1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 205: One Final Thing

Chapter 205: One Final Thing

"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him."

-        The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, by Robert A Heinlein

"We wish that in the future we no longer have the need to pay that absurdly high amount of taxes and tributes."

"I approve your wish." 

To their surprise the good lord did not hesitate or frown a single bit and approved them of this wish that in their mind is definitely impossible. 

"Listen, good people!" Antonius stood before the crowd on the altar quieting them down. "From now onwards! Thou shall not need to pay a single ducat to me for a total of five years! I shall not seek anything from you people, mark my word." 

A middle aged woman beneath timidly raised her hand and asked. "O Good lord, thank you for your kindness. But what if those vultures from the west and wolves from the east comes pestering on us with their taxation and tribute demands again?" 

In the wide gapes and inhaling of air Antonius drew out his blade spreading the sound of the cutlass' sharpness throbbing against its scabbard across the chantry and replied looking at it like how he looks at his beloved. "Worry not, lady, if they come, come and find me or any of the captains in charge here, and our blades shall tell those people who to not collect tax from.:" 

However, the middle aged lady did not reply, and kept looking at the thing behind him with a dodgy pair of eyes. Confused, Antonius looked back in her direction and then he realised what she is looking at it is that flag of the Imperial Romanum and the banner of Constantine XI, which means by right he is Constantinople's man and thus he ought to have no authority in stopping the tax collectors from the capital. Realising this he turned back holding his blade and slashed the blade right into the thin wooden stick cutting the two flags down one by one, and then turned back replying. 

"This island is my domain, I do not care whether it is the tax payer from Constantinople, or the Ottoman chieftains from Anatolia, if they want to collect money from my people, they will have to answer my blade." 

The middle aged lady nodded and pinched herself thinking if she is having a dream, and then hastily nodded sitting down. 

"Third wish." Antonius sheaved his blade and turned back to the two elders. 

"My lord, for the third wish, we wish that we, all of us, can have a living to feed ourselves because we know that my lord you will not be providing free meals to us every day." 

"I can hereby ensure you that, if you are not that lazy, you can have a living under my governance." Granted Antonius. "If you want to fish, I can offer you protection in the dangerous seas out there and fresh sails to start with; If you want to farm, provided there are space for agriculture, I can offer you land, tools and grains to sow your first see; If you want to seek work, perfect I have work for you My chief architect, called Orban, have a series of building projects across these isles; For the rest of you who do not know how to fish or farm, come and join the construction projects, for we will be providing free meals and salaries for you." 

Antonius looks back at the elder on the right and asked. "Is this enough to make a living for you?" 

The elder actually have already lost his mind when the lord before him promised to offer land, ships and grains, and is even more shocked when the lord offered salaries for participating in the feudal building projects. As from his fifty plus years of memories no feudal lord would ever do that except, well this one. 

"Yes, far from enough, I thank you, my lord! On behalf of all my neighbours, I do not know how to express my thanks, my lord, forgive me." Seeing the elder on the right not replying gaping wide open gazing at the lord in a disrespectful manner, the elder on the left quickly bowed down thanking Antonius while pulling the cloth of the right making him come back to realisation bowing down as well. 

Antonius nodded and went back before the altar shouting out to every single local beneath him, with two other men repeating after what he has just said making sure the lord's orders are vocalised accurately and clearly to every one's ears. 

"I have granted your three wishes! But just like you said I do not have the habit of giving people free things and asking nothing in return. Here since I granted you your three wishes, I shall also request three things from all of you"

"First, do not steal, rob, rape, murder or do any unlawful and sinful things. If you do any of these above you shall be severely dealt with. Remember that, many of you are once robbed, you ought to know how it feels like." 

"Second, do not settle conflicts or strife by yourself, my men and I would be happy to help you in your matters handling it as court cases, but I do not want to see any private fights or mass brawls."

"Third, obey my rules, obey my laws, obey my instructions. If I asked you to come forward and answer my question or help me do a favour, just come forward and definitely do not attempt to run. If you have not done anything wrong, you do not need to feel afraid of me. Understand?"

"Yes, my lord" A few scattered response came from beneath.

"Louder!" Bellowed Antonius. "Have you not eaten my food! Where are your energy! Come on! Louder!" 

"Yes! My lord!" 

"Good." Antonius clapped satisfactorily. "Now, come out of the chantry, we have one final thing to do."

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