While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 553: Short intermission

Chapter 553: Short intermission

While I came for the great actions and sights, I ended up graced with nothing more than a few glints of the light reflected off Eve's new weapon before the entire fight came to an end.

"Uff, that was easier than I thought it would be Thanks for the sword, dear."

With Eve's face finally detaching itself from the face of the sword, she sent me one of her lovely smiles, before the sparks in her eyes once again forced her sight to return to admiring the simplistic beauty of her sword.

As the time that I had for the sake of creating this weapon was fairly limited, rather than creating some kind of insane design that no middle-schooler would ever scoff at, I went with a simple, slim sword. With its backside a bit thicker, only it's front edge was capable of cutting, while angling a bit in relation to the straight line of the handle.

Looking at this creation of mine now that it was comfortably sitting in Eve's firm grasp, I could tell that rather than creating something original and useful, I actually ended up making something between a Japanese katana and Eastern European Sabre!

"You are welcome. I'm glad you like it, but to be perfectly honest, it's not up to my standard. Let's discard it when I get my hands on the materials allowing to make you a proper weapon, okay, sweetie?"

As happy as I was with Eve actually liking my creation, it went without saying that by creating something with such subpar materials like the one that I stole from those random disciples who were now dying in the sea formed out of their own blood... Put my name as a craftsman to a question!

"Oh boy, and here you go again with your perfectionism! How about you relax a bit and just enjoy the moment, dear?"

As if the energy from her massacre from just a moment ago has yet to disappear, Eve almost instantaneously appeared in front of me, catching my neck with her free hand before pulling my head towards hers. With her lips greedily attaching to my own mouth, she forced her tongue between my jaws, violating the insides of my mouth like some kind of rapist. 

Yet even though this was kind of a different experience from what we went through together until now, I was honest with myself enough to admit that no matter what, it was still quite interesting!

"See, you can enjoy yourself just like that!"

With her lips detaching away from mine only for as long as it took Eve to whisper those words right in my face, I could feel her hand slipping into my pants while her eyes filled with some strange sparks, making her pupils look like a black hole surrounded by the stars.


Feeling her nimble fingers setting themselves comfortably on top of my penis, I couldn't help but refrain from speaking, worried that without enough care, I would let out an immensely embarrassing moan to the public!

And what would become of my fame if I were to do so?

"Dear, calm down, please. We still have some stuff to do!"

Just before my mind would be completely swept by Eve's obvious advances, I somehow managed to find the strength in my mind to reach forward with my hand, grabbing Eve's invasive arm and pulling it out of my pants. 

Yet even before this motion was finished, I could tell that eve was already starting to calm down, with how she spared me from walking around with my dick in the open! After all, with how I pulled on her hand, all she had to do was to refuse to let go of my manhood for it to see the light of the day!

"Other matters? Didn't you leave that girl back in the village? What else would you want to do today, outside of going to that continent?"

Hearing those words, at first I was scared a bit, sensing the tones of slight jealousy in Eve's voice, but as she continued to speak, I could tell that she was genuinely curious about my plans.

"While it's true that I left her back there, but it seems that my carnage of all the overseers that acted like local ancestors, upset some kind of power balance in the region. When I got there, I had to take my time to find anyone, as everyone hid themselves away due to a monster's stampede destroying the entire village."

Quickly recounting the events to the rest of the party, I could see Celleria's eyes lighting up as she heard about everything that I learned about this place.

"I'm sorry for butting in, but I think I know what caused that stampede. A lot of the freshmen directed to this place were tasked with daily missions of killing out part of the monster populations that was confined behind the celestial barrier within the forest. Now that the ancestral dimension where my superiors resided is gone, the core that sustained the barrier disappeared as well, freeing all of those monsters, which in turn, most likely resulted in the stampede that you spoke about."

Surprisingly, this girl had a bit more in her head that just the answers to the questions that I forced her to answer for before. In the end, maybe allying with her just for the sake of giving Eve the chance at creating a relationship with her own kin, would result in some kind of greater benefits later on?

In the end, I couldn't forget that this entire place was set up as a place where all the candidates for the God Soldiers would be tested and pushed to their limits through the mechanisms they are already used to. That would mean, that I couldn't ignore the chance that going with positive Celleria route would ultimately lead to some kind of hidden benefit or at least an easter egg!

"As much as I want to believe that this is the case, it's not like we can change anything right now. In the end, the problem appeared because there was too many monsters for those old idiots to take care off, so they closed them all off in the core of the forest? Then the easiest way to solve it is by killing them all!"

Rather than dawdling on this simple matter, I would prefer to focus on solving it and finally freeing ourselves from any attachments that would hold us back in this place. While going for the great continent would mean separating with Pengu for a potentially hopeless amount of time, it was something that I had to do in order to grow strong enough to scoff at any attempts at harming me or my Eve!

"Bro, I think we have a small problem here"

Just as I was about to hurry everyone up to find all the victims that we came to rescue in the first place and move back to the village where the stampede was about to appear soon, Bonger's words managed to throw me off my drift. 

"What happened?"

For this strange friend of mine to be worried While I forgave a lot of his recent transgressions that I amounted to nothing more than mischiefs of someone accustoming to having a real body for the first very first time, if he was playing with me right now, he wouldn't escape the long due scolding!

"It seems that those monsters are way stronger than we expected them to be."

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