A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 373: Large tentacled monster?

Chapter 373: Large tentacled monster?

"What the fuck is going on?" Someone in a house within the city that Alex was in asked with shock in his tone.

Then when he rushed out to see what was happening, he could see cracks spreading extremely fast from somewhere to his place which then passed his place in the next instant and extended to many other places that were very far away.

"Oh heavens!" He shouted with shock in his tone.

"Is a beast trying to come out from within the ground?" He asked.

The question that he asked himself were also asked by many other people who had extreme degrees of horror set into the hearts.

At this time, instructors and principals from different academies, and then their founders who were available, had shot into the air to understand what was really happening in their cities, since they also felt that perhaps some horrifyingly enormous tentacled beasts were trying to break out from deep within the earth.

Then they swiftly got ready for the most intense and deadliest battle of their lives. Same with many government officials who had shot out of their government-award residences to battle the beasts that seemed to want to break out from the massive expanse of land that their city was found upon. 

However, the innumerous deep cracks which had actually passed through thirty states and shook them to their cores that lots of houses and buildings started crumbling down into rubbles, unexpectedly stopped in the next moment. It was like the raging ginormous beast which was in possession of thousands of tremendously long, massive tentacles which they clearly imagined that it wanted to furiously break out from the vast lands their states were found upon, had quit and gone back to rest at an inaccessible place deep within the earth. 

"It has stopped?" A government official asked the other beside him.

"I think so too. But what kind of primitive beast dwells deep in the earth that our state is upon? We have to do something about this, or when it comes out with full force another time, we would all be destroyed." The government official spoken to said with horror in his tone as he could vividly imagine the beast breaking out one day and starts using it tentacles to destroy and ravage everything in its path.

The other government official looked at him with a type of gaze that clearly expressed 'What kind of moron is this fool?'

"What's with the annoying look now?" The government official gazed at asked with annoyance in his tone.

"So, you want us to go fight a beast that will kill all of us in an instant with only it tentacles? I don't think you understand how massive the beast would be? Such behemoth beasts can only be faced by powerful cultivators. But if you believe that you have the powers and prowess to fight and conquer it, you can go right ahead to do so. I, my government, and the other governments overseeing the affairs of other states will surely support you in marveling deadly quest." The government official said while the other one just shook his head and flew away from his side back to his residence which had developed many cracks in it surface and gave the definite feeling that it would collapse into bits in the next moment.


"Let's return since it has stopped. But we would have to call upon the help of powerful experts from an Oververse to come help us, since the more terrific experts that reside the Greatverse wouldn't come to help us, no matter how much we would raise to pay them." Another government official of another state said to a colleague that was behind him.

"Yea. I guess that is what we would have to do. All the states would have to form an alliance and then try to raise the money that would be paid to the experts from the Oververse so that they can come help us in time. I fear that this scary gargantuan beast that only showed it presence until now, might break out from within the earth sometime in the nearest or farthest future and cause millions of deaths to happen in its path of destruction and carnage." The government official said with terror in his eyes and in his heart.


At the moment, Alex had already fainted and fallen into a sixty-feet deep crater that suddenly formed where he stood. This was caused by the power of Earth Control that erupted from those God-eyes that had appeared and caused the ground that he stood on to rapidly spread open in a circular pattern for many meters, making it seem that where he stood on was actually the massive maw of a colossally vast beast that had the appearance of earth.

And, this was why the intense trembling and cracks that spread to many states stopped. 

Since Alex had fainted and his eye-lids had shut close, the unguided God-eyes that released the power to move mountains, the vast earths, and the world as a whole, were forced to cease unleashing their inherent, earth-controlling powers and then revert back to his normal human eyes. 

However, after thirty minutes of being unconscious in that crater, Alex finally woke up, but with a massive headache that caused him to fall back to the ground and grab his head really hard like something wanted to burst out of his skull. Actually, he was inflicted with the most intense headache that he had never felt before in his life. It was so excruciating that Alex could actually pick death at that moment just to be free from the greatly agonizing pain that he was suffering. And surprisingly, the ache didn't lessen, causing Alex to grit his teeth really hard and roll about on the floor of that crater with intensely red eyes, while thick green and blue veins could be seen bulged out all over his face, neck and arms, completely ruining his epic handsome look as it made him appear as a hideous, insane person.

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