Undying Life

Chapter 951: The Sage’s Objective

Chapter 951: Chapter 951: The Sage's Objective

On the second day, atop a mountain peak, Luo Xingchen faced five powerful individuals, each gripping a weapon and staring intently at him.

"Take the Demon-Summoning Banner and get lost!" Luo Xingchen snapped, tossing a Demon-Summoning Banner towards them.

The five immediately turned to chase after it, but before they could reach it, someone intercepted the banner. A new round of battles for the Demon-Summoning Banner began.

Luo Xingchen's figure blurred and disappeared from the peak.

In a secluded valley, Luo Xingchen looked at Zhong Shan.

"Saint King, we've already distributed the twentieth Demon-Summoning Banner! They've all been scattered!" Luo Xingchen's face twitched.

Seeing Zhong Shan produce banner after banner, Luo Xingchen understood the plan. The banners were coming from the underworld. The Saint King's foresight was remarkable. These Demon-Summoning Banners were so complex that even he would need a long time to study them.

"The Nüwa Realm must be in chaos by now," Zhong Shan said with a nod.

"Indeed, with twenty Demon-Summoning Banners out there, the fights are everywhere!" Luo Xingchen confirmed.

"Yes, these were created by Mud Buddha, Nangong Sheng, and the craftsmen of the Ministry of Works. There are a total of eight hundred ninety-five. Distribute them all," Zhong Shan instructed calmly.

Luo Xingchen's face twitched again.

Now the Demon-Summoning Banners were truly as common as cabbages—nearly a thousand of them?

Luo Xingchen took the mountain-sized pile of Demon-Summoning Banners and flew off, quickly disappearing into the distance using his time-based abilities, easily avoiding detection.

Eight hundred ninety-five Demon-Summoning Banners were scattered far and wide, some falling into people's hands seemingly by 'destiny.' All around, figures carrying the banners fled, and news of the pursuit of these banners spread everywhere.

"Senior Brother, a Demon-Summoning Banner has appeared in the hands of Wuxuzi in the east! Chase him!"

"Junior Brother, you're mistaken. It's in the hands of Ximenzi in the west! Head that way!"

"It's to the east!"

"It's to the west!"

As the two argued, a red-robed figure suddenly flew in from afar.

"Master!" the two called out to the red-robed figure.

"Hurry, I have obtained a Demon-Summoning Banner. We must leave the Nüwa Realm immediately!" the red-robed figure shouted.

The senior and junior brothers were left speechless.

"Uncle has returned!" the junior brother suddenly exclaimed, seeing a green-robed figure appear in the distance.

"Uncle, Master has obtained..." he started to say.

But before he could finish, the green-robed figure interrupted, "Hurry, I have obtained a Demon-Summoning Banner. We must leave the Nüwa Realm immediately!"

"You obtained one too?" the brothers asked in astonishment.

"What is going on?" their uncle asked, confused.

"...!" the brothers were at a loss.

Meanwhile, in another valley in the Nüwa Realm, Ying also stood before a Demon-Summoning Banner. Guiguzi held the banner, infusing it with black energy.


The Demon-Summoning Banner suddenly shattered, completely disintegrating.

"A fake," Guiguzi said calmly.

"Rumor has it that this came from Zhong Shan's hands. Didn't you say the Demon-Summoning Banner would pass through his hands?" Bai Qi asked, puzzled.

"Zhong Shan couldn't have faked it?" Guiguzi replied indifferently.

Bai Qi was momentarily speechless.

"Tell us about your experience when you were controlled," Ying suddenly interjected.

"Yes, at the time, I had no feeling whatsoever. I was controlled without any reaction until Zhong Shan's loud shout brought me back to a slight consciousness!" Bai Qi immediately responded.

"Oh, so even though you possess the ability to conceal your heavenly secrets, you were still controlled?" Guiguzi asked in a serious tone.

"Yes! There was no reaction from my heavenly secret. I have cultivated to the fifth level, reaching the peak. Even if a sage tried to invade my consciousness, I would have known!" Bai Qi frowned.

"No, there is one sage who can erode your consciousness without you noticing," Ying suddenly said.

"Saint King, do you mean the Mítiān Sage?" Guiguzi inquired.

"Exactly. The Heavenly Secret Diagram was originally left in the Small Thousand World by the Mítiān Sage. It was his technique. If he wanted to erode Bai Qi, how could the heavenly secret prevent it?" Ying said solemnly.

"The Mítiān Sage? Another sage!" Guiguzi responded gravely.

"No matter how many sages come, we will proceed according to our original plan!" Ying said resolutely.


The Demon-Summoning Banners had stirred up chaos all around, while Zhong Shan sat alone in a secluded valley.

A multitude of imitation Demon-Summoning Banners had caused bloodshed and chaos in the Nüwa Realm. Although it seemed chaotic, Zhong Shan knew that these fake banners had actually alleviated the tense atmosphere.

With so many Demon-Summoning Banners out there, it would be hard to discern the real ones from the fakes!

Even the Ancestor Immortals wouldn't be able to guess correctly!

As Zhong Shan leisurely sipped his tea, waiting, a shadow suddenly flashed in the valley!

Magu arrived unexpectedly!

"The Serpent Queen?" Zhong Shan stood up.

Magu approached Zhong Shan, her expression very serious. "Zhong Shan, do you remember our conversation from a few months ago?"

Zhong Shan frowned slightly, "I did promise you that as long as it didn't go against my will, I would help you with whatever was within my power."

"Good!" The Serpent Queen exhaled in relief.

"Tell me, what do you need?" Zhong Shan asked directly, understanding that Magu's visit was to have him fulfill his promise.

Magu nodded, and with a wave of her hand, a small flag appeared in her palm!

"The Demon-Summoning Banner?" Zhong Shan said in surprise.

Where did the Serpent Queen get this from? Could it be one of his fake products?

"This is what I inadvertently took from the Ancestor Immortals! They are probably still fighting over the fake banners!" Magu explained.

"Uh?" Zhong Shan was slightly taken aback.

What did she mean? Was the Serpent Queen also playing the fake game?

"This one is real. What I need you to do is return the Demon-Summoning Banner to Qingqiu, to the Fox Clan. It originally belonged to Qingqiu!" Magu said solemnly.

"With the current chaos outside, you could go to Qingqiu yourself. Why do you need me to handle such a simple task?" Zhong Shan asked, puzzled.

"Chaos?" Magu didn't understand at first.

"Yes, if you go out now, there should be no problem," Zhong Shan nodded.

Shaking her head, Magu revealed a bitter smile. "It's too late. I've calculated it; my time is almost up," Magu said with a hint of sorrow.

"Your time is up?" Zhong Shan was puzzled because he didn't see any signs of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man on Magu.

"I've been targeted by a sage! Just now, when I escaped from the Ancestor Immortals, a sage helped me, but I know that this help was meant to take my life," Magu said bitterly.

Zhong Shan looked at Magu strangely, staying silent for a long time.

"Don't worry. The sages won't interfere with the Demon-Summoning Banner for now! I just ask you to return it to the Fox Clan in Qingqiu. This banner originally belongs to them," Magu said.

"They won't interfere? Why won't the sages take action over the Demon-Summoning Banner? What are they after?" Zhong Shan immediately asked.

This was something Zhong Shan couldn't understand—why the sages hadn't made a move, and why Ying had discarded the Demon-Summoning Banner.

"Because the Demon-Summoning Banner will eventually lead the holder to Nüwa's tomb. They want to find the real Nüwa's tomb," Magu explained.

"Nüwa's tomb? Why?" Zhong Shan was still confused.

"Because it contains a treasure that all the sages in the world desire, the only item buried with Nüwa," Magu said.

"Nüwa's burial treasure? The only one? What could be more valuable than a sage's treasure? No, if Nüwa knew she was going to die, no treasure would be of any use unless it held significant sentimental value. What is it?" Zhong Shan quickly analyzed.

"You're right. The only thing Nüwa couldn't part with was a relic left by her husband," Magu said.

"Nüwa's husband?"



"Yes, it's Fuxi's relic, the 'Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram,' which contains his life's work. Even Hongjun once borrowed it from Nüwa to study," Magu said.

"No wonder, no wonder!" Zhong Shan nodded.

No wonder Guiguzi and the others let go of the Demon-Summoning Banner. Their goal was the ultimate treasure of the fate master, the Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram.

"I've told you everything. I don't know who will end up with the Demon-Summoning Banner, but my calculations show that the last person will be you. I only hope that if it remains in your hands, you will bring it to Qingqiu," Magu said.

"Alright, I promise you," Zhong Shan nodded.

"Thank you! This will be the last thing I do for the Fox Clan," Magu said bitterly.

After giving Zhong Shan a deep look, Zhong Shan asked, "I want to know who you are."

"It doesn't matter who I am anymore because I will soon die. I can feel his gaze; that sage has been watching me," Magu said bitterly.

With that, she handed the Demon-Summoning Banner to Zhong Shan.

As Zhong Shan accepted it, he asked again, "Are you from the Fox Clan, the former Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox?"

Magu gave a bitter smile, turned, and flew into the sky.

A large green snake appeared under her feet.

As she flew away from Zhong Shan, Magu shouted at the sky, "Mítiān, come out! Sneaking around like this, what kind of sage are you?" she yelled.

Her shout caused the fighting experts to suddenly go quiet.

Everyone looked at Magu, wondering what had happened to the Serpent Queen.

Mítiān? Who was Mítiān?

Soon, some people realized who Mítiān was—the Mítiān Sage?

The sage who had attained sagehood over a hundred years ago?

A sage was here? All battles ceased immediately. Fight? Who would dare to compete for the Demon-Summoning Banner in the presence of a sage?

Magu glared at the sky. People watched her silently.

At that moment, a white-robed youth appeared above Magu.

"Is it him?" Zhong Shan's heart skipped a beat.

This white-robed youth was the same one Zhong Shan had seen before entering the Nüwa Realm. His face was obscured, a sage! And back then, he had not only looked at Magu but also at the Nine-Tailed Princess Su Rouniang!

Was he choosing a Nine-Tailed Fox? In the end, he chose Magu? Zhong Shan took a deep breath.

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8

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