A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 1: save lives

Chapter 1: save lives

Chapter 1 Save People

Among the rolling hills, a trail passes through the mountains.

Wei Ruo was walking on the path with a bamboo basket on her back. The weather in early spring was perfect, and the sunset glow reflected on her fair face.

Yunping Mountain is far away for her, but there are many rare wild herbs in the mountain, so it is worthwhile for her to come all the way early in the morning.

After coming out of the trail at the foot of the mountain and turning into the official road, Wei Ruo heard a group of noisy voices not far away.

A luxurious carriage was parked on the side of the road, surrounded by many attendants, there was a great battle.

Wei Ruo stopped, and after thinking for a while, with the mentality that more things are worse than less things, he pretended not to see, bowed his head and continued to move forward.

However, these people still found her. A man in Chinese clothes walked over quickly and stood in front of Wei Ruo: "Where is the nearest medical center?"

The voice is urgent, and the expression is a little scary.

"There is no medical clinic nearby. The nearest one is in the county seat, which is seventy or eighty miles away." Wei Ruo answered with a bow.

"What about Wen Po? Is there a village near here with Wen Po?" the man asked again.


Wei Ruo's answer made the man's face even more ugly.

Seeing that the man stopped asking questions, Wei Ruo didn't want to meddle in other people's business, so he turned around and planned to leave.

Just two steps away, I heard a woman's screams from inside the carriage, and the anxious voices of the maids:

"Madam, hold on, Madam is fine, we will find the doctor soon."

"Foot, I see a foot, what should I do? It's a foot! It's about to kill someone!"

"Water, bring hot water and ginseng tea!"

Wei Ruo frowned and couldn't help but stop.

The person in the car should be giving birth and the situation is critical.

Do you want to take care of it?

Its better not to worry about it, its easy to cause trouble if you manage it, and this group of people doesnt seem easy to mess with!

Just as he decided to continue walking, there was another scream of a woman.

How does this make her go! Life is at stake, as a child!

Wei Ruo glanced back at his bamboo basket, pondered for two seconds, and finally couldn't hold back, and chose to turn around and walk back.

Seeing Wei Ruo approaching the carriage, the followers immediately stopped her.

"I know a little bit of medical skills, and there are some freshly picked herbs in the bamboo basket. If you choose to believe, let me go into the carriage right now, or I will leave now."

Wei Ruo succinctly gave the man two choices.

Answer quickly, if he says he won't treat her, she will turn around and leave immediately, saving trouble!

The man's mind is dumb at the moment, he heard the maid said that he saw the feet, if the feet come out first when a woman gives birth, it means half of her body has entered the gate of hell!

At this time, there was another screaming sound from inside the carriage, hitting the man's heart heavily.

The man has no time to think anymore: "I'll give you a chance to try, keep my wife and children, and the prosperity and wealth are indispensable to you!"

With approval, Wei Ruoda stepped into the carriage.

In the carriage, a gorgeously dressed woman was moaning in pain, with sweat all over her head, and her hands were tightly clutching the maid next to her.

Wei Ruo lowered his head and looked down at the woman. The amniotic fluid had already broken, but the fetus was in an abnormal position and the labor was difficult.

Fortunately, the amniotic fluid has not flowed out, and the fetus' legs have not yet fully entered the birth canal.

Wei Ruo took out a cloth bag from the bamboo basket, which contained acupuncture kits and some commonly used medicines.

Take two dried ginseng slices and take them out for the woman to suck, and tell the maid to get some water, preferably sugar water tonic soup, for the woman to feed.

Wei Ruo comforted the woman: "Don't cry, don't shout, save your strength, I will give you an injection to relieve the pain, and then help you to position the fetus. Don't be nervous, just relax as much as possible."

What? Upright fetal position?

The fetal position is correct at this time?

Do you still need a needle?

The maidservants on both sides turned pale when they heard this.

This is something that the most experienced women in Beijing dare not do! At this time, the fetal position is too dangerous!

Wei Ruo didn't talk nonsense, and quickly washed his hands with the hot water on the carriage, opened the acupuncture bag, picked up the thin and long silver needles, untied the woman's clothes, and accurately inserted the needles in several positions.

After a while, more than a dozen silver needles were stuck on the woman's body, which eased the woman's pain.

Then, under the disbelieving eyes of the two servant girls, they stuffed the child's protruding feet back!

The pupils of the maids trembled, and they almost screamed out.

Wei Ruo then put his hands on his belly, gestured as if doing Tai Chi, and pressed the fetus in the abdomen to rotate slowly.

The two maids in the carriage saw this scene and were once again speechless in shock. The child in their stomach was really moving!

Time passed by minute by minute, and the people waiting outside the carriage became more and more anxious, as if they were being roasted on the stove.

Is that girl really okay?

Can you? What if it doesn't work...how?

God bless, Buddha bless!

An hour later, the cry of a baby broke through the haze that enveloped everyone.

Everyone looked at the carriage in great surprise, and burst into bursts of cheers.

Accompanied by the cheers from outsiders, Wei Ruo in the carriage took care of the child's umbilical cord, and then cleaned up the mother to stop the bleeding.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Wei Ruo let out a long breath, and then dragged his tired body out of the carriage.

As soon as he finished speaking, he could go in and see his wife, the man in Chinese clothes couldn't wait to get on the carriage to see his wife.

After a while, under the reminder of his wife, the man got out of the car and came to look for Wei Ruo. He wanted to thank Wei Ruo and give him a big reward, but found that the woman who had just saved his wife had disappeared...

He clearly promised that woman that he would give her glory and wealth, why did he leave without saying goodbye?

Walking on the small road home, Wei Ruo began to feel pain in the flesh.

Just gave the woman some ginseng slices, and used herbal medicine to stop bleeding. It was worth a lot of money!

Wei Ruo secretly thought, next time something like this happens, she must ask for some reward!

Wei Ruo walked towards home with a bamboo basket on his back. He could finish the journey home in more than an hour, but he exhausted too much energy when saving people, and he couldn't walk the rest of the way.

Three hours later, a separate courtyard appeared in front of Wei Ruo.

This is the place where Wei Ruo lived for ten years: pitch-black tiles, gray walls, chrome-blue bricks, vaguely dilapidated.

Its Qixi Festival, what are you guys doing, Im posting a new article

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