A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 369: Gaining partial comprehension of Metalforce Energy

Chapter 369: Gaining partial comprehension of Metalforce Energy

Once this question surfaced in his mind, Alex's eyes glowed.

"Yea, I think I can do that." He said.

He then recalled how he had used the Heavenly Mystery Revealment God-eyes to surprisingly see how Vitalforce energy, which could also be called Life-Energy, flowed in the bodies of hundreds of millions of mortals in the world in strong currents, weak currents and dying currents, with the following indicating high energy and youthful exuberance, aging elderly mundane people, then extremely sick and weak people on their dying bed respectively.

"Since I was able to vividly see streams of Vitalforce energy, an energy so profound that it has never been cultivated by anyone in the realmverse, flowing in the bodies of those countless numbers of people in every Regions in this Mortal world, I guess I should be able to use the obscurity-unraveling power of the All-Divining Oracle God-eyes to understand the abstruseness of Metalforce energy to a high level, I think."

Once he thought these, Alex nodded his head.

He liked the direction this was going.

He perfectly understood that once he could get this to work, he would be able to use the great revelation power of the myriad divination God-eyes to comprehend fundamentally every type of mystery that he would ever come across, which also included those of normal realm-energies, and then that of realm originforce energies that fearsomely powerful cultivators from the Immortal Stage and above were able to sense and cultivate.

He then immediately got to work after he contemplated that.

While seated in the cross-legged position on the ground of his room and simply thought of activating his Heavenly Mystery Revealment God-eyes, his usual eyes suddenly transformed into peculiar eyes, as strange, enigmatic symbols began to appear on their surfaces. Then a type of formless and dimensionless power to seemingly pierce through every form of mystery and clear away every kind of ambiguousness revolving about almost everything, and to peer deep into the heavenly secrets of the continents and the entire realmverse at large, suddenly came down upon him and fully permeated his mind and body.

Once this happened, Alex felt that he had become an Oracle that could see through all lies and false realities.

"Damn! This Oracleforce energy is unfathomably powerful" He said with shock and reverence in his tone.

He then thought of Metalforce energy in the next instant and said with an unbreakable resolve in his heart "Unravel it mysteries to me!"

Once he uttered that, tens of millions of characters suddenly began to appear in his head. These characters then immediately combined to form words which then merged in the next instant to produce voluminous amounts of phrases that later became huge amounts of texts in his mind.

However, many parts of the numerous, extremely huge and long wall of texts that had appeared in his mind, still seemed to be greatly encrypted to him. Many portions of it were totally indecipherable. But anyways, the God-eyes had seamlessly done it work, which was by revealing the entire mysteries about Metalforce energy to him in the form of texts that he had to seat down and take his time to really understand.

Then this statement which says: 'by revealing the entire mysteries about Metalforce energy... ', it simply meant that the God-eyes had shown Alex how he could cultivate the Metal-Control energy from the lowest cultivation stage which was the Entry stage, up to the stage just below the ultimate stage which was the Master of Realms stage, since this stage is the stage where hundreds of myriad originforce energies will be unified into a whole and then fused to form the supreme, ultimate energy called the 'Genesis Realmforce Energy'.

So, it was because of this reason that some of the enormous walls of texts that had now branded themselves to his memory, still seemed very enigmatic to him, since the profundities of Metalforce energy, right from cultivation of it from the Grand Saint Emperor stage and up to the Supreme Alpha Eternal stage, which could also be called the Master of Realms stage, had been fully revealed to him.

Therefore, Alex definitely won't be able to understand them, since even as that revelation power of the God-eyes revealed the entire abstruseness of Metalforce energy to him, he still had to do his own part to totally comprehend them.

However, attaining cloudless comprehension of the energy would now be slightly easy for him, since he now had something to cross-reference his understandings of the energy with, anytime he tried to cultivate the energy from whatever cultivation stage that he would be in.

"Well, I should still be able to work with the amount of understanding that I now possess till the Grand Saint Emperor stage where I would have to start comprehending those massive walls of cryptic texts to further advance my comprehension level. But meh, nothing truly comes for free." Alex said with a deeply bittered tone in his voice.

He had been thinking that the Heavenly Mystery Revealment God-eyes would completely breakdown the mysteriousness of Metalforce energy into massive numbers of fully-detailed bits of information for him. But alas, it slightly disappointed him.

He then strongly felt in the next moment that perhaps the Revealment power of the God-eyes wanted him to work for his comprehension, and not be served it on a massive platter of gold. And that it wanted him to probably develop his deep-thinking and comprehension skills, which was why it produced a partial comprehension of Metalforce energy for him, and not the complete one.

"But that's bad. Well, what can I do? It's not like I can really complain and whine about it to anyone. Haha!" Alex said and grinned.

Then based on the low-level comprehension of Metalforce energy that have now been indelibly branded to his mind, he tried to resume his cultivation of the energy.

As soon as the God-eyes reverted to his usual human eyes, Alex closed his eyes once again and shut them tight.

Then following the cultivation method of Metalforce energy from a Trinity Methodology called Unparalleled Chaotic Metal Manipulation methodology, which he had in his possession long ago, he started his cultivation of Metalforce energy.

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