A Chaotic World

Chapter 219: Bloodline Origin

Chapter 219: Bloodline Origin

Blue sky, white clouds.

The scene before Lu Tianzi was nothing like the gloomy weather from just a moment ago.

Lu Tianzi found himself soaring through the endless sky. Strong gales struck him from the front, but it did little to hold him back.

Of course, this was not really Lu Tianzi flying through the sky.

This was a body carrying Lu Tianzi's consciousness as it continued on its path. At the same time, Lu Tianzi had no control over the body at all. All he could do was to look at the surroundings through the body's senses.

Lu Tianzi understood immediately that he was probably seeing the memories of the God of Pestilence, or at least that of its ancestors.

The ground below was at least thousands of metres away, and the sceneries stretched on without end.

This was not the first time that Lu Tianzi had experienced the sensation of flight, but it felt just as liberating as before.

A familiar roar came from above, drawing his attention upwards.

What he saw then caused Lu Tianzi to be dumbfounded for a good few moments.

Hundreds of beasts just like the God of Pestilence were flying overhead, all heading in the same direction as Lu Tianzi. With their massive body size, the hundreds of them blocked out the sunlight when flying above him, casting a shadow over Lu Tianzi.

What the hell!

Lu Tianzi could not help but curse in his mind.

Just a single God of Pestilence had caused him so much trouble. What kind of concept was an entire herd of them?

If antagonised, this group of beasts might even be capable of decimating an entire kingdom!

Despite Lu Tianzi's shock, the body he was in soared upwards eagerly, as though excited to rejoin the rest of its companions.

But just as he approached, a sharp cry akin to that of an eagle caused his body to involuntarily tremble in fear.

Lu Tianzi turned his attention over to the head of the group, where a slightly different looking beast was leading the way.

He was able to recognise this beast immediately.

It was a griffin.

Body, tail, and hind legs of a lion. Head, wings, and talons of an eagle. Its physical size was no smaller than that of the beasts it led.

The griffin naturally emitted an immensely deep and majestic aura that directly penetrated the hearts of any entity near it. This was the reason why Lu Tianzi had trembled in fear earlier.

Even he was not immune to this naturally oppressive aura, unable to stop it from striking fear and reverence into him.

Initially, Lu Tianzi had thought that the griffin's cry was because it was trying to warn him against approaching. But on second look, that was probably not it.

After all, the griffin had not even deigned to look his way.

It was not just Lu Tianzi either.

The griffin did not seem to care one bit about the huge group of beasts that were following behind it.

It almost felt like the griffin was just flying freely, while the entire herd of beasts chose to follow after it out of their own volition.

Perhaps they were taking his lead as a form of guidance, or perhaps they wanted to borrow its presence as deterrence to other beasts.

But in any case, Lu Tianzi's thoughts raced as he looked to the griffin from behind.

Even though he felt a deep sense of reverence towards the griffin, he could not help but feel a keen sense of familiarity with the griffin as well, as though they possessed the same origin.

The more Lu Tianzi thought about it, the more certain he became.

There was no doubt about it.

The griffin must be the origin of the God of Pestilence's primal bloodline!

Primal beasts were beasts that possessed a bloodline that traced back to ancient beasts, making them far stronger and far more dangerous to deal with than regular beasts. The purer their bloodline, the stronger they were.

This meant that these ancient beasts that primal beasts had descended from would only be even stronger, even more dangerous.

With how things looked, Lu Tianzi had a good feeling that this griffin was none other than the ancient beast that preceded the God of Pestilence.

That would explain the seemingly untouchable might that it exuded just by flying nonchalantly.

That would also explain why the entire group of beasts were following behind the griffin, or why the griffin allowed them to follow it without care.

Perhaps they had sensed the familiarity in their bloodlines, and thus did not see each other as enemies.

Wait a minute.

Martial artists could become stronger by assimilating the bloodline of primal beasts.

But the reason why primal beasts were as strong as they were was because they had inherited traces of ancient beasts' bloodline as well.

Since that was the case, couldn't martial artists directly assimilate the bloodline of ancient beasts instead?

Would that not be even more effective?

It might be impossible to get hold of an actual ancient beast, but there were traces of the ancient beasts' bloodline in primal beasts.

As long as Lu Tianzi was able to extract these traces as a separate entity, it should be possible to replicate the blood essence of a true ancient beast!

Lu Tianzi had not seen any concept like this in the Primal Bloodline Absorption Technique Manual, but that did not mean it was impossible.

Since he was already taking a gamble here by looking to assimilate the bloodline of the God of Pestilence into his body, he might as well go one step further.

Lu Tianzi focused on this griffin that flew at the head of the herd, memorising not just every flap of its wing, but every single movement it made.

He was trying to remember the very aura of the griffin, so that he would be able to better identify its traces and differentiate it from the God of Pestilence's blood essence.

His focus was locked solely onto the griffin, so tunnel-visioned that even the surroundings had started to become indistinguishable.

The flow of the wind, the occasional roars, the flapping of his wings, all of it had started to fade out from his senses.

Right now, all Lu Tianzi saw was the griffin, nothing else.

And then, even the griffin started to fade away

Before Lu Tianzi realised it, the scene around him had changed yet again.

He was sitting in a huge valley, with the ground covered in lush grass and beautiful flowers. The World Origin Energy in the surroundings was extremely dense, almost to the point of becoming viscous.

His talons dug lightly into the ground, but just that was not enough to hurt the spiritual grass.

Taking a good look around him, Lu Tianzi understood that he had succeeded.

He was now in the body of a griffin, but that did not serve to calm his nerves.

Because this time, he was once again surrounded by a huge herd of beasts, all of them griffins.

So many ancient beasts actually gathered at a single location?

At this point, Lu Tianzi could not help but feel that his understanding of beasts and this world was far too lacking.

Before today, he would never have imagined that Origin Core realm primal beasts would gather into a herd. But right now before his eyes, over a hundred powerful ancient beasts had gathered at a single location.

The herd of griffins sat around individually, unconcerned about one another.

Some were eating meat, some were sleeping, while some were just looking blankly at the sky. From these beasts, Lu Tianzi could not see even a hint of the majestic aura from before.

But that was also natural.

This time, he was in the body of one of these griffins, so the shell had naturally protected him from the aura that the other griffins naturally emitted.

Even so, that did not change the fact that they were ancient beasts, fearsome entities that possessed an immense level of strength.

Lu Tianzi continued to pay attention to the griffins around him, unwilling to let this chance slip.

Many martial arts had originated from emulating the movements of beasts. Thus Lu Tianzi was similarly trying to observe these griffins, hoping to perhaps learn a thing or two from their movements.

Before he could get even remotely close to gleaning any insights, a sharp cry came from above, drawing the attention of every griffin in the valley.

Just like the rest, Lu Tianzi looked up, and was shocked for the nth time today.

This time, what accompanied the shock was an overwhelming pressure unlike anything he had ever felt.

His legs lost their strength, causing his body to helplessly fall to the ground. His head was forced to rest on the lush grass as he lay prostrate in respect.

Looking around, Lu Tianzi could see that the rest of the griffins had done the same, showing their deference to the new entrant.

With a flap of its wings, the beast made its grand entrance under the gaze of the many griffins.

It casually landed on an elevated rock in the centre of the valley, standing one level above the others as though that was its rightful place.

That was when Lu Tianzi finally got to have a good look at this newly arrived beast.

A griffin.

That was Lu Tianzi's first impression of this beast. Yet it was clearly different from the rest.

For one, its physical size was slightly larger than the other griffins, albeit not by too much.

On top of that, rather than the pair of eagle wings on its back, this newly arrived beast had three pairs of eagle wings, cutting a truly intimidating sight.

Apart from its eyes, beak, and talons, its body was pure white up to the middle half, wings included. From there onwards, the fur on the rest of its lion body was ink black in colour.

It carried a giant serpent in its front talon, having crushing its head with dominating strength. Judging from that, it had probably just returned from a hunt.

Lu Tianzi's mind went blank for a moment.

There was no mistaking it. It was clearly the same sense of familiarity from before.

Without a doubt, this six winged griffin shared the same origin as the normal griffins.


More specifically, just like how the griffin had been the origin of the God of Pestilence's bloodline, this six winged griffin should be the origin of the griffins' bloodline!

The origin of an ancient beast's bloodline just what kind of potential did it possess?

Lu Tianzi had no idea what level this six winged griffin was at, but he could see for himself that just its presence had exuded an overwhelming pressure, enough to make even ancient beasts prostrate themselves before it.

With such an imposing presence, surely it would be nigh invincible in combat!

Lu Tianzi's mind was suddenly filled with greed.

Since he had been able to refine the God of Pestilence's bloodline to extract the griffins' bloodline, perhaps it could be possible to refine it even further?

Rather than continue thinking about it, Lu Tianzi quickly made his decision.

Just like before, Lu Tianzi focused his attention on the six winged griffin.

He had already done this once, so the second time would only be much easier.

The surroundings quickly faded away, leaving only the six winged griffin in his sights. Lu Tianzi observed it carefully, trying to memorise every last of its traits.

But right at this moment, the six winged griffin that had just been casually picking meat out of its meal suddenly turned its attention over towards Lu Tianzi.

Its eyes glinted with caution, as though it was staring straight at an enemy.

Lu Tianzi flinched.

Was it a coincidence? Or did the six winged griffin actually sense his presence?

Before he could think further, this newly acquired attention from the six winged griffin immediately caused the pressure on Lu Tianzi to increase multiple times, pressing his entire body down onto the ground.

Had he not been inside the griffin body but his original body, Lu Tianzi would have already been crushed by this spiritual pressure.

But even with the griffin body as a shell, the torment suffered by his consciousness was no joking matter.

In fact, this pain was far beyond the pressure that he had to endure the other time when the Limitless Reality Mirror showed him the memories of Shafeng, to the point where the two experiences were simply incomparable!

The griffin that Lu Tianzi's consciousness was in screeched in misery, yet remained unable to even lift its head, not to mention attempt to resist.

Seeing how the other griffins seemed perfectly all right, Lu Tianzi felt a deep sense of unease creeping up upon him.

There was no doubt about it.

Lu Tianzi did not know how, but the six winged griffin had somehow managed to detect his consciousness hiding within the griffin.

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