Triple Blessings: Mr. Fu's Passionate Pursuit

Chapter 101 - 97: Does he count as ruining a beautiful marriage by doing this?

Chapter 101: Chapter 97: Does he count as ruining a beautiful marriage by doing this?

Translator: 549690339

Roy Lewis is such a proud man. In his thirty years of life, this is the first time he has actively sought others’ opinion on his image and character.

Richelle Dunn was already feeling uneasy, and now Roy asks her this question.

She turned her head and coughed a few times, trying to calm her strange and unfamiliar feelings, and after a pause, gave an extremely perfunctory answer.

“Mr. Lewis, you’re a good person!”

Roy Lewis was slightly taken aback – was this, him receiving the “good person” card?

Because of Roy’s words, Richelle finally managed to calm her mind and concentrate on applying acupuncture to him.

Fortunately, as usual, Roy fell asleep halfway through the acupuncture session.

Upon hearing his even breathing, Richelle couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Once she finished the acupuncture, Richelle returned to the living room and picked up her phone to check the financial news.

Being the leading enterprise in Lordon, Dunn Group is a frequent topic in the business section.

Today, there was also an article about the Dunn Group, a report about their new overseas shipping business expansion.

Overseas shipping?

What exactly is Jayden Dunn trying to do?

Is he really on the path to destroying the Dunn Group’s reputation?

Richelle finished reading the article with a frown, then checked the stock market. As expected, the stock price of the Dunn Group, always stable, had been rising slightly today.

It seemed that the news report was indeed considered positive.

Yet, Richelle had learnt from Hugo that the Thompsons were smugglers in the shipping business.

So was this Jayden Dunn’s purpose in colluding with the Thompsons?

Richelle felt a bit down. Even if she hated Jayden Dunn’s family, the Dunn Group was nurtured and expanded under her parents’ hands. To them, the group was like their other child, and to Richelle, it was like her brothers and sisters.

She could accept the Dunn Group’s struggles, but not its tarnished reputation.

It seemed that she had to bring forward her plan. Otherwise, if she waited until Jayden Dunn and the Thompsons joined forces, their power would not only multiply, but the company her parents had built would be irretrievably lost.

With her decision made, Richelle took out her phone and dialed Mr. Chapman’s number.

“Dr. Dunn, what do you need?”

As a special expert at Central Hospital, Richelle’s working hours were stipulated in a contract.

“Mr. Chapman, I have something to deal with these days. Can 1 take a few days off? Of course, if there are any surgeries that urgently need me, you can call me anytime and I’ll come right away.”

Among all the professionals Mr. Chapman had dealt with, many were condescending, but Richelle was different.

She had performed more surgeries in a month than expected and agreed upon in her contract. Most importantly, she had no airs about her and even helped the hospital train several key personnel during her time there.

“No problem, you can take as many days off as you want. I’ll contact you if there’s anything!”

After Richelle had requested her leave, she sent Hugo a message: “I’ll be in seclusion recently, not accepting assignments.”

Hugo quickly returned her call, “What’s up? Did something happen?”

Richelle glanced at Roy’s bedroom door warily, and after thinking for a moment, she stood up and returned to her room.

After closing the door, she spoke to Hugo.

“Check the Dunn Group’s report in the finance section, and you’ll understand.”

Shortly after, she heard Hugo exclaim.

“Damn, so that’s what Jayden Dunn is after!”

It seemed that he had reached the same conclusion as Richelle.

“What are you going to do now?”

At the moment, Richelle wanted to fly to Lordon immediately, but unfortunately, she was currently in a difficult position to take action.

Roy hadn’t restricted her freedom to move around, but if she went to Lordon with his bodyguards, wouldn’t all their secrets be exposed?

“Haven’t thought it through yet.”

“Alright, just let me know if you need anything. Be extra careful. Jayden Dunn must have met an impassable obstacle, which is why he was forced to take risks and cooperate with the Thompsons.”

Richelle Dunn thought the same way, so she was very anxious.

“I’ll be careful and keep in touch.”

After hanging up on Hugo Camrey’s call, Richelle stayed in her bedroom for a while, lost in thought, until her alarm rang, reminding her to remove the needles from Roy Lewis.

According to Uncle Axel’s report, Roy should sleep until ten or even eleven o’clock. So, after removing the needles, Richelle left him a note on the bedside table.

“Mr. Lewis, I’ll be in my room working on my thesis. Just close the door when you leave.”

At times like this, she was grateful for her profession that gave her such a good excuse.

Richelle returned to her bedroom, picked out some key points from the materials she had hacked into the Dunn Group’s system, and combined them with the information sent to her by the mysterious benefactor. She then focused on coming up with a countermeasure.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, there was a sudden knock on the door.

“Dr. Dunn, time for lunch!”

Richelle was startled and glanced at the time; it was already past noon. Roy, why hadn’t he left yet?

“Alright, I’m coming!”

Rushing out of her room, Richelle was surprised to see not only Roy Lewis in the dining room but also Nathan Caroule.

“Nathan, you’re here too?”

Nathan Caroule quickly stood up, moved a chair aside, and gestured for her to come over.

“I’ve been here for over an hour. Dr. Dunn, you were so focused you didn’t hear anything outside your door?”

It was true that Richelle hadn’t heard a thing; she must have been too absorbed in her thoughts.

“Well, I took a nap in between, and the soundproofing is pretty good here.”

Richelle casually tried to find an excuse, but Nathan looked meaningfully at Roy.

Roy stared back at him inexplicably and quickly averted his gaze to Richelle.

She’d taken a nap? Hadn’t she slept well last night?

Nathan Caroule pushed the utensils towards Richelle. “Dr. Dunn, I didn’t know what you liked, so I ordered randomly. If you have any preferences or cravings, let me know, and I’ll have someone bring it to you.”

Richelle thanked him, “I’m not picky.”

After speaking, she turned her head and inadvertently met Roy’s thoughtful gaze.

Her heart trembled slightly, and she quickly covered it by asking, “Mr. Lewis, how are you feeling today?”

She looked down and quickly picked up her bowl.

Roy watched her reaction carefully. Did he get it wrong? Had she been a little flustered just now?

Although puzzled, Roy maintained his usual coldness on the surface.

“Not bad, but recently I’ve been sleeping longer. Is it because you changed the acupoints?”

On the sixteenth day, Richelle had adjusted the acupuncture treatment plan.

“It’s not entirely because of that. The main reason is that your physical condition has improved, so your sleep duration has increased.”

Richelle had quickly adjusted her mood. When it came to work, her expression would turn serious.

She didn’t know about Roy’s previous lifestyle habits, but she clearly remembered how awful his pulse was the first time she took it.

“Before, Mr. Lewis, you must have been in a state of chronic sleep deprivation. This misled your internal clock into thinking that you only needed to sleep that much. Now that your bodily functions have improved, your body is gradually recovering to the adequate amount of sleep you need.”

Roy nodded, “So that’s the reason.”

In the past, he used to have a headache half the time during the day. Now, the frequency of this situation has gradually decreased.

As for serious symptoms like fainting or blindness, they hadn’t occurred again.

Nathan Caroule watched as his boss and Richelle chatted as if no one else was there and was forced to eat quietly, not daring to make a sound.

He secretly regretted his actions, should he have just delivered the lunch and discreetly left?

Leaving these two alone would have been a great opportunity for his boss, right?

Wasn’t him sitting here so blatantly like interfering in a beautiful romance?

Would he be punished by Heaven for this?

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