While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 309: The Monk Alliance was established, and the golden talent Yi Mu Shen was established.

Chapter 309: The Monk Alliance was established, and the golden talent Yi Mu Shen was established.

Chapter 309: The Monk Alliance is established, with the golden talent Yimu Divine Body! 8k

After several months of sailing in the void, the body of Liuyun Golden Light Boat has become dilapidated.

When you traveled through the void wormhole several times, your boat was almost damaged, and you almost got sucked into the void turbulence...

But in the end, after going through some twists and turns, you successfully arrived at Tianyuan Realm!

After arriving in the Tianyuan Realm, you will immediately enter the Portable Blessed Land, where you can recover your chaotic mana and restore your strength to its peak.

In the 173rd year, you left your blessed land and appeared in the Tianyuan world, wanting to inquire about the specific situation of the Tianyuan world.

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this and murmured:

After so many twists and turns... we finally arrived at the Tianyuan Realm!

Su Xing recalled the information and situation in Tianyuan World in his mind.

Tianyuan World is one of the few Great Thousand Worlds among the Three Thousand Worlds. It has a vast and boundless territory and many great forces exist!

Not only neutral forces such as Baidi Tower, Tianji Pavilion, and Qian Chamber of Commerce have opened important branches in Tianyuan World.

In the Tianyuan world, there is also an extremely powerful sect, the Tianyuan Sect!

Although Tianyuan Sect is not as powerful as Qingyun Sect, and it is not as arbitrary as Luo Tianzong in the Three Thousand Worlds, it is still the top sect among the Three Thousand Worlds.

Although there is no Daluo Golden Immortal in the sect, there are also several veteran Taiyi Golden Immortals sitting in charge, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

Tianyuan Realm is very far away from Xiao Qingyun Realm...and it is the territory of Tianyuan Sect. Will Qingyunzi have any scruples?

Neutral organizations such as Tianji Pavilion, Baidi Tower, and Money Chamber of Commerce can naturally set up branches in Tianyuan World, but Qingyun Sect has absolutely no power in Tianyuan World

Su Xing took a deep breath, and decided to investigate the intelligence of the Three Thousand Worlds first, and after understanding the situation in the Tianyuan World, he would find a place to practice quietly and concentrate on his practice.

Look at the simulation panel.

The Tianyuan Realm is vast and boundless, and the place where you arrived is the northwest region of the Tianyuan Realm.

The most prosperous city in Tianyuan World is Tianyuan City, located at the foot of Tianyuan Sect. The city is as big as a country, and there are countless monks with advanced cultivation living in it. It is located in the center of Tianyuan World.

You decide to go to Tianyuan City, where there are important branches opened by major forces...

At this time, the Liuyun Golden Light Boat has been damaged, and it is difficult for you to control it to the Tianyuan Realm.

From where you are to the center of the Tianyuan Realm, the distance is hundreds of millions of miles... Even if you fly alone with a sword, you may not be able to reach it in more than ten years.

So you went to a nearby city, spent millions of high-grade spiritual stones, and purchased an airship ticket, intending to take it to the center of Tianyuan Realm...

The cultivation speed of this airship is extremely fast, even higher than that of monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. You rented a good room and practiced peacefully in it.

Soon, three years have passed...

In the 176th year, you successfully arrived at the central area of Tianyuan Realm and saw a magnificent city, Tianyuan City!

You successfully entered Tianyuan City and purchased relevant information...

You first go to Tianyuan Realm and buy a piece of information about Xiao Qingyun Realm!

Since the two worlds are far apart, the information you obtained came from three years ago.

At that time, the Little Qingyun Realm was at a comprehensive disadvantage in the fight against the foreign races, but Tianmo City had not yet fallen, and the Little Qingyun Realm was still strong...

You feel happy after knowing this news, and you are sure that your efforts on Blue Star have not been in vain.

You bought a cave as a shelter in Tianyuan City, and then entered the Lingtian Blessed Land to practice.

In the 180th year, Lingtian Blessed Land was promoted to a lower-grade Cave Heaven in this year, but the spatial scope was still tens of feet in radius.

This is barely enough for you, but the planting of Spirit-Gathering Flowers and Spirit Rice has to be put on hold.

This year, your consciousness has been raised to 47,000 miles...

The 190th year, the range of your consciousness reached 49,000 miles in this year.

At the same time, you start to think about preparations to break into the heavenly realm!

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and murmured:

The Earth Immortal is promoted to the Heavenly Immortal Realm he needs to survive the heart-breaking thunder!

Heart-breaking thunder not only tests the strength of the soul...but also requires the assistance of elixirs to ensure that the tribulation is safe, otherwise the soul will be destroyed..."

"However, compared to the assistance of the lightning protection pill... I have a better way! That is... to improve the avenue of thunder and the body of thunder!"

Su Xing thought so.

He has previously advanced the body of thunder to the second stage, and the avenue of thunder has also successfully broken into the prototype state of the avenue.

If Su Xing has enough control over the thunder, he will be fine if he survives the heart-breaking thunder!

Then nextits time to improve the Way of Thunder!

Su Xing murmured that the only way he knew to achieve the body of thunder, apart from surviving the thunder tribulation, was through the belly of the giant beast.

To sum it up... I havent looked inside the belly of a giant beast for a long time... With my current strength, can I practice in the belly of a giant beast for a long time?

The awakening eyes are eager to try.

However, lets get through this simulation first

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

In the next ten years, as always, you will practice as you wish and observe your thoughts, and your spiritual consciousness will be stable and make progress...

In the second hundred years, the scope of your consciousness has expanded to 51,000 miles...

This is the longest time you have ever simulated, a long time in a safe environment, making you wonder if Qingyunzi has forgotten you.

But you still dare not take it lightly and continue to hide in Tianyuan City to practice.

In the 210th year, the range of your consciousness has been increased to 53,000 miles.

In the 220th year, the range of spiritual consciousness was increased to 55,000 miles...

In Tianyuan Realm, everything is as usual. You took the time to go to Tianji Pavilion and bought some information about Xiao Qingyun Realm.

You learned that Xiao Qingyun Realm was completely destroyed twenty years ago.

In the past twenty years, several Small Thousand Worlds near Xiaoqingyun Realm have fallen successively...

The constant invasion of alien races has also made the monks in the Three Thousand Worlds really alert!

In the 221st year, you received a piece of news. Baidi City issued a notice to the loose cultivators in the three thousand worlds, requesting an alliance to jointly fight against the aliens!

After receiving this news, you are extremely surprised. Could it be that the major forces in the Three Thousand Worlds have finally realized the importance of alien confrontation?

But you have been disappointed with the great forces of the Three Thousand Worlds before, so you decided to continue to observe before making a decision!

In the next year, you will often go to Tianji Pavilion to investigate relevant information.

[In the information you received, the owner of Baidi Tower, Baidi, personally came forward and expressed his willingness to mobilize all casual cultivators above the Immortal Realm. They can sign up to participate in the war. Not only will they receive high resource rewards, but they will also be given spiritual rewards every year based on their cultivation and military merits. Stone and spirit liquid.

Be able to learn a variety of martial arts and magical powers...and even have high-quality fairy treasures as rewards for combat achievements!

After hearing the news, those casual cultivators were as if they had been given blood. In just one year, more than 100,000 casual cultivators from all over the world signed up to participate in the battle, all of them monks above the Immortal Realm!

And Baidi City will also build a border fortress in the Star Realm, using it as the core to fight against alien races!

In a short period of time, a large number of monks responded, and you were in the limelight for a while. You seemed to have really seen the hope of defeating the alien race!

What makes you even more excited is that in just a few months after Baidilou called on the casual cultivators and launched the announcement to exterminate the aliens, the Demon Prison also expressed its intention to join the alliance to fight against the aliens!

In the 222nd year, the Money Chamber of Commerce expressed its willingness to provide a large amount of spiritual liquid and spiritual stone funding to fight against the alien alliance. The amount of spiritual liquid supported every year is as high as one trillion!

In the 223rd year, Tianji Pavilion also issued an announcement to suppress dissidents in the same year, willing to send several Golden Immortal Realm monks to strengthen the alliance...

But what makes you feel bad is that the Qingyun Sect, as the leader of the righteous path, has not issued an announcement for a long time...but just sticks to the Qingyun world...

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little complicated when he saw this, he was both excited and confused.

"Finally, these righteous forces have realized the great threat of aliens!"

"With Baidilou taking the lead, uniting the human cultivators to fight against the aliens... and the Money Chamber of Commerce providing financial and resource support, maybe we can really fight against the aliens!"

As for the Heavenly Demon Prison, it is the number one force fighting against aliens and has always been active on the front line

But what makes Su Xing a little confused is.

Tianji Pavilion has always been not optimistic about the Three Thousand Worlds' resistance to alien races before, so why is it now making great efforts? Several Golden Immortal Realm monks...their combat power cannot be underestimated!

The Master of Tianji Pavilion...is proficient in the art of cause and effect. Perhaps she has seen a further future?

Wake up and think deeply.

"There is also Qingyun Sect who has not come forward... maybe it is because there is a problem with Qingyunzi?"

After all, the founder of the sect encountered a big problem...it is indeed unable to fight against the aliens..."

Su Xing kept thinking. In general, after the extinction of the Little Qingyun Realm, the forces of the Three Thousand Worlds finally became unified and realized that the alien races needed to work together to solve the problem. This is undoubtedly good news.

This simulation has actually been carried out to the 223rd year... Qingyunzi, is there really no problem?

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the simulation panel again.

After learning that the forces of the three thousand worlds were united, you were happy. After much hesitation, you did not choose to join the war immediately, but stayed in the Tianyuan world to continue practicing...

In the 225th year, the range of your consciousness has increased to 56,000 miles in this year...

In the same year, while you were practicing in Lingtian Cave, you felt a heart palpitation for no reason, and your talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil sent a warning...

An hour later, a figure tore apart your portable world and appeared in front of you!

Your heart tightened when you saw this, Qingyunzi appeared!

Qingyunzi was delirious at this time and already a little crazy... he kept chanting the word "Luotian" in his mouth...

When he saw you, he looked ecstatic and sneered: What a little mouse who knows how to hide...

Qingyunzi conducted a soul search on you...

Your consciousness gradually dissipates...

you are dead!

Ding, this simulation is over!

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned slightly and sighed:

Sure enough, even if the Lingtian Cave is lost and reopened, I still have the thread of Qingyunzis cause and effect on my body... Its just that I was discovered by Qingyunzi later!

However, cutting off Lingtian Cave gave me about fifty more years of simulation! A full two hundred and twenty-five years, which can be considered a record-breaker!

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief. Although he could not solve the problem once and for all, it at least proved that Su Xing's idea was correct.

As long as you continue to interfere with Qingyunzi's divination, the awakening can be simulated for a longer time!

Perhapsafter killing Lingtian Cave, the path of cause and effect and destiny still needs to be improved a little more?

When we completely get rid of Qingyunzis pursuit, we will surely see a dragon enter the sea and the sea will be as vast as a fish leaping!

Su Xing felt a little excited and looked at the reward of this simulation.

Civil Expert: Purple talent, priced at 1 point of energy source.

Great Perfection Cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm: The Earthly Immortal Realm is perfect, after passing through the fires of Yin and Yang, the magic power is strong, and the life span is 20,000 years. After surviving the heart-breaking thunder disaster, one can achieve the Heavenly Immortal Realm! The price is 90,000 energy source.

Insight on Weapon Refining: Insight into the way of refining weapons, a half-step master of refining weapons, and can occasionally refine the best fairy treasures, which sell for 30,000 energy sources.

Three-inch Small Cave Heaven with You: It has a radius of fifty feet, and the aura contained inside is like a small world, which can be deduced and changed according to the monk's mind. The energy source is priced at 50,000 yuan!

ifies you in the Six Consciousness Realm Divine Sense, covering a range of 56,000 miles, priced at 46,000 energy sources.

Taixu Sword Technique (One Third): The secret technique of attacking with supreme divine consciousness, using the divine soul to condense the sword of the golden divine soul, to attack unparalleled. The price is 30,000 energy sources.

After seeing the rewards of this simulation, Su Xing analyzed them step by step.

The Dzogchen cultivation of the Earthly Immortal Realm must be taken out!

As for the portable cave... Im not in a hurry. This cave can be strengthened a bit more... If it can be refined again in the future, maybe I can get a better portable cave than now?

Su Xing touched his chin and murmured:

That fist-sized Space Origin Stone requires the True Fairyland to purchase...but what if I take out the treasure in exchange?

Su Xing decided to give it a try the next time he simulated.

As for the Taixu Sword Technique, I have already memorized it... I didnt expect that just a fragment of it would be worth thirty thousand energy sources. It is indeed precious!

After waking up and wondering for a while, he muttered silently:

I choose to bring out the Dzogchen cultivation realm of the Earthly Immortal Realmand the fifty-six thousand miles of spiritual consciousness!

You successfully brought out your spiritual consciousness fifty-six thousand miles, spent 46,000 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 452,694 points...

You successfully brought out the Dzogchen cultivation level of the Earthly Fairyland, spending 90,000 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 362,694 points...

The simulated prompt sound fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing first felt that his spiritual consciousness was growing rapidly, but in this small spiritual field cave, Su Xing was unable to perceive how far his spiritual consciousness had grown.

But then, the growth in cultivation was indeed real!

The seventh level of the Earthly Immortal Realmthe eighth level of the Earthly Immortal Realmthe ninth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

In just a few moments, Su Xing's cultivation level continued to rise, and finally stayed at the perfection of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

The long river of immortal power in Su Xing's body continues to surge, and it seems that it is about to break into a higher realm!

Su Xing had a premonition that he could try to survive the thunderstorm, give it a try, and enter the fairyland!

But reason still suppressed this impulse.

It is obviously safer to break into the fairyland in the simulation, otherwise one mistake may lead to death in reality...

Huh Finally the earthly fairyland is complete, and the heavenly fairyland is also waving to me!

If someone cultivates to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, can he delay the demise of the Little Qingyun Realm?

Su Xing felt that he had to contribute to the Xiao Qingyun world, whether it was for the world or for himself.

The spiritual consciousness still needs to be further increased...and the breakthrough of the Heavenly Thunder Body, its time to speed up!

Su Xing murmured.

Looking at the time, Su Xingyi Rong gathered his breath and went to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

First he left the Lingtian Cave, and Su Xing wanted to experiment with the limits of his current consciousness.

He deliberately avoided the direction of Shuangqing City, and his awakening consciousness covered him like a tide. In just an instant, the awakening consciousness enveloped the entire city of Kyoto.

Following this is the entire northern Bactria plain area

The scope of the spiritual consciousness that finally awakened exceeded the northern border of Daxia and reached the North Bear Country, one of the Seven Kingdoms!

As for the south, the awakened ones even crossed the southernmost part of Daxia and reached the vast sea!

With Su Xing as the core, with a radius of 56,000 miles, countless vast territories are under the influence of Su Xing!

It can be said that as long as Su Xing is willing, the entire Daxia Kingdom, together with several surrounding big countries, and half of the twelve regions are under the influence of Su Xing...

As for the United States on the other side of the ocean, it has exceeded the maximum sensing distance of awakening...

Huh but maintaining the maximum range of consciousness for a long time will still consume a lot of money

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little tired.

But this is normal. Even the Great Luo Jinxian cannot have his consciousness fully open all the time and watch the whole world...

After testing the power of his spiritual consciousness, Su Xing went to the agreed place to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

After obtaining the 20,000 energy sources, Su Xing urged Lu Yuanwu's progress. He said that the 100,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals promised before would be raised as soon as possible, and Su Xing felt relieved.

This week, Su Xing repaired the puppet as usual.

Several Nascent Soul realm puppets were repaired within a week, and there was even a Fusion stage puppet.

After repairing the puppets for about a month, the puppets will be enough to spread throughout the seven blue star countries and twelve regions... By then, more energy sources will be sent steadily..."

Su Xing thought so.

New Era On November 25, 2025, Su Xing went to the villa and met Jin Congxue.

After a lot of hard work, I got another 30,000 energy sources, and I woke up and returned to the Lingtian Cave.

In the winter of Lingtian, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel that was about to finish cooling, clenched his fists, and murmured:

In this simulation, we will continue to explore the Taixu Realm and cultivate our spiritual consciousness to its current limit as much as possible

Also, with my current strength, I may be able to stay in the belly of the giant beast for a long time. Is it a safe place there?

Su Xing thought this way and silently said:

Start simulation!

The 113th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 415,693 points... There are no simulations left.

Simulation begins!

It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it?

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:


Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Yimu Divine Body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%...

Yimu Divine Body: Golden talent, one of the top 100 divine bodies, your absorption speed of wood attribute spiritual energy will be increased, and your understanding of the avenue of wood will be deepened.

Hmm? Yimu Divine Body

Su Xing raised his eyebrows, a look of joy on his face.

Obviously, Yimu Divine Body is also a talent that can enhance awakening qualifications just like the Fire Divine Body.

"Yes...this talent can be redeemed...but I'm not in a hurry. It's better to break through to the fairyland as soon as possible!"

Su Xing didn't plan to disrupt his plan for the time being, and looked at the simulation panel.

In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating.

Ten days later, you will enter the Luotian dungeon and benefit a lot...

Another five days have passed, and you have successfully obtained 100,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals from Lu Yuanwu without incident.

Next, you are going to stay in Blue Star, wander around in the ether, and practice your spiritual consciousness!

Your consciousness entered the Taixu Realm. Because of your previous experience, you rushed all the way north, hoping to reach the core area of the Taixu Realm as soon as possible.

While rushing on the road, you also hunted the Taixu Spirit, and your spiritual consciousness continued to grow...

In this way, ten years have passed!

In the tenth year, your consciousness has increased to fifty-nine thousand miles!

At the same time, you feel that you encounter more and more Taixu spirits along the way, and their levels are getting higher and higher...

As you hunt these Taixu spirits, your consciousness becomes stronger and stronger...

In the twentieth year, your consciousness has grown to sixty-three thousand miles!

This year, you finally entered the core area of Taixu Realm!

According to the memory in your mind, you quickly found the previous heaven-level Taixu spirit!

Compared to before, your consciousness is more powerful this time. You chased it all the way... It took nearly a month to finally wipe it out completely!

After swallowing this heaven-level Taixu spirit, your consciousness will grow to 66,000 miles!

At the same time, you got a fragment of the secret technique of attacking with spiritual consciousness, the first half of the Taixu Sword Art!

At this time, you have collected two-thirds of the Taixu Sword Technique, and you only need the final part to learn this sword technique completely!

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this and murmured:

Hey, it turns out that the Taixu Spirit dropped randomly...just like collecting fragments. It seems that I can successfully collect the Taixu Sword Technique this time!

Su Xing has some expectations. The technique of attacking with spiritual consciousness can also be used as Su Xings trump card!

In the Blue Star Taixu Realm, the growth rate of spiritual consciousness is as strong as ever!

I dont know what the limit of the six-consciousness realm will be?

Su Xing felt a little expectant and looked at the simulation panel.

After solving the Taixu Spirit, you will continue to explore in the core area of Taixu World...

In this way, another five years have passed.

In the twenty-fifth year, your spiritual consciousness has grown to seventy-two thousand miles!

This year, you were lucky enough to encounter a heaven-level Taixu spirit in the core area. After devouring it, your consciousness became much stronger, but what you dropped was still the Taixu Sword Technique Part 1...

You did not lose heart, you continued to wander around Taixu, hunting the spirit of Taixu...

Three years have passed like this.

In the twenty-eighth year, your consciousness has grown to seventy-five thousand miles!

This year, the Demon Saint came to the Demon Suppression Pass. You guarded the Demon Suppression Pass for five years, and the Demon Saint retreated...

In the thirty-third year, your consciousness has grown to 80,000 miles!

This year you encountered another heaven-level Taixu spirit. After devouring it, you obtained the Taixu Sword Technique Part 2...

In this way, seven years have passed.

In the fortieth year, your consciousness has grown to 84,000 miles!

As your spiritual consciousness continues to grow, you feel that your soul seems to be gradually transforming...

The reason for this transformation is unclear, but it makes you feel that it has great benefits. It seems that your consciousness is approaching the next realm!

This year, you encountered a heaven-level Taixu spirit. After devouring it, you obtained the Taixu Sword Technique Part 2...

In the real world, Su Xing saw this crazy complaint and said:

Oh my god...why are they all part one and two of Taixu Sword Jue? The second part was eaten by a dog?

Su Xing was speechless. The probability of dropping the Taixu Sword Art was too elusive.

Shu Xing even feels like collecting Water Margin cards when he was a child. Is it really so difficult to draw Timely Rain and Songjiang?

But what Su Xing actually doesnt know is that every time he kills the Taixu spirit, he can drop the Taixu Sword Art, which is already a huge blessing!

Ordinary monks who kill more than a dozen Taixu spirits and can drop a fragment are considered extremely lucky.

Otherwise, the secret art of the soul in the Taixu Realm would not be so precious...

Shu Xing looked at the changes in his consciousness and murmured:

Eighty-four thousand miles of spiritual consciousness...perhaps one hundred thousand miles of spiritual consciousness is the limit of the current realm?

Su Xing thought so.

After the six realms of consciousness...the next realm of spiritual consciousness is the realm of gods and humans!

The divine consciousness in the heaven and human realm can sense heaven and humans, and is naturally able to seek good fortune, avoid disaster, and avoid certain risks...At the same time, the understanding of the great avenues and various magical powers will be greatly improved!

And the consciousness of the heaven and human realm...can often be understood only after the true fairyland, which requires tens of thousands or even one hundred thousand years of precipitation..."

As for me, it only takes me less than a thousand years to raise my consciousness to the realm of gods and humans?

Su Xing felt vaguely excited.

Before I woke up, I got the Bagua arithmetic technique, which was marked.

After practicing this method to the extreme, you can avoid the influence of heaven and man!

At that time, Su Xing thought it was to avoid the immortal's induction...

But in fact, Bagua arithmetic is the ultimate way to understand the cause and effect of destiny!

This is enough to evade the induction of ordinary heavenly beings...meaning that even true immortals and mysterious immortals have difficulty finding the location and secret of awakening!

And so, the strength of the awakened consciousness... is not far away from here!

Im in the state of divine consciousness! If I cooperate with the Taixu Sword Technique...can I directly use my divine soul to attack and annihilate the immortals?

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

No matter how hard I work, if I find a heaven-level Taixu spirit in five or six years at the same speed... I dont believe that I am so wrong. I really cant find the second part of the Taixu Sword Technique?

Thinking this way, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

In the forty-fifth year, you encountered another heaven-level Taixu spirit this year. After defeating and devouring it, your consciousness increased to 89,000 miles!

In the same year, alien gods invaded Demon Zhen Pass...you took action to suppress them!

After suppressing the alien gods, you continue to wander in the void.

In this way, ten years have passed...

In the fifty-fifth year, your spiritual consciousness has increased to ninety-five thousand miles in this year!

As the scope of your spiritual consciousness continues to grow, you also feel that you are gradually touching an invisible barrier, and the growth of your spiritual consciousness slows down again...

In the past ten years, you have hunted and killed two heaven-level Taixu spirits, but you still have not obtained the second part of the Taixu Sword Technique.

In the fifty-eighth year, a powerful alien demon **** came to the Demon Suppressing Pass...

You spent a lot of effort and fought with him for three days and three nights before killing him!

After killing this alien god, you felt like you were being watched...

This makes you feel quite bad, so you speed up the search for the Taixu Spirit...

In the fifty-ninth year, you found a heaven-level Taixu spirit. After killing it, you finally got what you dreamed of, the second part of the Taixu Sword Technique!

At this moment, Taixu Sword Technique is finally harvested completely, you record it in a jade slip and keep it for later use...

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:

Using an immersive simulation, lasting one month


Soon, the immersive simulation ended, and Su Xing finally had the complete practice method of Taixu Sword Technique in his mind!

Taixu Sword Techniquethe secret technique of supreme spiritual consciousnessif you have time in the future, you must practice it!

Su Xing smacked his lips and began to think about the goals of the next simulation.

In this simulation, I tried to stay on Blue Star instead of going to the Demon Suppression Pass. What if the giant beast comes?

"With my strength, even the worst... I can survive in the belly of a giant beast for more than ten years... I can definitely explore it!"

Thinking this way, Su Xing made up his mind.

In this simulation, if you stay on the Blue Star, do not resist, and are devoured by a giant beast, what will happen?

Look at the simulation panel.

After obtaining the complete Taixu Sword Technique, you did not stay at the Demon Suppression Pass. Instead, you completely disappeared into Blue Star and lived in seclusion in the Lingtian Cave.

You set up the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation to shield yourself from the secrets of heaven... With all the blessings, you are confident that the monks in the Golden Fairyland will have difficulty discovering the clues.

After being fully prepared, you continue to wander in the ethereal state, and at the same time begin to practice wishful thinking, and launch an attack towards the realm of heaven and human induction...

In the blink of an eye, another six years have passed!

In the sixty-fifth year, your consciousness has grown to ninety-eight thousand miles!

You have made a fortune this year and predicted that there will be a disaster at the Demon Suppression Pass...and with your strength, you cannot prevent this disaster. If you intervene forcibly, you will only die...

So, you choose to stay on Blue Star and quietly wait for the behemoth to come...

This year, the Demon Suppression Pass was shattered, and the human race was in danger...but Blue Star was not completely destroyed yet!

In this way, another three years have passed...

In the sixty-eighth year, your consciousness has grown to ninety-nine thousand miles!

One day when you were wandering in the twilight zone, you suddenly felt a terrifying threat approaching quickly...

You quickly recalled your mind and your soul returned to your body... Then you saw the giant beast that covered the sky and the sun!

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