A Depressed Kendo Player Possesses a Bastard Aristocrat

Chapter 95.2: Shatter, Scatter, Hate (11) Part 2

Chapter 95.2: Shatter, Scatter, Hate (11) Part 2



I woke up alone, shrouded in darkness.

My blurry vision struggled to make sense of the ceiling above.

As I clenched my fist, the weight of reality crashed down on me, and I couldn't help but let out a breath that was a mixture of despair and resignation.



It was reality again.

I tried to gather my scattered thoughts, desperately clinging to the last shred of my sanity.

I gritted my teeth.

Countless nightmares and seizures had chipped away at my mind, leaving me broken and exhausted.

-Naru, look out!

-I'm sorry, Naru... It seems like... I have to leave for a while...

-From today on, Lee Ji-hye is gone.

-I don't understand.

Painful memories from the past flashed before my eyes, each one a searing reminder of my losses.

I felt like I was suffocating, drowning in a sea of grief and regret.

"Ugh... ugh..."

My breaths came in ragged gasps, my head spinning as if my brain was about to melt.

I thrashed against the invisible restraints that held me captive.



Why did I have to suffer like this?

All I ever wanted was a small piece of happiness.

Was that too much to ask?

No one ever gave it to me.

Nothing was ever meant for me.

I struggled to stay afloat, to escape the agonizing pain that felt like my very being was being carved out and burned alive.

"Ugh... gasp..."

I wanted to run away.


I couldn't take it anymore.

If this was the 'life' I was destined to live, a life filled with nothing but pain and rejection, despite my best efforts...

Then I was done.

I wanted to let go.

...I wanted peace.


It must have been a coincidence.

As I was consumed by these dark thoughts, my gaze fell upon the rope that bound me.


With a flick of my wrist, I freed myself from the restraints.

I gathered the loose ends of the rope in my hand. And then...

...It must have been a coincidence that I found myself tying them together, forming a noose.


Meanwhile, the confrontation in the living room raged on.

"Lady Lishite... P-Please..."

"I told you to get lost. Or do you want me to skewer you all together?"

Ariel's spear glinted menacingly in the dim light.

Just as she was about to advance on Allen, shoving Eivy aside, a strange sound drifted in from the bedroom.


It was an unsettling noise, a cross between a whimper and a choked gasp.

"What was that...?"

A wave of unease washed over Ariel and Rachel.

They exchanged a worried look and rushed towards the bedroom.


"Young master! Are you alright?!"

"Brother! What's wrong?! We heard a strange sound..."

They threw open the door and frantically searched for Raiden, their voices laced with panic.

But the words died in their throats as their eyes fell upon a horrifying sight.

Their faces drained of all color.

"Gah...!! Ugh..."

Raiden was suspended from the ceiling, a rope tied tightly around his neck. His legs twitched spasmodically, his dark eyes had lost their focus, and his breath came in ragged gasps.

This was the scene that greeted the horrified gaze of the girls.

He had tried to hang himself.

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