90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 452: Take Action

Chapter 452: Take Action

"Uh...Mr. Sheng Bei, is the creature in this transparent coffin really the Nuwa in the myths and legends of China?" Perhaps it was because the atmosphere was a little too quiet, Charad's assistant grew courageous and said to Ye Bei again.

Wang An turned his head slightly and looked at Ye Bei.

Although he already had an answer in his heart, the truth could only be told from Ye Bei's mouth.

"The Western legend says that God created mankind. In the Eastern world, it is Nuwa who created mankind."

"Then this woman?"

"It's just a legend. What the truth is, I'm afraid only Mr. Ye Bei knows."

The five foreigners also appeared curious after listening.

"She is Nuwa!" After being silent for a while, Ye Bei answered indifferently.


After Wang An heard it, even though he had already prepared in his heart, at this time, he still became a little uneasy, "Master, that myths and legends are true? Including, all human beings are all her descendants?"

"Not all." Ye Bei had his hands on his back. When he spoke, he had already turned his body. He didn't look at the coffin anymore as he continued, "Before the birth of Nuwa, there were also humans and everything. But... those creatures could not live so long! They would always disappear completely because of various catastrophes. And for a period of time, the entire earth, except for some plants, no other living things appeared! The whole world seemed to be reborn. On that day, Nuwa was by the river, squeezing out a clay figure with her hands, and then a human being came back to the world."

"Well, where did Nuwa come from since there were no living things in that world?" Charad's assistant suddenly asked such a question, but because he interrupted Ye Bei's words, he realized the situation as he immediately lowered his head.

Fortunately, Ye Bei didn't care about it.

"She is a descendant of a certain figure. When I met her by the river, I was a bit surprised, because before that, I had walked in that barren world for decades and never met anyone. She was the first one that I met." Ye Bei murmured.

When Wang An listened to everything, he felt his heart trembled, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "In a barren world, walking for decades, no living thing can be seen. That kind of loneliness, ordinary human beings simply cannot endure. What Master has experienced, and his state of mind now, ordinary people can't even think about it."

"She created humans and all kinds of things with clay. During those years, I have been paying attention to her. If I am correct, Nuwa has a very close relationship with the answer I am looking for. What a pity, even after many years, she could not find any valuable clues. Until one day, she said that her time limit had arrived. Then, a transparent and sealed coffin appeared directly around her body and absorbed her in."

The information revealed in these words was magnificent.

Wang An, Charad's assistant, the five foreigners, and the bunch of researchers, after listening to it, seemed to feel that they had also experienced that barren era.

"Unexpectedly, all of those are true, then Master, do we need to take her away now? She belongs to China after all."

After a long time, Wang An took a deep breath and said to Ye Bei.

"No need. At first, I put her here. If I really brought her back to China, it wouldn't be so quiet." Ye Bei shook his head lightly. Something was blocking him from searching for the truth, but Nuwa was an important part of the truth.

"Yes, Master!" Wang An bent over, not daring to say more.

Charad's assistant on the side was shocked.

"Mr. Sheng Bei, you said she was placed in our Area 51 by you?"


"How is it possible, why is there no record?"

"I just left it here casually, I didn't tell the Area Chief here at the time."

"Ah? Then what is the relationship between you and Area 51?" Charad's assistant finally couldn't help it and asked.

Outside Area 51, the situation was quite different.

"Hurry up!"

"Enclose everything here!"

"Area 51 is just below, and there is only one exit here. As long as we stick to this place, we will definitely be able to win in the end."

"Everyone, hurry up."

Outside, a senior American dressed as an officer was shouting at a group of officials.

The group of people moved quickly and neatly.

Everyone carried a fierce aura. This breath only had on those who had really experienced the battlefield.

"No matter what Sheng Bei is, in this world, only firearms are the strongest. Even if he is really a god, he will still be killed."

The officer continued to speak.

These arrogant words of his made the officials of the United States had a feeling of enthusiasm.


In addition to the United States.

At this time, other countries also started to take action.

There were also prophecies that this era was about to end, so the disappearance of Ye Bei made the whole world feel unstable.


There was a place that was very peaceful at the moment.


In that luxurious villa, Cheng Shou sat in front of the computer as he was tapping the keyboard quickly.

"Master and Old Master, presumably at this time, they have already entered Area 51. This can be seen from the official strength of the United States gathered on Area 51. What are your thoughts now?" After typing a line and clicking send, Cheng Shou stopped.

"No matter what the world will become, as long as we are still alive, the Old Immortal is faith, and the existence of the Old Master is even more a mythical character. Those guys must pay a price if they dare to do something to both of them."

"Well, I think so too."

"When will we also start to act?"

"My side is ready. As long as Mr. Cheng gives the order, the dark forces in the world will move at this time. At that time, even if it is the United States, they may not be able to win."

In dialog box, lines of text continued to appear constantly.

Cheng Shou looked at it for a while.

In my mind, he remembered the scene when Ye Bei had just came down from Kunlun Mountain not long ago, and the sky was full of snow.

"This world is really amazing. There can still be people like the Old Master!" He said with a slight emotion.

Bang, bang

"Take action."

Cheng Shou's ten fingers then quickly typed these two words on the keyboard and sent them out.

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