90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 438: Lesson

Chapter 438: Lesson

At this time, those people who were lucky enough the board the plane and left Japan early on felt that they must have done a lot of good deeds in their past lives for them to escape this life's greatest catastrophe like this.

Except for those who left quickly by planes, the remaining people on land could only cry bitterly.

Some hugged their loved ones, some hugged their friends, some chose to let out a smile, deciding to die happily instead.

Everything that happened in Japan at this moment was quickly spread throughout the world.

"I'm afraid only God can do all this, right?"

"The huge wave seems to have slowed down. After Japan is submerged, it should stop."

A voice came from the Red House in China.

But when the voice fell, all the people in the house were silent.

In addition to a trace of rejoicing on their faces, there was also fear.

At the same time, in their minds, they constantly began to recall if in the recent period, they had done anything offensive to Old Immortal and Ye Bei.


"Japan, once the world's second-largest economy, will die just like this? In less than a minute, it will be completely finished just like that?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the power of that huge tsunami is the greatest in the history of mankind."

"The location of Japan is also one of the keys. It is surrounded by the sea, and the tsunami as the attack, to some extent, the effect achieved is greater than normal."

"Our England is also surrounded by sea."

"Originally, I was going to condemn and impose sanctions on Japan. It seems that the current punishment is the cruelest."

"Then... what should we do?"

"Don't do anything, try to keep a distance from the United States, and if there is a chance, show the humblest attitude to those two people."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Inside the royal palace of England, a middle-aged man and a graceful woman were talking with pale faces, their bodies were trembled from time to time, and at the same time, they worked hard to calm down.


"Japan, it is destroyed like this?"

"Sir, according to the footage sent back from the scene, in the next minute, the tsunami will hit Japan hard."

"Say, are you sure that the tsunami was generated from that ship?"

"According to the results of our analysis, the initial formation of the tsunami was next to the ship. Strictly speaking, it was caused by the Old Immortal who dropped a fish into the sea. After repeated confirmation, there is nothing wrong with this assumption."

"Then... what shall we do?"

"Sir, I don't know this either."

In the United States, the president's expression was very ugly.


Regarding what happened in Japan, even Area 51, which had always been arrogant and arrogant, was frightened.

"After the notification, we will immediately request the United States to deploy all its forces to lay down defenses around our Area 51. No matter what methods are used, we must not let that damn ship approach our side. At the same time, arrange negotiation tools. I will wait later negotiate personally with the people on the ship."

The gray-haired Area Chief was watching the thousands-meter-high tsunami through the screen. After a minute, it would completely submerge the entire land of Japan and become a part of the sea. At this moment, he was completely unable to calm down.

"Yes, sir."

Nearby, a person responded with a trembling voice, and at the same time quickly went to notify the United States.

As for the researchers in Area 51, when looking at the scene on the screen, they were also very scared.

"At the beginning, the U.S. used those two ultimate weapons against Japan, but it was just a little bit of trauma in that city, right? Now, just a tsunami is enough to completely raze Japan to the ground. How strong is that power? Although Japan is very small compared to the US, it is still a country after all."

"If this kind of power is used in the U.S. and our Area 51, I am afraid we also don't have any defense power? At that time, we are very likely to be completely destroyed like Japan too."

"This time, it really caused a huge trouble."

"Trouble is very big, but to be honest, I am more curious about that Ye Bei now. What kind of person can have such terrible power? If this kind of power can be broken down, then how interesting would it be?"

Of course, apart from fear, these weird researchers also held great expectations regarding Ye Bei's power.

Seeing the scene of the terrible height of the tsunami on the screen, their expressions became more and more enthusiastic.

Currently, those freighters and boats on the sea were already swallowed by the tsunami.

The people on the shore could only watch the cruel tsunami helplessly.

The wind generated by the tsunami was also not weak as made people's hair and clothes went backward.

A mother was hugging her child while praying to the almighty God as tears were also oozing out from her eyes and falling onto her child's head.

A man was hugging his dog while facing the tsunami with a smile. In this life, he was contented enough with his pet dog that went through a lot of ups and downs with him.

This scene all fell into Ye Bei's eyes. He saw and noticed every single emotion and expression of these people.

Ye Bei was not a saint who loved to save people blindly, nor was he a killer who liked to kill endlessly, well, at least he was like this now.

He did not plan to destroy Japan from the beginning. He knew that those ordinary people were completely innocent. This time, he just wanted to give them a warning. However, if there was next time, he did not mind destroying it for real.

After putting the wineglass down, Ye Bei whispered faintly.

"This is your first and final lesson!"

That sentence, as if it possessed divine power, traveled the mind-blowing distance on the sea and spread out itself in the whole land of Japan country.

As everyone was grieving for the end of their lives and watching the tsunami that coming over, an extremely magical thing happened.

"Look, what is happening?"

"Huh, what's wrong? Isn't the tsunami coming ov"


In everyone's sight, the fast-moving over two-kilometer-tall tsunami that was about to hit the very ground of Japan magically slowed down greatly. Then as if it was commanded by an invisible, it stopped in place mysteriously.

The raging wind that was blowing earlier stopped blowing. Along with it, the chaotic sound of the tsunami also could not be heard anymore.

Gradually, the giant tsunami reduced its breath-taking height. From over 2 kilometers to less than 2 kilometers, in but the blink of an eye, the tsunami's height died down to only a height of 500 meters. And with another blink, it was shortened to only 200 meters

After a few more seconds, the tsunami that could cover the sky and the entire land of Japan disappeared back into the sea as if it had never been there.

However, what could make everyone confirm that it was not a dream was the fragments of ships and boats alike that were floating on the sea water.

Then before they could say something, a voice came over like it was relayed by the God into the ears of every Japanese.

"This is your first and final lesson!"

"This is your first and final lesson!"


The mother and her child hugging each other and crying were stunned.

The man and his dog were also stunned.

The people who were sitting on plane were stunned.

The high-level people who were escaping frantically via private jets and planes alike were also stunned.

The sky was clear, the sea was calm, but every single person's heart at this moment was in complete chaos.

From this moment on, every Japanese would remember this day and this voice throughout their entire lives and would also record it in the greatest history of Japan

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