1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 230: Against Sultan's Will

Chapter 230: Against Sultan's Will

Meanwhile Sultan Orhan have just been awaken by the consistent shelling. 

The Sultan ran out of his tent fearing it might be an in camp rebellion by these inobedient war lords, but soon found out that the commotion is from the Rumelian fleet which only arrived less than a day ago. A bit agitated by waking up abruptly from sleep he called for the bey in charge of patrolling this night asking him. "What is going on here, Emin bey?"

"Sultan." The loyal bey kneeled kissing the Sultan's ring and replied. "Perhaps you should see the ambassador of the Rumelian, he says he has a letter for you from the Antonius man."

"Fine, bring him in."

Fisnik is brought in with his arms held by two tall and well built Janissary guard with his head facing up high in like he is a victor. Emin Bey searched through this little man's pouch while making sure he is tightly under control, found the letter and passed it to his Sultan.

Sultan Orhan read through the letter under the torch, at the end he gave a frown and threw the piece of water in to the fire watching it burn.

"Boy, come forward." The Sultan sat down on a chair placed by his guards waving towards Fisnik while forcing a smile on his chubby face. "I have some questions for you, do not be afraid What is all these fuss about? Release this boy, is this is way how you treat my guest?"

The Janissaries released the boy letting off their grips. The boy, showing a profound sedate totally unlike his age, relaxed his arms from the soreness and bowed to the Sultan with his hand on his chest like that of a true diplomat.

"Tell me young man, is my friend Antonius on a hurry? Why did he lead his army off the camp? And why did he not inform me prior to his actions?"

Fisnik replied with a calm tone. "I am sorry, Sultan, but I do not have te authority to answer any questions, and further more I do not know the answer to your questions, perhaps you can wait for a short while, and then my admiral shall finish the siege and come back to you."

Orhan stopped grinning and stared into the pure eyes of Fisnik asking. "Why? You have so much confidence for your admiral? Thinking that he is able to achieve it just over night?"

Fisnik simply bowed with out replying a single word to the chain of questions.

Orhan felt a little bored with this young man wasting his time and questions. He ordered to his Janissaries to bring this ambassador to the guest's tent and await his further orders. Then just as he is about go back into his tent, a chieftain who is worrying that the Rumelian will loot all the wealth and properties when they get into the city first, creeped up to his Sultan and advised whispering. "My Sultan, I have an advice, why don't we attack both the city and the Rumelians once the city walls have been breached? Then we will be able to take the city for ourselves, and without having the need to cede the Peninsula of Erdek, it would be even better if we are able to kill that Rumelian admiral, we can take his."

Sultan Orhan walked away without letting this chieftain finish his words.

The chieftain watches as the Sultan goes back into the tent, stomped his foot biting his teeth, and went away back to his own men.

Antonius' sailors laid their offensive on all four sides of the walls equally spread giving Ibrahim Pasha and the defenders of Izmit even more pressure forcing them to spread out making the already few defenders to a minimum. The sailors soon made it onto the walls and fought hard facing at least three or four blades coming towards him trying to buy time for the next comrade to come up to the walls.

Ibrahim Pasha led his guards scouting through all the defensive positions as a task force like fire waters, extinguishing the resistance of the Rumelian who made it here as quick as possible, always showing up in time to the exact spot where his reinforcement is needed the most.

However, things quickly came to a change, when one after another enormous bear like figures equipped with heavy metal armour armed with war axes and hammers started showing up, it is the Varangians.

Yuri leapt onto the walls first from pressing his hand on the wall, totally unlike a man wearing such a heavy set of plate armour. The presence of these unhuman beasts measuring to a height of staggering eski mil itself gave the Ottoman defenders a visual shock. An Ottoman defender with enough wits took the initiative first charging forward stabbing the beast onto the plate armour openings on the beast's shoulder with his Kilij blade, but instead of the usual feeling his blade tearing through flesh all he heard was an ear piercing 'Ding' sound.

The horror stricken Ottoman soldier looked up towards the face of the man in armour. Through the slips of the bascinet helmet he feels like he could see the menace's eyes  - it is a pair of eyes that only belongs to the Shayn, luminating green lights in the darkness sending a waswasa to his heart exorcising his pure mind replacing it with that of a demon. The demonic iron menace before him bellowed under the helmet cover, reaching his hand covered in gauntlet out gripping onto the Kilij blade, and used it as a medium flinging the Ottoman warrior away down the walls like how he is flinging a piece of rock.

The other Ottoman defenders gulped charging forward attacking this iron armoured beast from all sides but are all simply countered by the sick armour which soon followed by the swinging of the giant's battle axes chopping through these poor men's abdomen, sending their guts and intestines flying out spreading onto the ground covered in the pond of still warm blood, with its owners still crawling on the ground alive living their rest of the time in agony.

Yuri gave these men a spit, then helped another varangian up onto the walls pulling him from the ladder, and briskly walked off to the next battle field. Soon news of the Rumelian having the support of Iblis and Shaitan on their side spread through the Ottoman defenders further diminishing their morales.

In the heat of the battle Ibrahim Pasha ran left and right wielding his blade making one after another dent on it until it can no longer be used, but all of his efforts combined is far from achieving the goal of kicking all Rumelian off the wall. Slowly it is more and more obvious that the Rumelian invaders are going to over run his troops, with the most shocking event happened not long after, the Rumelians took over the control of the Eastern tower, plucking out the commanding flag of Ibrahim Pasha and the white horse flag of Sultan Beyezid, throwing it down the tower replacing it with the war banner of Antonius.

Seeing this the quick minded Julian ordered out to his sailors. "Quick! Shout! Use the usual trick! Shout that Ibrahim Pasha is dead!" This is soon followed by the other sailors and after a while the entire force of Antonius formed a unified voice shouting the sentence "Ibrahim Pasha is dead!" Over and over again. The Ottoman defenders, who are already on the verge of collapse, soon gave up fighting throwing their arms down kneeling their knees down surrendering to the Rumelians.

Ibrahim Pasha could not believe that all of these is happening before his eyes so fast, it is just like an hour back he is still enjoying the night sea breeze patrolling the walls looking after his exhausted men, and an hour later his city is burning covered in blood, his forces putting up their hands capitulating one after another, and even his most faithful blade in his hands in no longer capable of fighting any longer bent and dented, now he has only one question in his mind, what is he going to do now?

He remembered the previous Kapudan Pasha who he saved one and half years ago, what happened to him and the final outcome. He does not want to end up like that man ending up in a pathetic state and getting pinned onto the board of disgrace. With a sigh he pulled out the dagger on his belt wiping the dagger on his hand with a blood clotted linen cloth staring it at with a calm pair of eyes, then suddenly he closed his eyes as he pierced the blade towards his throat, but just as the blade is about to reach his throat, his guard leapt forward slapping the dagger off his pasha's hands then kneeling down urging Ibrahim Pasha not to abandon them and commit suicide, which is one of the biggest sins as taught by the Great Prophet.

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