Undying Life

Chapter 947: Ying and Zhuangzi

Chapter 947: Chapter 947: Ying and Zhuangzi

In the underworld, Changjing!

In front of the Immortal Palace, Zhong Shan examined a blueprint laid out before him. The blueprint depicted a giant banner with thirteen colors.

"Sage King, we can confirm that this is the appearance of the Summoning Banner," Yi Yan reported respectfully.

"Good," Zhong Shan nodded.

The Summoning Banner, once Nuwa's treasure, had been seen by many, even though none had ever possessed it. It was similar to the Four Swords of Immortal Execution, which had numerous imitations across the world.

"Nangong Sheng, Clay Bodhisattva!" Zhong Shan called out.

"Your subjects are here!" they responded promptly.

"Using this blueprint, create imitations of the Summoning Banner. Don't worry about functionality, just focus on appearance and grandeur. Make them look as real as possible, and set up mysterious formations on them to prevent anyone from probing them," Zhong Shan instructed.

"Understood!" they responded immediately.

Creating forgeries? It was just deception!

"Make as many as you can, the more, the better. Once you've made a prototype, you can mobilize the craftsmen of the Ministry of Works to mass-produce the Summoning Banners!" Zhong Shan ordered.


While everyone in the living world was searching for the Summoning Banner, Zhong Shan had already begun producing imitations. If those searching in the living world knew, they would surely be speechless.

Zhong Shan had to resort to this deception due to circumstances beyond his control. Ancestor Xue Mei had already mentioned that the Summoning Banner would pass through several hands, and Zhong Shan was one of them. Given his current strength, he couldn't protect it. So, he decided to add more chaos to the already turbulent situation.

While forgeries were being made in the underworld, Zhong Shan waited patiently in the living world. Finally, three months later...

Zhong Shan flew in a certain direction with Luo Xingchen.

"Sage King, a large number of demons have sensed the Summoning Banner in the north. Shouldn't we hurry?" Luo Xingchen asked in confusion.

"Hurry? There's no use in rushing. The north is likely a battlefield right now. Don't worry, the Summoning Banner won't escape. With so many experts watching, who would let it slip away?" Zhong Shan replied calmly.


"Any recent news?" Zhong Shan inquired.

"The Ancient Buddha Burning Lamp has been pursued daily. Half a month ago, severely injured, he and three of his enemies fled from Nuwa's realm," Luo Xingchen reported.

"Burning Lamp is gone? That's good. Any news about Sima Yuan and the Purple Heaven Sect Leader?" Zhong Shan asked.

"After the Ru-Dragon Encircling Formation was broken, Sima Yuan was heavily injured by dozens of Ancient Immortals and left Nuwa's realm with a shattered body. The Purple Heaven Sect Leader has had no news. He might have left as well," Luo Xingchen explained.

"I see."

The two flew north at a steady pace. Two days later, they arrived at a scene of carnage.

Corpses were strewn everywhere. The temptation of a Sage's treasure was indeed earth-shattering. In the distance, a large number of experts had gathered. Some hovered in the sky, while others stood on mountain peaks, all staring at the center.

In the center, there was a large mountain. Though not the tallest, it emitted a dazzling light. Golden rays burst forth, blinding to the eye, like a radiant sun.

From the source of the golden light, waves of spatial ripples, no, spatial waves, spread out in all directions. Everything in the path of these waves was reduced to dust. Only the absolute top experts could remain near the center.

These top experts wanted to charge in, but none could break through, as the internal battle was too fierce.

The surrounding powerful individuals could only stay on the periphery.

There were many strong beings present, and Zhong Shan suddenly realized that the top experts who had been waiting outside Nuwa's realm more than half a year ago had all arrived.

While there had only been a crowd of Ancient Immortals facing the Qiankun Cauldron, here stood a gathering of Ancestral Immortals.

To the west were Ancestor Xue Mei and his disciples. To the south, Serpent Empress Sect Leader and the powerful individuals from her domain were present. As for the other experts on the peaks, Zhong Shan didn't recognize them.

This was the focal point of Nuwa's realm. All the powerful individuals who could come had arrived.

Because here was the Summoning Banner!

Zhong Shan and Luo Xingchen found a peak to rest on, watching the center and the surrounding experts from a distance. Unexpectedly, Zhong Shan spotted another familiar face.

The Purple Heaven Sect Leader! He hadn't left?

"Sage King, are those two Ancestral Immortals dueling at the center?" Luo Xingchen asked in astonishment.

"Yes, go find out who they are," Zhong Shan said calmly.

Even from a distance, the intense clashes within could be felt, shaking the hearts of those present.


A burst of golden light dazzled everyone, making it hard to see anything within.

A powerful wave of space, like a tsunami, swept out in all directions.

The terrifying shockwave blew away clouds over millions of miles in an instant. Some nearby experts were even thrown back tens of thousands of miles by the force.

Such overwhelming power, the duel of Ancestral Immortals?

Red Luan mist filled Zhong Shan's eyes, allowing him to vaguely see a distant black Dao, standing dominantly, while a golden Dao dimmed and retreated in the clash.

As the golden light dissipated, people's vision gradually returned.

In the void stood two figures.

One wore a black dragon robe, a black jade crown on his head, exuding an aura of dominance in all directions.

Ying! That was Ying!

Zhong Shan saw Ying standing in the air, his entire being enveloped in that black Dao.

Merging with the Dao, an Ancestral Immortal, Ying!

Ying stood proudly, gazing at his opponent.

Opposite him was a man in a golden cassock. The man's head was adorned with a cluster of small golden beads, forming a small mountain-like shape, glittering brightly.

Unfortunately, blood was oozing from this man's temple, trickling down his chin and eventually dripping onto the ground below.

"The Golden Bead Buddha has been defeated?" The crowd suddenly erupted in exclamations.

The Golden Bead Buddha was evidently the man with the cluster of golden beads on his head, with blood flowing from his temple.

Even the Golden Bead Buddha was defeated? Who was this man?

"Amitabha, this humble monk has lost! I shall no longer pursue the Summoning Banner!" The Golden Bead Buddha performed a slight Buddhist salute.

"Hmm, you are quite formidable," Ying nodded slightly.

"May I ask who you are?" The Golden Bead Buddha inquired.

"Great Qin, Ying!" Ying replied solemnly.

Showing enough respect to such a formidable opponent, Ying revealed his identity.

"Farewell!" The Golden Bead Buddha nodded.

Turning, he signaled to a group of monks on a nearby peak. The monks rose into the air and left with the Golden Bead Buddha.

Ying watched the direction in which the Golden Bead Buddha departed, giving it a slight, disinterested glance.

Ying surveyed the surroundings, and as his gaze swept over them, many powerful figures inexplicably lowered their heads, as if afraid to meet his eyes directly.

At this moment, Zhong Shan also noticed the peak beneath Ying's feet.

At one corner of the peak stood Bai Qi. Although Bai Qi was strong, he was still an Ancient Immortal. Facing an Ancestral Immortal, he required Ying's domineering presence to steady the area.

In another corner of the peak, a large amount of black mist shrouded the area. Within the black mist, eerie lights flickered faintly.

Zhong Shan observed calmly. Just then, Luo Xingchen, who had been away for a short while, returned to Zhong Shan's side.

"Sage King, I have found out everything. The Summoning Banner has appeared; it's within that black mist. It seems to be Guiguzi, as you mentioned. He appears to be refining the Summoning Banner, but it's unclear. More and more powerful figures are gathering here. This is the second Ancestral Immortal to challenge Ying, and he has been defeated and driven away!" Luo Xingchen reported solemnly.

"Defeated two Ancestral Immortals in a row?" Zhong Shan took a deep breath.

After over eighty thousand years, Zhong Shan finally understood how powerful Ying had become. Under the Dream of Heavenly Mechanism, Ying had trained his "General's Body" while leading his followers across the grand world. In those eighty thousand years, Ying had ascended to the Ancestral Immortal realm and became one of its most formidable figures.

Ying stood in the air, coldly watching the surroundings. His intimidating aura spread out, having defeated two Ancestral Immortals in succession, thus solidifying his status in the world.

After this battle, Ying's name would undoubtedly resound throughout the grand world.

Ying gazed proudly around, exuding an aura of "challenging the world."

This was the demeanor of a supreme expert!

"Is there anyone else?" Ying asked calmly.

His voice was plain, but it carried a sense of dominance that seemed to echo across the world. Who dared to challenge?

A long silence followed. Even the Ancient Immortals hesitated to step forward.

Such a powerful Ying!

While everyone was contemplating who would step up next, someone finally moved forward.

Dressed in white, looking like an ordinary man in his sixties or seventies, with black hair streaked with some white. Long sideburns hung down his cheeks, and a mass of long hair flowed down his back.

The old man had a kind face, with bright, penetrating eyes that looked at Ying without the slightest fear, only curiosity.

"Zhuangzi, that's Zhuangzi!" someone suddenly exclaimed in the distance.

"It's really Zhuangzi, I've heard him preach, it's definitely him!"

"Zhuangzi, the one closest to becoming a Sage?"

People were in an uproar, astonished that Ying's victories had drawn out Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi was immensely renowned in the grand world, known to all as one of the foremost Ancestral Immortals.

"So, that's Zhuangzi?" Zhong Shan focused intently.

This was Zhong Shan's first time seeing Zhuangzi's true form. The last time at the Ao Lai Sea, when they competed for something with spiritual sense, Zhuangzi's appearance had remained unclear.

"Who will win this time?"

"Definitely Zhuangzi, he's the one closest to becoming a Sage!"

"Not necessarily, I think Ying is stronger!"

Excited discussions erupted around them. Everyone was eager to see the duel between Ying and Zhuangzi. Even if they couldn't get the Summoning Banner, witnessing such a world-shaking battle would be worth it.

"Great Qin, Ying? The General's Body? It's been a long time since anyone with the General's Body has appeared; I almost forgot about it. I am Zhuang Zhou," Zhuangzi said with a gentle smile.

Zhuangzi lacked the arrogance typical of most Ancestral Immortals, instead seeming approachable and giving others a feeling of being bathed in a spring breeze. Of course, Ying's formidable strength undoubtedly played a significant role in this demeanor.

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