To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 176: The Turmoil In The Imperial Family (3)

Chapter 176: The Turmoil In The Imperial Family (3)

As Ray predicted, when the parchments returned to their respective owners, the reaction was astonishing.

The members of the royal family, always eager to fight, suddenly ceased their conflicts.

The royal household became eerily quiet.

They needed time to contemplate their weaknesses and to develop countermeasures.

The weaknesses Ray had exposed were indeed diverse.

For example, the First Prince had accepted bribes from a merchant guild, allowing them to establish a monopoly, and he occasionally neglected tax collection from certain nobles.

The Second Prince, though not taking bribes, was deeply entangled in an inappropriate relationship with the First Princess and the scandals she instigated.

As long as he remained connected to the First Princess, escaping his predicament would be a challenge.

After being pushed to this point, it seemed unlikely any of them would dare to make a bold move for some time.

Now, all that was left to do was to wait for their next move while focusing on restoring the Emperors health.

The Emperor had shown significant improvement.

Just weeks before, he had struggled to rise from his bed, but now he rose with ease.

Although his walk was still slightly awkward, it was a remarkable improvement from before.

How is it? Its effective, isnt it? Ray asked.

At his question, the Emperor slowly nodded.

Thank you, Saint. I will never forget this debt of gratitude.

Dont just remember it; engrain it deeply in your heart for the Holy Kingdom.

The Emperor found their conversation intriguing.

It was not the usual exchange of formalities between nobles.

Nor was it overly formal.

Yet, there was an inexplicable joy in it. What could be the reason?

The Emperor burst into cheerful laughter.

Hahaha. I cant remember the last time I laughed like this. I want to spend the rest of my days like this, laughing.

If only his remaining days were filled with laughter, but with his children behaving as they are, that seemed impossible.

His wish was doomed from the start.

The Emperor was very fond of the Saints personality that he had observed.

At first, he thought him rude, but over time, it felt refreshingly different.

Moreover, the Saint possessed unparalleled power in this world.

Although the Saint had come to treat him, the Emperor didnt want to send him back to the Holy Kingdom.

For that, he needed to find a way to keep him here.

The Emperor cautiously broached the subject.



In our empire, we hold a tournament of swordsmanship and magic every three years. Would you be interested in participating?

A tournament?

He had experienced many wars, but never participated in a tournament.

That sparked a bit of interest.

Is there a reward?

Seeing his reaction, the Emperor quickly added.

As its a tournament organized by the empire, the prizes are incomparable to other tournaments. Whatever you imagine, the reward will exceed it.


Ray seemed intrigued.

Even if the reward was just some famous jewels, they would surely please Aira if he brought them to her.

Participating in a tournament or two wouldnt change much, so it seemed like a good idea.

He asked the Emperor.

Can I participate in both?

Its possible, but in the swordsmanship tournament, only swordsmanship is allowed. Using magic would result in disqualification.

I am aware.

The Emperor was puzzled by his confident response.

Wondering how a magician would participate in a swordsmanship tournament.

When does the tournament begin?

In two weeks. Usually, there are preliminaries in various places before the main event, but as the Saint, you will be directly advanced to the main event by my arrangement.

Thank you. Ill prepare until then.

The Emperor internally rejoiced at his willingness to participate.

This is how you make the first move.

A single step often quickly leads to more, and a brother can swiftly become a father in no time.

The Emperors strategy proved effective.

For Ray, this was merely an intriguing and beneficial chance to seize, but the Emperor harbored far different thoughts.

He aimed to solidly bind Ray to the empire.

After one final check on the Emperors condition, Ray gave a nod of approval.

Its still a bit uncomfortable, but there should be no significant obstacle to your daily activities. Lets monitor it for two more days.


Dont neglect your usual practices. I will take my leave now.

As was his custom, Ray exited the Emperors bedroom.

With the Emperors resumption of daily activities well underway, Ray could finally unwind.

It was time to assess the situation in the Holy Kingdom.

The absence of communication from Zik hinted that all was well, yet confirmation was preferable.

Ray, having returned to his quarters, indulged in a refreshing showerthe first in quite some time.

Despite magic maintaining his cleanliness, the physical act of washing brought a certain satisfaction.

He slouched at his desk and channeled mana into the crystal sphere, prompting it to emit a bright glow.

The amount of mana required was considerable, given the distance.

This device, though not portable and limited to fixed connections, still served as a handy magical apparatus for those who possessed it.

Minutes passed until a hazy figure materialized within the crystal.

However, something about the image seemed amiss.

The lithe form with luminous hair was not Ziks.

No, it gradually sharpened, revealing a countenance he recognized.

Iriel waved from the crystals other side.

-Ray, it has been some time.

Upon seeing her, Ray smacked his forehead in realization.

He had neglected a critical detail.

Zik couldnt turn down the request of a saint.

She held the same sway over Zik as Ray did.

With a sigh, Ray inquired,

Why do you have it? I dont recall giving it to you.

-Why? I merely asked for it, and he gave it to me without hesitation.

His prediction proved accurate.

He pictured Ziks dismayed face in his mind.

Ultimately, as long as the message got across, the messenger was of no consequence.

How is the Emperor? What is going on there?

Upon his inquiry, Iriels face turned grave immediately.

-Something significant has occurred here.

Something significant?

Her look confirmed that this was no trivial issue.

It was as if an insurmountable barrier had sprung up before her.

Had some event transpired during his absence?

If that were so, you would have reached out to me via the crystal sphere.

With that thought, he could only conceive of one pressing matter.

Ray knit his brows and posed the question.

Is it the paperwork again?

-How did you guess? I meant to surprise you

His hunch was right on the mark.

A playful smile crossed her face as she spoke.

-Nothing extraordinary in the Holy Kingdom. Just initiating trade talks with the Lesian Empire, as you advised, Ray?

Ray acknowledged Iriels statement with a nod.

The royal family had indeed taken steps forward.

They were pursuing the relationships and commerce he had previously advocated for.

How is the academy faring? I thought I had settled everything before my departure

Iriel took a moment, her index finger resting on her lips, then offered an uncomfortable grin.

-Its unclear whether things are proceeding smoothly

What has gone awry now?

He had scrupulously prepared the academic materials.

With solid evidence and examples to hand, even a seventh-circle wizard like Lich should have faced no comprehension difficulties.

Why, then, this ambiguous response!

Iriel made a dismissive gesture with her hand, aiming to alleviate his concerns.

-Oh, theres no need to fret over the classes. Theyre faring quite well, unexpectedly. In some aspects, hes even garnering the students admiration.

Then where lay the issue?

Just as Ray was about to delve further, Iriel elaborated.

-The only thing is, hes prone to antagonizing students from other academies, which could lead to trouble.

Ray massaged his forehead upon hearing her words.

Was he not only dealing with challenges but also initiating them?

It seemed he would have to intervene upon his return to the Holy Kingdom.

Zik could probably handle it, but it was in poor form for a temporary professor to pick fights with students.

Ray lay on the bed, holding the crystal sphere in his hands.

It seems I will be delayed a bit longer.

-Hasnt the treatment of the Emperor been completed?

Yes, the treatment is finished. But the remaining issues are a bit troublesome.

He had no interest in becoming entangled in the royal power struggles, yet he had grown quite attached to the Emperor.

The thought of leaving the royal family in its current state made him feel uneasy.

Completely overturning and settling the situation might have been an option, but it wasnt appropriate for the present circumstances.

The brothers were attempting to murder each other, and they had even managed to kill the Fifth Prince.

If he intervened now, he would only come across as meddling, and bloodshed would likely ensue once more.

It would be wiser to resolve things once and for all before departing, for the sake of the royal family and the Empire alike.

Ray shared the recent developments with Iriel.

As he recounted the events, the smile slowly disappeared from her normally cheerful face.

-I knew the struggle for the throne was escalating, but I didnt realize it had become this grave. Perhaps its best not to interfere further though involvement isnt necessarily negative.

Iriel was likely considering the friendship between Lesia and the Holy Kingdom.

Although Ray hadnt officially taken part in the royal power struggle, his unofficial involvement could sway the future emperor, particularly if he was to govern Lesia.

Ray found himself in agreement.

Same opinion here.

Ray, dont worry and complete your tasks in the Empire. I can manage the Holy Kingdom just fine.

Her words were accompanied by an endearing smile.

Indeed, despite her occasional lapses in judgment, Iriel was a proficient commander, more than capable of managing state affairs.

With her guarding the Holy Kingdom, there was little to worry about unless it was a significant issue.

Suddenly, Iriel seemed to remember something.

-Oh, right. I have something to tell you. Its almost been a year since you came to the Holy Kingdom. Soon, we will start visiting various kingdoms.


-Remember what I told you before coming to the Silia Kingdom? That I wouldnt travel outside and would stay in the Holy Kingdom for a year.

He vaguely remembered hearing that.

I heard it, but

-That year is almost up. It means the adaptation period given by the Holy Kingdom for a saint is ending, and the active phase is beginning.

Was the Holy Kingdoms so-called adaptation period for him really about fighting necromancers and waging war against a rising organization like Proxya?

Ah, typical of the Holy Kingdom.

A country ruled by a deity, even the adaptation period was nothing short of intense.

Ray laughed heartily.

He looked up at the sky, as if addressing a god.

What a ridiculously intense adaptation period.

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