouldnt you go there?

Euclids delicate eyebrows twitched as she drank her tea at Iriels words.

It seemed she planned to go there immediately after finishing her tea.

Filled with ulterior motives, Euclid boldly responded.

I wont act like Zik.

Despite having been full of thoughts to go there just moments ago, she spoke confidently.

Iriel looked at Euclid expressionlessly.

Judging by the way tea almost spilled from her well-composed lips, her mind was already in a field of flowers.

She shook her head.

You know that all your actions in this wartime state must be reported to me, your supervisor, right?

I am aware.

Thats not to say you should report and then go. Im not giving you permission.

I will resolve it.

There was no sign of her backing down.

Her determination and forcefulness were admirable.

But the likelihood of Iriels worries coming true was very low.

After all, Rays orders were still in effect.

If Gehel Castle fell while she was away, after Ray entrusted it to her, she wouldnt be able to face him.

Euclid had no desire to cause such an absurd incident.

Her purpose in speaking this way was simply that the Saints reaction was far more entertaining than expected.

The usually cold and dignified Saints flustered reaction to a mere word was endearing.

Wasnt there a saying about the fun of teasing? Her startled reactions and sharp glances were so different from the rumored Saint.

Of course, such teasing had to be done without the Saints knowledge.

After all, she couldnt dare tease a holy figure knowingly.

Still, she found amusement in teasing the Saint with her expressionless face.

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