10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten'ishiteta

Chapter 4, Epilogue

Chapter 4, Epilogue

【A piece of junk negotiator’s】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 9【Will he survive?】1

1 : Anonymous ETNE

This is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that the confirmed piece of junk negotiator「Yuuji」 has uploaded.

Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this.

Finally he has started to interact with people from another world.

Will Yuuji survive until the end?

You guys, the self-proclaimed geniuses, could you do something for him?

Train Yuuji well just like Sergeant Hartman!

The next thread will be set up by the person who step over >>900 filthy maggots!




451: Yuuji


The fact that I came from another world was found out so quickly

What should I do?

452: Anonymous ETNE

Calm down!

453: Well Informed NEET

Hadn’t I already warned you about this kind of pattern?

So, did you return without giving any answers?

Also, please tell us how the events unfolded

454: Anonymous NEET

Well, I don’t think he was an ordinary person

455: Yuuji

The fact he is Alice’s acquaintance was confirmed

He returned to Alice’s home

But there is no information about her family

Until this point, it accurately followed the flowchart pattern

But it was immediately after that

He said: “You are a Visitor that came from another world right?”

He easily saw through the clothes, paper, and mirror

He wished to supply information and goods in exchange for knowledge

“Please give me an answer tomorrow”

456: Anonymous NEET

Yuuji was found out quickly.

457: Anonymous NEET

Isn’t that more like: immediately got exposed?!

458: Cool NEET

First, for not giving him an answer

I commend you for returning to this thread

459: Anonymous MEAT

Yuuji has improved!

460: Yuuji

No, it was the peddler that said,

“You want to take some time to think about it, right?”

461: Anonymous MEAT


Sorry I want to retract my previous statement

462: Former Talented Salesman


Review the things that need to be reviewed

463: Cool NEET

Then what did the peddler say to you?

464: Yuuji


He offered to supply food, tools to clear the land like axes or seeds, and several other things

Also, he will search for Alice’s family

In exchange, he wanted me to teach him the method to produce the clothes, paper, mirror or anything else

465: Infrastructure Worker

Isn’t this confirms the “keeping a pet till it dies” route?

466: Anonymous ETNE

And thus, Yuuji spend his life quietly in the forest.

467: YES Lolita NO Touch

How envious!

I also want to live quietly with Alice in the forest.

468: Anonymous NEET


This guy is really… gradually becoming dangerous……

469: Overwhelming Dog-Person

But I’m also the same!

I want to live quietly with Kotarou in the forest.

470: Well Informed NEET

His proposal isn’t that bad

“Keeping a pet till it dies” route is OK for Yuuji

The problem is what kind of knowledge to supply to him

That the peddler can put into practice?

In case he can’t put it into practice, what would he do with Yuuji who gave him the information?

471: Anonymous NEET


“What an unhelpful person!

I will turn you into a goblin’s bait!”

I think it will become like this

472: Cool NEET

There is insufficient information

But for the present, Yuuji needs to accept the peddler’s proposal

Let’s put together a minimum set of conditions for it

1, Keep Yuuji’s group existence a secret

※ Securing one’s own safety

2, Supply the food, clothes and other perishable goods

※ Securing necessities

3, Obtaining information

※ Is there no deceit?

4, Obtaining weapons and armors

※ Securing one’s own safety

5, Someday, guide Yuuji to town

※ Is there no deceit? Secure a means of pleasant living before a means of running away

6, Search for Alice’s family

Is it like this?

Also, at the beginning, ask him information about the Visitors

And how they were dealt with

His attitude to you might also vary based on that information

473: Anonymous ETNE


Good work like always!

474: Well Informed NEET

Also asked him to supply you with various types of books

If he was able to recognize A4 sheets as 「paper」

Then there might be papyrus or parchment

If they didn’t exist then there will be lithographs, bark strips, or bamboo strips

But paper is unexpected

475: Yuuji

Search for Alice’s family

Supply me with food, arms, book, and information

Keep my existence secret

Someday, guide me to the town

Like this?

Can’t I go to the town right now?

476: Former Talented Salesman

I think the conditions are good.



477: Anonymous MEAT

What will happen if Yuuji goes to the town right now?

Everyone, let’s teach him, okay?

478: Well Informed NEET

Without knowing the value of the currency

He will get ripped off from top to bottom

479: Anonymous ETNE

If it’s me: I’ll bring him to a dark place and then deprive him of all worldly possessions

480: Anonymous NEET

If a Visitor is considered as a valuable

Then I will capture him and sell him to the big-wigs!

481: Infrastructure Worker

He had an “accident” while swimming

Afterwards, then assume ownership of the house while laughing

It surprisingly happened in the faraway forest…. Like this?

482: Yuuji

O-Oh I see…

But why for the town, it is a no, while for the peddler, it is an OK?

483: Anonymous NEET

If it’s like this, he will be always checkmated


484: Cool NEET

It’s necessary to obtain food and seasonings like salt

Also not only the adventurers had discovered it

One day they will come again

Walking three days from the town to the forest means the distance is not that far

That’s why it’s better to associate with a person that can do 「transactions」

It’s preferable if the number of the people who know about the house is few


The other world’s common sense and power to defend oneself are important

Obtain it as soon as possible

485: Anonymous NEET

Also if you go to the town

You can’t upload images or pictures!

486: Anonymous ETNE



487: Anonymous MEAT


Your reaction is lame.

But I also agree

488: Infrastructure Worker

Whoa, you guys

If you’re like this, Yuuji will distrust us, you know?

Listen Yuuji

We don’t really think like that

We will always put Yuuji, Alice and Kotarou’s safety in the foremost

Do you understand?




812: Yuuji

So, the peddler only knew this much about the invisible wall

813: Anonymous ETNE

I don’t get it.

814: Anonymous MEAT

Someone, please sum it in three lines!

815: Infrastructure Worker

A Buddhist temple or monastery was transported to another world

The invisible wall blocked people who held weapons or were hostile

Even if the wall was broken, it will be restored

Like this?

816: Anonymous NEET


Thank you

817: Former Talented Salesman


It’s easy to understand

Follow his example, Yuuji

818: Well Informed NEET

Since it was the same with Yuuji’s house

Then that means that there was a massive building disappearance that happened elsewhere

I’ll go to the library for a moment

I want to search for more hints

819: Anonymous NEET

If it’s true then that means if Yuuji’s house is broken, then there is a possibility that it will be restored by itself

Yuuji, try to destroy your house a bit

820: Cool NEET

>>819 agreed

I think it will be better to confirm it

Yuuji, try to make a hole in a place that will be alright even if it’s a bit destroyed like a inner room wall or the ceiling.

Also were things that were broken before suddenly repaired right now?

821: Anonymous ETNE

Do a Kabedon!2

822: Anonymous MEAT

But he is alone!

823: Camera Ossan

Yuuji, when you destroy the house, please take a video of it

824: Yuuji

Then I will go and do some kabedon


When I walked in the forest, one of the side’s of the trekking pole was bent

Two light bulbs had shorted out in the house

Consumable goods like food decreased normally




921: Yuuji

I did a kabedon and made a gaping dent in the wall

Then after 3 hours it returned as if it was a new building


922: Anonymous ETNE

We have been waiting for you Yuuji!

923: Anonymous NEET

I have watched it

This is that, right?

After reaching the middle part of the video, it was only being rewinded, right?

924: Camera Ossan

It looks natural,

Though I am not too familiar with video processing

925: YES Lolita NO Touch

When she came and saw the repaired wall,

she was surprised and then stared at the wall in amazement

Alice-chan is cutee~

926: Well Informed NEET

I forget it’s Sunday

I went to the National Library in high spirits only to find that it was closed

Maybe because as a NEET, I lack the sense to guess the days of the week


Well since we had confirmed that there is a restoration

Then what about the range? And the limit of damage that it could have where it couldn’t be restored again?

927: Anonymous NEET

One year had passed, right?

Then what is the state of the daily necessities?

928: Yuuji


I’ll try to hit the house outer wall or garage

But it will be agonizing if it didn’t get restored

So, I maybe will only make a small hole


It had disappeared for good

Since there is no detergent, I only wash the clothes with warm water in washing machine

There is still a stock of light bulbs, so it’s still be fine

But there were no toilet paper or tissues anymore.

929: Anonymous NEET

Eh? Eh?

Then what do you do for the toilet?

930: Anonymous ETNE

You couldn’t possibly, didn’t do anything?!

Didn’t do anything?!

931: YES Lolita NO Touch

Even for me, that’s a bit too much

932: Anonymous MEAT


Even the Hentai Loli bastard recoiled from it, Yuuji!

Good work!

933: Yuuji



I operated the function to clean the ass with water

Then I wipe the leftover water with the dedicated towel

934: Anonymous NEET

So…… it was safe?3

935: Well Informed NEET

Well depending on the country, there even those who still use traditional methods

Didn’t wipe after washing with water

Or using sand

Or washing it with hands afterwards

936: Anonymous NEET

Thank you NIPPON!

I, even if I leave my house, I will never leave Japan

937: Anonymous NEET

I don’t ever leave my house, so I’m the champion




【It’s Another World, however】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 10【Something is missing】

1 : Anonymous MEAT

This is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that「Yuuji」 has uploaded.

Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this.

Finally he started to interact with people from another world.

So that means, until now there was no contact!

This is the thread to watch over Yuuji’s livelihood attentively while only having another world feelings once in a while

Is there really anything to accomplish?!

Repost is prohibited!

The NEET who post the >>900th message must set up the next thread and make the first post!




25: Cool NEET

For the time being, we had definite supply of foods and other necessities

So, let’s decide what plan Yuuji need to take after this

26: Anonymous NEET


Even when the person himself didn’t post anything?

27: Anonymous ETNE

Don’ min’ de small details

28: Anonymous MEAT

Since if the person himself didn’t appear, the discussion could progress faster!

29: Anonymous NEET

Although we could write off his magic power

But Yuuji himself must have strong physical power right?

30: Professor Acorn

To improve harvesting and to cultivate new land

It’s ideal for self-sufficiency

Since we don’t know how reliable the peddler will be

It will be troublesome if he disappeared

31: Well Informed NEET

What kind of knowledge and common sense of another world that we seek

And which knowledge that will be conveyed to the peddler when he return

32: Anonymous NEET

Of course about slaves!

There might be cute girls!

There might also be beast girls!

33: Anonymous NEET

Certainly we are missing a heroine

What the heck is Yuuji doing in another world!?

Where are the Elves? The Beastgirls? The Female Knight?

34: Anonymous NEET

Therefore he needs to go to the town……

But if he goes there, then he couldn’t upload……

35: Anonymous NEET

We are missing many things

Will Yuuji be able to live well like this?......


1Even if Yuuji didn’t, Kotarou would.

2Kabedon… The famous scene from Shoujo Manga…

3In Japanese the poster say: SAFE… nanoka. Safe in the meaning of something that is acceptable or fulfills a criterion. This come from baseball terminology, I think.

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