To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 177: The Revived Emperor (1)

Chapter 177: The Revived Emperor (1)

After observing for several days, Ray nodded.

The Emperors health had been steadily improving.

Now he could stand and walk without any difficulty.

Though he still couldnt engage in vigorous activities, it was enough for normal daily life.

Considering he had restored someone who couldnt even move due to muscle rigidity to this extent, the treatment could be deemed a success.

Ray looked at the Emperor and asked,

Any pain when moving your body?

The Emperor moved around a bit and replied,

Theres no pain, though its still a bit uncomfortable

You need to keep moving those parts. Dont forget to exercise daily.

Hmm, thank you. I shall repay this kindness over time.

Just direct all your gratitude towards the Holy Kingdom. Weve started trading, so please take good care of that. Hahaha.

Frankly, Ray felt burdened by the thought of the Emperor repaying him.

And who knew what he might get himself into? It could end up being a hassle.

Ray preferred to avoid any more troublesome matters.

He had already been quite occupied with the absurdly grand adaptation period given by the Holy Kingdom and the deity.

Better not to blindly accept any favors and end up with an upset stomach.

The Emperor, unaware of these thoughts, could only admire Ray.

To think of directing the Emperors gratitude towards his homeland What patriotism and transcendence.

How many people of his age could transcend the desire for power and wealth like this?

Was it truly because he was a saint? Comparing his children to the saint before him, the Emperor felt too ashamed to lift his head.

He held Ray in high esteem.

I must find a way to keep him in our empire, no matter what. If money and power dont work, then binding him by blood relations might be a good idea.

Ray felt a bit overwhelmed by the Emperors intense gaze.

Why is this uncle acting like this again?

A bad premonition crept up on him, feeling as if he were already caught in a trap.

The Emperor looked out the window and said,

I must rise now. Ive left the imperial palace unattended for too long.

Youre planning to move around? I hesitate to say this, but the royal palace is a complete mess right now. You might be shocked to see it.

I have anticipated as much. Though they are my children, they seem more interested in the throne than their fathers illness.

A sad answer returned.

But what was even more saddening was the nonchalant way he spoke of it.

Ray crossed his arms and gazed toward the door.

Then you should go and set them straight. Theyll be surprised to see you walking.

Hahaha. Im also excited now. Will you accompany me to the lobby?

Of course.

With those words, the Emperor stepped out of the room.

Taking a step into the corridor, the familiar surroundings felt new to him.

The Iron-Blooded Monarch, Emperor of the Lesian Empire, had finally revived.

Your Majesty, the Emperor

Youve finally awakened!

The knights were the first to greet the Emperor.

It happened to be them since they were walking in the garden when they met.

The Emperor exuded an unprecedentedly powerful aura.

Of course, the Emperor couldnt use mana. What he emitted now was the absolute authority he had acquired over more than forty years as the ruler of the Lesian Empire, the strongest nation on the continent.

I must inquire about the affairs of the royal family. Tell everyone to gather immediately.

No one dared to voice any objections to that command.

The knights knelt down in response.

We understand.

We receive Your Majestys command.

With those words, the two knights hurried off to somewhere.

The Emperor, watching their departing figures, muttered to himself.

How dare they engage in such a brutal fight in the royal family. I must have gone wrong somewhere in raising my children.

It was a lament directed at himself.

Ray chimed in.

Even if you went wrong, it was quite a mistake. Now is the time to correct it.

Hahaha. Indeed, you are right.

Though flattering words might have been expected in the presence of the Emperor, Rays words were sharp and unflinching.

They were so piercing that the Emperor felt a twinge in his heart.

Yet, these very qualities pleased him more.

Anyone could offer flattery, but what he had longed to hear were words with the sting of truth like these.

As they walked through the garden toward the lobby, the courtiers they encountered were startled and greeted them.

Your Majesty, the Emperor

At that single phrase, everyone around them halted their activities and knelt down.

The Emperor smiled benevolently and gestured with his hand.

I just came out for some fresh air. Continue with your duties.

We are honored, Your Majesty.

Though he had received such greetings his entire life, today, they felt exceptionally pleasant.

It felt as if all the frustrations he had been feeling were being released.

The Emperor acknowledged each greeting until he reached the lobby, enjoying the freedom of the stroll through the garden.

Eventually, they went inside as time passed.

Entering the grand hall, they found that no one else was there yet.

The Emperor slowly ascended the stairs and leaned back in his throne, which he had always occupied.

Sit beside me. I would like to introduce you specially at this meeting.

Ray thought to himself, This doesnt feel right

However, he found no reason to refuse.

Silently, Ray took his place on the throne next to the Emperor.

Soon, one by one, the princes and princesses began to gather.

Each greeted the Emperor.

Your Majesty, congratulations on your full recovery.

Finally, you have recovered! We celebrate your health.

But why is the Saint sitting there?

The Emperor answered the First Princesss question for him.

I have asked the Saint to sit there.


Her response seemed forced, as if she were unable to comprehend.

As he received each congratulation, the Emperor spoke in a stern tone.

You have all committed an unforgivable act. Do you understand what I am referring to?

What matter are you speaking of?

Feigning ignorance, they faced the Emperors sigh.

It concerns the Fifth Prince. Though its being disguised as an accident, I am aware it was the result of your quarrels.

How could siblings even contemplate killing each other? Have I not always taught you to live in harmony?

None responded to his words.

It was more accurate to say they chose not to respond.

Even at that moment, their only desire was the Emperors throne.

If it meant the death of another brother to achieve this, they would likely not hesitate.

Ray saw through their intentions clearly.

Such behavior from princes and princesses is not even worthy of animals.

His biting criticism angered them.

Your words are too harsh!

Remember, this is the royal palace.

As they spoke, their personal guard knights reached for the hilts of their swords.

Yet, with the Emperor present, their threats dissolved like fleeting clouds.

At a gesture from the Emperor, the knights stood down.

You are correct. If such events recur, I will have no choice but to treat you as animals.

Your Majesty!

Thats an outrageous statement! How could the royal family

It was a pitiable sight.

Blinded by the shimmering allure of power before them, they failed to see the truth in front of their eyes.

Should such people become Emperor, the nation would plummet into poverty, and the people would suffer endlessly.

Ultimately, Ray decided to alter his planned approach.

He berated them once more.

Such statements are fitting for the royal family. Nothing is more terrifying than unlearned fools on the throne.

Look at the insolence!

Uneducated? Perhaps it is you who lacks education!

How dare you spout such nonsense in front of the great hall Do you wish to die?

Ray smirked at their words.

See, this is the proof of your lack of education.

He pulled parchments from his cloak and scattered them around.

These were the documents Soyeong and Heukyeong had stolen the previous night.

Naturally, the contents were far from favorable, detailing various corruptions, conspiracies, and contracts for assassins.

The faces of the princes and princesses hardened.

Their expressions grew as rigid as the Emperors previous muscle rigidity, indicating they too needed treatment.

Now, do you see yourselves clearly? Thats your true nature. You tear each other down, inflict wounds, and ultimately kill. Even monsters arent this vile.

The Emperor picked up the papers and read through them, visibly shocked.

He couldnt fathom how the royal family had decayed to such an extent.

From taxes to bribes and even poison, there was nothing they hadnt tainted.

At this point, they were no better than a criminal organization.

The royal family members, including the Emperor, were rendered speechless.

Ray clicked his tongue in disdain.

How exemplary. Those unworthy of the throne fighting over it. Tsk, tsk.

That Thats

It would be better if Princess Celria became the Emperor.

Celria was the only one whose name was absent from these documents.

Remarkably, she had committed no wrongdoings and was uninvolved in any scandals.

Given that she spent her time reading in her room, this was an expected outcome.

Her character was also commendable; she consistently put others before herself, making her a suitable candidate for the throne despite being a woman.

The Emperor sighed deeply.

I cant believe it.

He pondered how things had come to this despite his teachings.

Was there a flaw in his guidance?

A deep sense of doubt engulfed him.

The Emperor glanced around briefly before speaking.

Except for Celria, I decree a three-year house arrest for all. I will not entertain any objections. If you refuse, leave the royal family.

It was a clear threat to disown them if they disobeyed.

The usually gentle Emperors stern stance allowed no room for further discussion.

He was resolved to act immediately on his words if they objected.

In the end, they had no choice but to accept the house arrest.

It was a significant blow, particularly at such a time.

Under house arrest, they could not maintain their succession rights.

Being unable to replace the Emperor while under house arrest meant losing their place in the royal lineage.

Moreover, they were barred from all external and internal activities for three years, essentially living as though they were dead.

The Emperor briefly turned his gaze to one of the princes.

The last thing remaining is that matter.

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